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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. bowhunter4life

    Turkey 2011

    That is strange, I just deleted a bunch of post. Thx!!
  2. bowhunter4life

    Aaryn's second back to back youth pig hunts

    Congrats! way to stick it out and some good shooting!
  3. bowhunter4life

    My First Archery Turkey!!

    Way to shoot straight while keeping your dad calm while you hammered that awesome tom!
  4. bowhunter4life

    Happy Easter!

    A-men, Happy Easter!!
  5. bowhunter4life

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    128 6/8
  6. bowhunter4life

    Pedestal Wall Mount Finished

    beautiful mounts! congrats on an archery speed goat!
  7. bowhunter4life

    texas retreat

    We had an awesome time in Texas, truly a fun place to visit and hunt. I was lucky enough to shoot this 19" blackbuck antelope. Thank goodness for some coues experiance, I used the treestand set up after learning the ranch layout, trails and acted if I was hunting coues deer and this monark met his match as he had no clue I was there waiting...
  8. bowhunter4life

    texas retreat

  9. bowhunter4life

    Lucky Loser!!! Win some free stuff...

    I will be applying...
  10. bowhunter4life

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    must be carma for all your time away serving our country!
  11. bowhunter4life

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    just more points..... some day
  12. bowhunter4life

    Chino Grande Ranch 19B

    so what happens like many of us that never put a 3rd chose in for lope due too all tags gone in 1st & 2nd rounds, will they allow us to add a new 2nd chose before the draw? By them removing a 1st or 2nd chose "19b no longer" G & F should be entitled to allow all applicants to add a new alternitive hunt number.
  13. bowhunter4life

    Awesome Tine repair!

    Beautiful euro!, the game room is looking great!
  14. I also pre paid for some books, When I called them, they told me they had a few issues and the book was delayed. I was told they are planning their banquit this summer to give the awards. The book should be sent to all that pre ordered around the 1st of April, as I was told. I have their other books and am looking forward to having the new one.
  15. bowhunter4life

    AZGF will be back in to lawmaking in 2011

    really?? Have you thought this through What you are saying, it is also ok to ban baiting for fishing... No More No more CORN for all types of fish, worms for all fishing, minnows for crappie, power bait for trout, anchovies for stripers, no catching shad for bass, no more catching sunfish for flatheads, no more stink baits for channel cats, Where does it end............... Have you seen all the talk from the non fishing ainti-groups, wanting to stop fishing? don't be fooled every time something is removed it is one step closer to being just a something we used to be able to do.
  16. bowhunter4life

    AZGF will be back in to lawmaking in 2011

    Hopefully, this information may be somewhat useful as you consider this discussion. The many different views posted in this thread are not unlike what the agency has heard from the public. Baiting has many benefits and challenges, but in addition to public input, the Department also tries to weigh the risks documented in the scientific literature. Salt was not going to be part of the proposed baiting ban last time. I am not on this team, so do not have first hand knowledge of their discussion currently, but as I said, it will be public and should not catch anyone by surprise. Watch for the rule review report. Rulemaking may or may not follow. Brian Wakeling Game Branch Chief Arizona Game and Fish Department Thank you Brian for your time, Can you explain what "benefits and challenges baiting" has specifically for AZ? What documented, “risks in the scientific literature” that have been performed specifically for Arizona big game animals? Can you also explain, All we have been told, preached over the last 8-10 years from the Az. G & F is “hunter recruitment, retention.” Many have us have adopted this philosophy and support this movement. Now the Department want to take away a key element of hunter retention by taking away a type of hunting style, method. I know most people think this is strictly a bowhunting deer issue for certain units, but we all know this is a multitude issue for all types of hunters. Many youth, disabled hunters and new hunters will be affected by this type of rule change. As the Department has seen over the last 5-10 years tag application numbers continue to decrease due too many options to spend limited dollars. All these type of rule changes affect your Departments philosophy on “hunter recruitment, retention.” Why would you want to eliminate more future hunters or existing hunters from a decreasing sport? Thanks, Mike
  17. bowhunter4life

    Poll: For or Against

    Plus 1 I am against any new law that is given without true facts stating an impact. All "assumed" numbers of actual harvest of how they were taken." based on a 20% allocation of rifle tag success, when they use a return survey card that is about 40% return rate of successful hunters." Without making all big game mandatory harvest reporting, we are only guessing what the true harvest numbers are.
  18. bowhunter4life

    looking to buy a ground blind

    try the primos eclipes blinds, very good for the $129 they charge
  19. bowhunter4life

    Custom Calls

    Marv was the best turkey hunter I have met! Glad to see that someone is still running his business!!! This guy was the greatest Turkey Hunter in the southwest!!! Yes he was,He is missed dearly! His turkey chapter, valley long beards are keeping his yearly tradition alive. We will have many of his calls for sale.
  20. bowhunter4life

    Custom Calls

    Timberline Turkey calls are from Az, You can pick some up during the local turkey chapter/ Desert Christian Archers annual turkey seminar Mrch 15th 7:00 PM at Calvery Church I-17 between Cactus and Thunderbird. http://www.desertchristianarchers.com/
  21. bowhunter4life

    BHH at Mormon Lake for 2011

    yes that is wonderful news. Welcome back!
  22. bowhunter4life

    Endorse your Favorite AZ Businesses!

    Picked up one of your copies at the expo, very impressive! I will be using it!
  23. bowhunter4life

    30 days away

    Well were with in 30 day of the elk draw and all we have to do is take a few more night time naps and dream of big bulls
  24. bowhunter4life

    Have you used this cam?

    only for a throw away cams at popular places, not much quality
  25. bowhunter4life

    snow in the Silverbells
