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Everything posted by huntjunkie

  1. huntjunkie

    Spirit of the Hunt Photo Selection

    Yep! That's the one. Lol!!! I had a hard time finding him. Good camo! Is that you?
  2. This is why republican keep losing Presidential elections. Their COWARDS!! They don't stand for anything so why would people get out and vote for them. Spineless!!!! They don't stand up to the Dems or the Media they just take it. We need more like Rand Paul! Republicans remind me of the kid on the playground that gets pushed around and never stands up for himself.
  3. huntjunkie


    Wow! Unbelievable! Since when has our current government promoted individual responsibility??
  4. huntjunkie


    Well, it does not really matter if they are black, white, brown or polka dotted. Not sure what you meant? In that video they were black. Don't care what "color" people are. That wasn't my point.
  5. huntjunkie


    Watched video this morning of 2 black guys robbing a store at gun point. My first thought was, "are these new proposals going to stop these guys from getting a gun? Second thought, I wonder if they even bought that gun?" Hey, what do I know.
  6. huntjunkie


    Yep! I emailed Flakey, Flake at the beginning of the year. He replied back say how he wasn't going to support any gun control laws blah, blah, blah.... And here we are.
  7. huntjunkie

    Spirit of the Hunt Photo Selection

    All of them! Where's the picture of the hunter asleep behind the binos? ๐Ÿ˜ด
  8. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/39565-kiababs-for-sale/?do=findComment&comment=369847
  9. Lol!! Skeet shooting on steroids
  10. huntjunkie

    Best Mexican Restaurant-they didn't do their research!

    Luciano's super burro..... Rocks!
  11. huntjunkie


    Why not, the president, senators, congressman, the media, jollywood all lie about it. Why would you expect anything less from the teachers union who support all listed above?
  12. huntjunkie


    I read Connecticut and didn't need to read any further. It's a blue state.
  13. huntjunkie


    They would never keep records....... ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ’ฉThis nothin but a step toward confiscation. They'll pass these "new" laws. Them some idiot will shoot a bunch of people and they'll say... The laws aren't strong enough and on and on and on. You cant legislate people into good behavior in a free society! Oh, wait that's what Hussain wants to get rid of... Freedom!
  14. huntjunkie

    Kiababs for sale

    Found these, just pasting it along.
  15. huntjunkie


    Pm sent
  16. huntjunkie

    Anyone going to New Mexico this year?

    I'm going
  17. huntjunkie


    I checked yesterday. They were out.
  18. huntjunkie

    Draw results are out!!!!!!

    My daughter drew 23 Late rifle Bull!! Cant wait!! Me another BP. Maybe next year.
  19. huntjunkie

    Off-Range Oryx Success

    That's friggin awesome!!
  20. huntjunkie

    Reloading Dies

    Pm sent on the 22-250 die
  21. huntjunkie

    Pack for sale

    Pm sent on the badlands 2200
  22. huntjunkie

    15yrs + Bull Elk "Old Monarch of the Mountian"

    What an awesome bull!!
  23. My wife and kids were leaving the Queen Creek library a few minutes ago and she was stopped by 2 women. They Proceeded to ask her questions about "gun control/violence". Ya know the same liberal talking points about guns......She said I own guns and shoot with my husband. If they were smart you think they would realize their wasting their breath. Of course their not! So they brought up high capacity "clips"(idiots don't even know the real name). My wife who loves to shoot said, I can exchange magazines and shoot the same number of rounds almost as fast as if I had a high capacity mag. So thats an invalid point. Well they said, "gun control is different out here than in the inner city, we're trying to get BAZOOKA type weapons ban" After they said that my wife walked away. Little do people know when you move to Queen Creek your house warming gift is a Bazooka! Man now everyones going to move here!
  24. huntjunkie

    Jacuzzi and BBQ Grill/Island **added info**

    Tried to pm you but it won't work.
  25. huntjunkie

    The latest on border security

    Why would they want to "secure" the border? That's just more votes for them.