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Everything posted by huntjunkie

  1. huntjunkie

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    I'm just glad you didn't say planning a bear hunting trip and arranging time off from work, only to have my moron buddy screw up his knee in an ATV accident just before hand, thus screwing up the whole thing. Just don't let it happen again! Alright! I'll forgive you this time.
  2. huntjunkie

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    +1 on being late! This is one of many, 4 yrs ago I drew a really good elk tag (archery)in NM. We had locate some bulls that morning and decided to come back that evening. During the middle of the day we split up and agreed to meet up a SPECIFIC time. So I get there early(hey what a concept) hoping he would do the same so we could get set up. Well the time comes and... he's late. Screw it, so I head out. Turns out I get into a herd and the herd bull( a 340 class bull) is on fire!! He was stepping all over my calls! A LITTLE HELP WOULD BE NICE! Never closed the deal. So AFTER dark we meet back at camp. Dude! Where were you?! His response, "out hiking" WTF!!!! Brothers! What do you do......?
  3. huntjunkie

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I support salt licks, that means I only have to add pepper to my game meat!
  4. huntjunkie

    Matthew or Hoyt

    Whatever bow feels the best to you. They will all kill. +1 on shoot a bunch. I shoot a 7yr old Matthews and it will kill and thing the new ones will. Not saying the new ones are really nice. I try not to get wrapped up in all the hype of the latest and greatest. But if I had the money I would try the Hoyt matrix.
  5. huntjunkie


    That's awesome!! I had a similar experience 3 yrs ago in unit 22 while turkey hunting. I climbed out of a wash poked my head over the top looking of a tom I was after. As I was standing there I got that same feeling. I looked to my right and three feet away was this little owl about 4" tall staring at me. I don't know who's eyes were bigger! My first thought was, oh how cute I wonder if I could hold it. Then I thought, hey idiot that thing would bite your finger clean off!! Cute little guy. Don't know if it was a baby or full grown. Definitely one of my favorite run in's with wildlife. Thanks for sharing, way cool!!
  6. huntjunkie

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Thanks for going we're there many in attendance? What was their reason for the proposal?
  7. huntjunkie

    new mexico unit 10

    which hunt?
  8. huntjunkie


    Pm sent
  9. huntjunkie

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    The issue is, it's one more turn of the screw! Little but little they will make it harder(ie more rules for you to follow) and people will give up hunting. The ahh...just ain't worth it attitude will prevail. Look how the FS is closing roads, making it harder for everyone to access "their" forests. Same rules apply here. Do you really think the greenies, lib, whoever, really care about the animals??? No, they just don't want you killing them. They don't understand game management nor will they ever. And the difference is when your a "activist" or government rules don't apply to you.
  10. huntjunkie

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    How much is the citation? What is the 2nd offense?
  11. huntjunkie

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    bowsniper is absolutely correct!! Hunters need to stick together, "united we stand, divided we fall".
  12. huntjunkie

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I share the same frustration!!! But that's what they want. If we just give up they have won! I hunt the 4 corner states and as far as I can tell AZ is not the most restrictive.
  13. huntjunkie

    Field Judging Muleys

  14. huntjunkie

    Recommendations for a good flashlight?

    I have last years model but it's the best flashlight Ive owned. Ridiculously bright(115 lumens) small, lasts for ever, and only 3AAA's It's nice because my headlamp uses AAA's so only need to carry AAA's. http://mobile.walmart.com/m/phoenix#ip/Coleman-2000004486-Coleman-Max-3AAA-LED-RWB-Flashlight/13029917 They also sale a silver one for $20 that's the one I have.
  15. huntjunkie

    Just can't be...

    That's unbelievable!! Definitely the best Coues mount I've seen! Wow!
  16. huntjunkie

    Would you...

    Son of a!!!! Why did I have to read this thread?! Now you got me thinking! Might be putting my kiababs up for sale....
  17. huntjunkie

    For sale Bowtech bow and bar stools

    Those bar stools would be perfect in a blind!
  18. huntjunkie

    How close would you let it get?

    They were way behind her. I'm glad she didn't!!! We didnt know she had'em at the time. We wouldn't have let her get that close. This is the fourth Sow with cubs that I've ran into in the last three years. All I close range. One we called in and they have all ran away without a fight.
  19. huntjunkie

    How close would you let it get?

    That's why I carry a weapon. Not for the animals! Think I got the video problem fixed it should work now. I've never had this much trouble posting a video.
  20. huntjunkie

    house hold salt

    Better I think. They seem to find it faster but it doesn't last long.
  21. huntjunkie

    How close would you let it get?

    Thats hilarious!! Not scared of bears but a lion....they kinda get my attention! For some reason the last few years i have had more close encounters with bears. None were aggressive, I'm sure that one is coming.