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Everything posted by bowhunter4life

  1. bowhunter4life

    8 for 10 in Unit 18B general rifle! Big Pig winners announced!

    Another great year for AWA, congrats!
  2. How was the auction, I think also bowhunting in Az records was there also?
  3. bowhunter4life

    270 ammo, brass

    I cleared the PM box, sorry, let me know
  4. bowhunter4life

    270 ammo, brass

    I found 2 new boxes plus 2 1/2 boxes empty brass of Remington 270 core lock while cleaning the safe. 1st $25 bucks can have it.
  5. bowhunter4life

    270 ammo, brass

    Sorry, but sold a long time ago, I just checked and if anybody has interest. I have 4 boxes of 30-06 in 150 & 180 grain. $60 Also found half box 22-250 100 grain $10
  6. bowhunter4life

    Fellowship of Christian Hunters

    Yes, this is a greoup group of Christian outdoorsmen for all people and not just bowhunters. I am also in! Mike
  7. bowhunter4life

    JAred's 1st archery javelina

    After chasing them during the archery season. It all came together during our HAM hunt. My son Jared 1st archery shot and it was a good one. Another proud day as dad! Sorry in advance for arrow pic..
  8. Very good topic, seemed like we are always learning something new. As for me, I also had a close call this weekend. After getting home and unloading the truck. It was laundry time, well after unloading the dryer. My wife noticed something laying there, seems I forgot to remove a 243 bullet from my camo pants pocket. Kinda shocked it lasted a complete cycle throught the dryer. Looks like the Core Lock Ammo is made to last!
  9. bowhunter4life

    Need a new ac/heater roof unit

    Contact Jnoble here on the forum,he owns Noble air and done an outstanding job with my AC. Mike
  10. bowhunter4life

    ISE Show Special

    I stopped by today to drewl... Very nice stuff! I think I liked the javelinas the best, very well done!
  11. bowhunter4life

    1997 Polaris 500 sportsmen

    1997 4x4 500 polaris $1500 Used with some minor issues, due to age. PM me if you want all details.
  12. bowhunter4life

    Fall away rest

    AAE Cavalier Avalanche fall away rest Extreme model, new in box. $40 Thanks! Mike
  13. bowhunter4life

    Draw Odds Calculator

    bowhunter4life, on 11 Feb 2013 - 19:45, said: ok, one last one, 19a pronghorn 1st hunt. 10 points Ok maybe two, my daughter said she tired of waiting to hunt elk, so 4 points, 22 oct cow and 22 youth cow. Thanks, Mike 19A Rifle - 3% 19A Archery - 13% 4 Bonus Points pretty much gets you your pic of cow hunts. One thought about the 22 youth hunt, it is in Nov. so no bugles. I would go with 3A/3C, 1, 4A, 6A (although I have heard it has gotten tougher) in that order and then 22, 23. I know I am over stepping the realm of my expertise but figured I would throw my .02 in there. Thanks for the info, I understand about 22, But I do have some areas of interest. Great point about the youth hunt in Nov? ThX
  14. bowhunter4life

    Another big Tom treed!

    Sweet picture, what a Tom!
  15. bowhunter4life

    Draw Odds Calculator

    ok, one last one, 19a pronghorn 1st hunt. 10 points Ok maybe two, my daughter said she tired of waiting to hunt elk, so 4 points, 22 oct cow and 22 youth cow. Thanks, Mike
  16. bowhunter4life

    Questioning the afterlife

    All, Some awesome comments and many are so true. I have also lived on both sides of the bench, but once you have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. All thing things seem to make since, I agree reading the bible daily will truly makes a huge difference. Check out Sportsmen's daily devotional http://www.sportsmensdevotional.com/ it really helps everyday struggles and off the wall thoughts to keep us focused and allowing us to get into God's word. Another great suggestion was having some close Christian friends and going to church on regular bases. Make sure it is a good bible based church with no strings attached as we all live by grace through Jesus dying for all of our sins. If you ever just need to talk or ask crazy questions PM me, and I will do my best to give the truth. Mike
  17. bowhunter4life

    2007 Polaris Sportsman 500 4x4 EFI

    Thanks, I am selling my 1997 sportman 4 x4, as soon as it sell and if you still have it. I will be in touch.
  18. bowhunter4life

    2007 Polaris Sportsman 500 4x4 EFI

    How long have you had it, are you the original owner? ThX
  19. bowhunter4life

    Draw Odds Calculator

    Thanks! that is what i wanted to see! I have 13, so we will see if it is true! Was it based on 2012 or 2011? Thanks Mike
  20. bowhunter4life

    Draw Odds Calculator

    Thanks Flatlander! Can you tell me what the magic number is for archery 9 and archery 23n? Also are they using the 2012 results? ThX
  21. bowhunter4life


    Where did you find this wording? It has changed since the commission vote.....
  22. bowhunter4life

    Thoughts on Cabelas 12x50 Euros

    I have both 12 x 50 and 10 x 42 for the last 5 years. We have compaired them against the ski's and others, and would put them very close to the higher optics, I would highly recommend them, plus a lifetime warrenty. The good news is take them out if you don't like them, take them back. I think for what your going to spend, you can have 2 pairs of each size for price of one.
  23. The facts as of today. Another sad day for AZ outdoodsmen! This will be the 1st of many more to come.... Boquillas1.pdf
  24. bowhunter4life

    I had my doubts

    Very nice, way to stick it out, congrats!!
  25. bowhunter4life

    What's next G&F??

    No they will not go to a draw for archery hunters, starting next year, we no longer have mandatory reporting for deer.