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Everything posted by huntjunkie

  1. huntjunkie

    Florida Mountains Ibex

    Wow!! I mean WOW! That billy was ridiculous! Holy cow! I have knots in my stomach. Man I hope you can find him!
  2. huntjunkie

    j 13

    J-13 is great killed 2 Javi's using that call. Problem is if your solo and your archery hunting your out of breath when the pig shows up.
  3. huntjunkie

    1st elk - Wilbur Jr

    Congrats Chris on a great bull! You worked very hard and put in A LOT of scouting for this hunt. The odds this year were not in your favor and you pulled it off. A trophy to be proud of for sure!! It was great getting to know you and help out were I could. Great write up too! Even though I knew most of it it was great to re-live your hunt! Felt like was there again!
  4. Wanted to get some opinions of those of you with long range experience. I've noticed some inconsistencies with the projectiles I've been using. At 100yrds I have a load were 3 shots touch each other. But at 200 yrds not consistant. I started looking for inconsistencies in my reloading. I noticed that the bullet projectiles are not "consistant" from one to the next. The tip of the projectiles very different. I picked 5 out of the factory box and found 3 different tips. ??? Here is a picture of one. This one has a small flange the protrudes out on one side. So my question is how much and were(what distance) would this effect accuracy. And what would be the fix? Also the weights vary. By .1 or .2
  5. huntjunkie

    Fixed blade Knife

    Cold Steel Pendleton hunter
  6. huntjunkie

    Feinstein proposal

    What were some of the reasons the the colonies were settled and why they left England? Where do we stand today?
  7. huntjunkie

    Feinstein proposal

    If you fear your government,then it's already to late! We will become like the rest of the world. That's what people voted for last election. I hope we're not past the point of no return.
  8. Try putting them in a ziplock bag with ranch dressing. Leave them for a day. Works good for other tough meat.
  9. huntjunkie

    30 - tAR15's @ Sportmans Warehouse Mesa

    Midway has Pmags you can back order. But they limit 2 per order. Prices are normal. My Bro is at Las Vegas gun show and said inventory this morning was plentiful. Lots of ammo, normal prices. Pmags were $50 each. I know that doesn't help you here. Get the mags. I think ammo inventory will come back.
  10. huntjunkie

    my nephew's first archery buck

    Wow!! Yea it's going to be hard to top that one!
  11. huntjunkie

    Day 2

    Sweet!! Nice job! Sounds like an experience you'll be talking about for a long time!! Nice bucks too!!
  12. Here's a better link http://www.midwayusa.com/product/952104/hiviz-eta-front-sight-remington-870-1100-11-87-with-vent-rib-fiber-optic-with-6-interchangeable-lite-pipes
  13. I agree! Posted the link for an example what it looks like. That's all
  14. +1 Bought a sight that snaps on. I thought that the recoil would knock it off but I've never had a problem. It's great in low light conditions. My daughter has never had a problem with acquiring it quickly. Here's a link but sportsmans should carry them http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/3-1022156
  15. huntjunkie

    Remington 700 7mag Sendero

    Good to know thanks!
  16. Anybody have this rifle? If so what your set up and how accurate is it?
  17. huntjunkie

    Remington 700 7mag Sendero

    Roninflag, Looking to buy one. Wanted to see how well they perform and if guys like them. But also thinking of building a 7mag.
  18. huntjunkie

    Feinstein proposal

    Here's her website. http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/assault-weapons
  19. huntjunkie

    Springfield XD-40 like new!!!

    Pm sent
  20. huntjunkie

    trojan download

    Buy a MAC! Safe for now.... I down loaded a Trojan virus last year on my PC and switched to a MAC. Best move ever!
  21. huntjunkie

    December Archery Muley

    Sweet!! Nice shot! Love big 2x's.
  22. huntjunkie

    XDM 40 cal 4.5

    Pm sent
  23. huntjunkie

    Indian Petroglyphs

    Last week I found these petroglyphs while making a stalk on a buck. They are in a wilderness area on a steep slope surrounded by junipers. Not sure anyone knows about them because of the remote location. Definitely tops my list of cool finds while hunting.
  24. huntjunkie

    Day 2

    Hunted Friday and Saturday. Went home about 2 on Sat. Spent an hour washing 50lbs of mud off my quad. We're having all kinds of fun! Lol
  25. huntjunkie

    Day 2

    That's awesome!!.... I mean that's sucks! Sorry man. I'm hunting the southern half of 23. I'll stop complaining about how cold it is down here!! Anyone have a snowmobile you can borrow? Good luck! Seeing anything?