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Everything posted by huntjunkie

  1. huntjunkie

    How close would you let it get?

    Sorry for the delay! Trying to figure out this friggin Mac.
  2. huntjunkie

    good quality light weight rain gear

    Cabela's Dry-Plus® Space Rain™ Ultra Pack Rain Not a $150. I don't know if they sell it in women's. I bought it a few years ago and love it. Its super light and compact. Fits into a bag the size of a soda can(top in one and bottoms in another)Its as quiet as I could find for the $$. I can put it on without taking off my boots. I was on a wilderness elk hunt and it rained for 3 days straight. I went hunting every day all day and kept dry. ( except for hands and feet) I would go through thorny brush with it! I tore a hole in the pants and Cabelas warranty is awesome. They will exchange it no questions asked doesn't matter when you bought it. Cabelas Brand only.
  3. huntjunkie

    Trail camera thiefs

    Video will be all the proof I need, trail cams do that sort of thing. As for the question of finding an officer who will actually charge the scum, well I have that one covered too. Usually cops take reports ,write tickets and make arrests based on evidence ... A complaint would be filled out by you the victim and this is the process that would bring charges to a person that you write the complaint against. So you are the one bringing "charges":.... Yes the state can and does "pick up" cases and file their own charges but it would be highly unlikely the state would get involved prosecuting something like this unless it involved other more serious charges! The burden of proof woulod be completly on you to prove the loss , the value, ownership and all the other details like the exact location where the crime occured , the exact time, who put the camera there , pictures of the site before and after the alledged theft ect the trail of evidence has to be bullet proof sorry to say video and pics of some guy picking up a camera is not enough yes they are great to have but not enough to win a case like this .... Don't get me wrong I would love to see you prosecute the person who removed your camera from where you left it out on public land unguarded for extended periods of time! Yea what i am saying here probably P'S you off ..... Bottom line is it'a public land it's no different than if you mounted your trail cam on a tree in a park in downtown pheonix and came back two weeks later to find it "missing".......Now go find a cop who will thow the "theif" in jail... You may be the one who gets arrested for placing suspicious devices in a public place! Go run out the door of sportsmans with a trail camera in hand! Hummm...., the cops would have your a$$!!! They would loose the same amount of $ as everbody else loosing a camera. But suddenly its a CRIME!! It's BS! Stealing is stealing! Period! Public or private NO difference...Hang em at high noon!
  4. huntjunkie


    Whoa! Your not kidding. That's awesome! Better have your head on a swivel walking through that place! From my experience when bears are feeding they really to pay attention to what's going on around them. What a honey hole!
  5. huntjunkie

    Trail camera thiefs

    Hang em High frontier man see what that gets ya! Yea its kinda strange LE,FS,BLM and AZGFD hide behind the law when it comes to removing our gear from the field and not one of the CS gmen has the aingst to discuss it on here! That LEO was on the other topic about hunting with the aid of vehicles and was infomative but it is a relatively safe topic for them..... Take note none of the LEO,or other Gmen will make comment per unwritten verbal directives avoiding this red herring! F'n cowards !!!!!! Yep! The "law" now days protects everyone but the victim!
  6. huntjunkie

    Trail camera thiefs

    You'd suprised who you talk to on the internet and what they do in their hobbies. Its also rediculously easy to set up a simple command prompt in an .exc file that can cause you problems for hours (if you know what you are doing, otherwise it make take much much longer), stepping it up to mess with other files (like say, of SyS32, or restore points to mess with them later) is just as easy. Espesially because you are just wanting to cause problems, and not monitor the actual computer. Ahh..... This a redneck site, I ain't understand a word you just spoke! I thunk you said, they wanna mess with your cumputer.
  7. huntjunkie

    Big Bear?

    Where's the pics? I wanna see...
  8. huntjunkie

    Lots of bears

    Good variety to choose from! I like the brown/tan one. (2nd pic) good luck! Can't wait for the pictures.
  9. huntjunkie

    Rhino 650 gps radio?

    Hey racer I'm standing in sportsmans in Mesa and they have 3 rhino 650 left. $500 on sale for $379
  10. huntjunkie

    Mongo the bear

    Do ya a straight on picture? Man.... I've stared at these pics for a while. All the signs are there. I think he's a really good bear! Look at the head. Short thick snout, ears are short and stubby and their far back on the skull. Look at the distance between his eyes and ears. The pic facing away his ears are pretty far apart. He's got a straight back not rounded like young bears. Thick neck. I love the third picture, kinda has a hump like a grizzly. Front leg forward I think he's a tank.
  11. huntjunkie

    Mongo the bear

    If ya get more pictures of him please post! That looks like an older bear. From this picture I bet he would score high. A little scraggly,but a good bear!! I wouldn't pass!
  12. huntjunkie

    Looking for...

    You too! Dang!
  13. huntjunkie

    Looking for...

    He said we would have change.
  14. huntjunkie

    My Sons 2011 junior hunt mount

    Wow! Very Nice! But the best part are the memories!
  15. huntjunkie

    My new hunting partner

    Looks like a blast!! Hope to have a hunting dog some day. Good lookin hound.
  16. huntjunkie

    Looking for...

    Planted a money tree. I'll let you know when it's producing!
  17. huntjunkie

    Results Are Out!

    23 Dec Coues! Took 7 yrs.
  18. huntjunkie

    Rhino 650 gps radio?

    Oh, For me the one unit is the only way to go! Less weight, more room in your pack. The only disadvantage that I see is if you forget it or lose it or break it your out both.
  19. huntjunkie

    Rhino 650 gps radio?

    I have the 530 its a few years old. Honestly it's the best piece of equipment I've ever bought that I carry in my pack. I was recently in sportsmans recently looking at the 650 which has a few less features than my 530. I thought that was a little weird. But the topo detail is slightly better. I would buy the 650, you might be disappointed in the 610. Not saying its bad. Buy the best if you can afford it. If not wait till next year. Around May the "new" modles come out. Sportsmans puts em on sell. This year they were $150 off if I remember correctly. As for battery life I get about 2 days worth. You can buy a car charger. Also I went to Cabelas and they sell a non rechargeable battery pack that holds 4 AA's. Get longer life out of AA's. This is all I use now. Don't forget to charge it, no big deal. I do a lot of wilderness hunting and AA's are super convenient. Not sure if the new ones are the same but check it out. Look it up on the garmin web site first. As far as radio reception, I've used it over the 5 mile mark no problem. Elk hunting in CO a few years ago we had communication 2 miles away and we were in the bottom of different canyons. So it can be very good. Good luck.
  20. huntjunkie

    Score this deer!

    Big enough to be on my wall! Very nice buck!
  21. huntjunkie

    G&F Updating Website

    That's funny right there I don't care who ya are?!
  22. huntjunkie

    G&F Update Regarding Draw Results

    "Game and fish can only do so much", really...?! its Bush's fault, the past 8 yrs, they inherited it! These are better excuse. Come on?! Why have all the other states figured it out???? You keep doing the same thing you'll get the same result. I'm not attacking you so dont take it that way. This current system is unacceptable. For many reasons.
  23. huntjunkie

    Mechanical or Fixed Broadhead

    +1 Every thing I've shot with the G5 montec has never gone more than 50yrds. On my bear and deer I found my arrow stuck in the mountain 20 yrds behind where they were shot. Shot placement, shot placement, shot placement! But things happen. Like....bone that will deflect, break, twist, etc. Reducing cutting effectiveness and in some case complete failure. construction on one piece BH reduces that and allows the BH to cut as effectively as possible as long as possible. If you don't get complete pass through then it just sits in there and grinds away as the animal moves,cutting even more. I love the one piece construction, almost indistructable. Very little room for failure. Unlike other broad heads. I lost a bear 2 yrs ago to a 4 blade replaceable BH(yes they were tightened I'm very paticular)The bear pulled the arrow out. When I found it 2 blades were gone, still in the bear. 1 blade was bearly ( ha, ha) hanging on severely broken and fatigued. Obviously worthless and the last remaining blade was still in place but twisted.
  24. huntjunkie


    Good one!!!