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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. bowhunter4life

    Need a drywaller for a side job

    Call Bill 623-680-6484, he has done all my drywall.
  2. bowhunter4life

    Rage Boradheads

    You are correct, he has donated the rage broadheads to our coues contest, and is a member of our site. I have pm-ed him a few time when I won them.
  3. bowhunter4life

    My 2011 Archery Coues

    good job Adam, way to stick it out!
  4. bowhunter4life

    the stand off

    this was a pretty cool picture, funny how the fight was on to see who would win the salt! sometimes, I wish I left the video mode on to see the battle....
  5. bowhunter4life

    My First Buck!

    wooooweeeee, oh my, 1st a javelina, then a tom turkey and now a coues all with a bow in 2011. Are you sure you are only 11???? Chuck Adams, watch out, you met your match
  6. bowhunter4life

    got one!!

    a beautiful archery buck! congrats on a true trophy!
  7. bowhunter4life

    g5 quest for sale

    pm sent
  8. bowhunter4life

    Married Man

    congrats with your new bride! life is good
  9. bowhunter4life

    Antler growth

    them bucks going to have the potential!
  10. bowhunter4life

    colected one of my cameras today

    that buck is what dreams will be made of, another 30 days and it will be show off time
  11. light weight Sentloc with face mask, gloves with knee high rubber boots, the last 6 coues bucks never saw the arrow coming.... alway have your stand up hill were you plan to shoot! = wind direction, remember the sun will push the wind
  12. bowhunter4life


    I did the same, shot muzzt for 10 plus years, they are great. The rage are great on small big game up to Coues, mule deer. I have had great results with them this last year all 5 critters going less then 40 yards with great blood to follow. I would still use the muzzy on elk and above, or hogs in Texas. I would not shoot a rage through mesh
  13. bowhunter4life

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7-21-11 11:30am
  14. bowhunter4life

    Flatline Maps 1/2 Price!!

    Thank you! Amanda, the new system of sending e-mails to us when items become availible is great. I received the e-mail about the maps, followed the link and ordered. That process makes it very easy to order an items when it is so easy to access and order.
  15. bowhunter4life

    Wife's 2010 opening morning archery buck

    beauitul buck! congrats.
  16. bowhunter4life

    Flatline Maps 1/2 Price!!

    so how do we find out if our order was completed? I also ordered 2 maps last week
  17. bowhunter4life

    Got my Lion Back

    that is a great mount! I love the close mouth look!
  18. bowhunter4life

    New Bowhunting DVD added to store

    just finished watching it, I enjoyed the real life home made video. It was awesome to see the passion for our coues deer deer in Az.
  19. bowhunter4life

    Tree stand hunting

    Geno nailed it! always aim low at the arm pit.
  20. bowhunter4life

    New Bowhunting DVD added to store

    plus 1, just ordered mine.
  21. bowhunter4life

    5 wheel hitch

    Decided to see my receiver 5 wheel hitch,
  22. bowhunter4life

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

  23. bowhunter4life

    Huntin' Fool Magazine

    another vote 4 u
  24. bowhunter4life

    That was the BEST LA Laker game I have ever seen!!!

    great to see the cry baby coby gone!
  25. bowhunter4life

    Air Conditioner Repair (I need a reputable referral)

    our very own JNOBLE, on this fourm is great! Send John a PM Noble air