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Everything posted by huntjunkie

  1. huntjunkie

    road hunters

    +1 But nearly every ridge in Az has a road on it. 😡
  2. huntjunkie

    Dec rifle tag

    It's about time!! I love hunting in the rain and snow! Can't wait! First Coues tag. Unit 23. Waited 7 yrs. Good luck everyone!
  3. huntjunkie

    WTB 20 Gauge shotgun

    Remington or mossberg 480-688-9404
  4. huntjunkie

    WTB 20 Gauge shotgun

    found one, thanks.
  5. The challenge......Man vs.Coues! Smart little banshee's!!
  6. huntjunkie

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    I couldn't agree more, except the part about being the majority. I fear we are no longer the majority. I'm not talking about race, I'm talking about values. I travel alot for work. What I see scares me! The "coasts" may as well be a different country. The interior of the country for the most part "remains in tack". The majority of the population doesn't live in these states. I feel we have slipped past the point of return. Don't mean to cast a dark cloud.
  7. huntjunkie

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    Has "the great one" commanded Holder the sue Washington yet. They are violating federal law.... Cheech and Chong man......!!!
  8. huntjunkie

    My Unit # 31 & 32 "SHEEP"!

    WOW!!! I love to hear about hunts like yours!! (DIY)How cool is that?!! Got me amped up! Hope to do the same someday. Hey can I borrow your buddy when I draw? That's a hunting buddy to hang onto. Congratulations to both of you!!
  9. huntjunkie

    Tips for a beginner?

    Don't kneel downwind while gutting one. You WILL gag! 😳
  10. Well, since I didn't win my dec Coues hunt will have to do. 😜
  11. If?.... Archery Brown Bear!
  12. huntjunkie

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    Yea I was hoping for more speed. 63 grs is the max that the powder manufacture recommends, Berger say 64. 9:1 twist.
  13. huntjunkie

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    I'm shooting a 7 mag 168 gr Berger VLD Remington brass all have been shot once to "size" the brass for my gun. Trimmed/sized. Federal primers and 62.8 grs 4831sc powder. 2700 mv. Thanks for all the advise!
  14. huntjunkie

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    Here's the 100yrd group. I did even take a pic of the 200 yrd group. As for rounds down the barrel 150-200. Desertbull I will check those out, thanks. How many grains powder/bullet?
  15. huntjunkie

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    Thinking about it... I'm going to try the Barnes. Everything except the bullet is precise. That's why I started reloading. I haven't weighed them in the past but I will only shoot the 168 gr the rest will be "short rang loads". I tried different times between shots to see if that would change accuracy all other elements were the same. I even had someone else shoot. It didn't seem to matter much. With this "defect" there is no way the bullet can be accurate at long distance. I will experiment more.
  16. huntjunkie

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    Berger VLD They, being Berger?
  17. huntjunkie

    what we should have known

    SORRY.....BUT SCREW THAT. I don't want to pander for votes just to get a guy with an R behind his name in White House. The reason he lost was because he tried to go to the center instead of going to the right. First day of the RCP, they voted to silence the conservatives (Tea party, NRA, evangellicals, etc.) 12,000,000 FEWER republicans voted this time as opposed to 2008. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." +1 Republican candidates will never win if they play the center.
  18. huntjunkie

    spring results

    10 points, NO Gould! Maybe at 20
  19. Went pheasant hunting with my cousin and grandpa(79 yrs young). Had a great time! My aunt came along to take pics for us. Nothing like a pheasant flushing 10 ft from ya. About gave me a heart attack!
  20. huntjunkie

    Kenton Industries Turrets

    My buddy uses one and loves it. I will be ordering one next week.
  21. huntjunkie

    Successful Oct Hunt

    Sweet!! Your bucks eye guards are AWESOME!!
  22. huntjunkie

    Did I get butchered by my butcher?

    About 40% yield on the bone. 100 lbs on the bone 40lbs of meat. That's my experience. I do think if you do it yourself you'll get more.
  23. huntjunkie

    Drop tine bucks.

    This aug I had a "drop main beam" 5x5 buck at 10 yrds. No bow, left it in the tent! Idiot!!!! Coolest buck I've ever seen! Hope to get him next year!
  24. huntjunkie

    Utah Pheasant hunt

    Sorry, I don't smoke. Lol!! I should have. They were delicious!! Next time.
  25. huntjunkie

    UT Backcountry Mule Deer (Video)

    I agree that 2 point was awesome!! I was hoping you would put a tag on him! Love the video! Got me excited for my deer hunts coming up. Keep the videos coming.