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Everything posted by huntjunkie

  1. huntjunkie

    Wtb 23s flatline or other topo

    Archery HQ has them. Elk hunt fri?
  2. huntjunkie

    *Vortex Razor HD 12x50 = A++++++++++

    LOVE my razors! I almost have a few swaro die hard converted!
  3. huntjunkie

    Last Stand Double

    That's what I'm talkin about!!
  4. huntjunkie

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    That sucks! I would be knocking on his door ASAP! Hope you get everything back!
  5. huntjunkie

    Jerk stick and jerky gurus--I need your help

    PM rossislider. Hes the meat master. Makes the best jerky I've ever had.
  6. huntjunkie

    WTB Youth Rifle

    Look at Thompson Center encore. It is a left or right handed rifle. Simply swing the hammer right or left. Throw a break on it and she will have no problem with the recoil. You can pick the caliber of your choice. Excellent youth rifle. Imo Gook luck
  7. huntjunkie

    One day affair **Updated w/pics**

    Good luck. Hope all is well with mom and baby.
  8. huntjunkie

    Mule Deer From CO

    Awesome !! Nice job !
  9. huntjunkie

    What do you guys think about scent control

    You can fool everything but their nose. If the wind isn't in your favor it doesn't matter what you use. Only thing I do is wash my clothes in scent killer. Check the wind!
  10. huntjunkie

    Women Kills Lion, People Want to Kill Her

    LOL!!!! Everyone in the restaurant is looking at me because I'm LMAO!
  11. huntjunkie

    What rifle are your kids shooting???

    TC Encore 7-08(elk), Sendero 7 Rem Mag w/ break(elk/coues), 257 weatherby(coues) 😁
  12. huntjunkie

    Women Kills Lion, People Want to Kill Her

    People are INSANE!
  13. huntjunkie

    Shot My Fox Pro!

    That's hilarious!
  14. huntjunkie

    Sendero 7mag options

    PM sent. With the help of Speedygoss my 7 mag sendero shoots 3/4' groups @ 200yrds
  15. huntjunkie

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Holy Crap!! What a monster!!!!
  16. huntjunkie

    Anyone else eating tag soup??

    YEP! Shot at 2, yes two really nice 4x4s and missed! I'm not saying the distance of the shots. If I did I would have to turn in my "man card" 😫 Got rained on and almost got struck by lightning! The Sendero on my back makes a good lightning rod! 😂 thought I was going to die. It was my first solo deer hunt. Had a great time though! Can't wait until next year. Minus the lightning.
  17. huntjunkie

    Mexican Wolf Public Hearings

    If this has been already posted its worth repeating. Spread the word! Action Alert As a result of delays caused by the lapse in federal appropriations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced rescheduled dates for the remainder of a series of public hearings on two proposed rules-one to list the Mexican wolf as an endangered subspecies and delist the gray wolf elsewhere, and the other to revise the Nonessential Experimental Population of the Mexican Wolf. The Arizona public information meeting will take place in Pinetop on December 3 at the Hon-Dah Conference Center, 777 Highway 260, Pinetop, Arizona 85935 (3 miles outside of Pinetop at the Junction of Hwy 260 and Hwy 73). The meeting is from 3:30-5:00 PM, followed by a public hearing for recording comments from 6:00-8:30 PM. The comment period deadlines also are extended until December 17, 2013 to allow these hearings to take place within the public comment periods on the proposed rules. Let your voice be heard. Follow the links below and click on the blue "Comment Now" button to share your comments electronically, or follow the instructions to comment by mail. http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=FWS-R2-ES-2013-0056-1267 http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=FWS-HQ-ES-2013-0073-19350 Jim Unmacht AZSFWC President Mexican Wolf Management, Issues of Concern Lack of Public Involvement Lack of opportunity to ask questions or get answers about issues of concern Short time frame to comment on a myriad of very complicated issues Currently we have multiple plans with different comment timelines that should be bundled together into one complete plan to simplify and improve the planning process Costs of the Recovery Program are Unknown Over $30,000,000 has already been spent on Mexican wolf recovery An additional $3,000,000 is annually being spent on the program How much more will it cost the state of Arizona? Direct loss of big game permits Loss of revenue generated by hunting in rural communities Cost of additional personnel and support to adequately manage the wolf Additional costs to monitor prey populations No program to adequately address loss of livelihood in rural areas No upper target for wolf population numbers Population number identified in the original plan was 100 wolves in the wild. Currently we have no upper population number identified Currently there are 75 wolves, including 20 wild born pups from this year. Either this year or next we will reach the original target goal of 100 No wolf population control mechanism identified to keep the population in check Recovery area expansion comes with huge concerns Wolves in close proximity to human populations Keeping wolves wild? Wolves hybridizing with domestic dogs Wolves decimating existing wildlife populations outside the recovery area by uncontrolled wolf expansion Why not include Mexico in wolf recovery area expansion? 90% of Mexican wolf historic habitat is in Mexico. It is impossible to have a successful recovery without Mexico being included Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation is a 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization whose mission is to educate and inform sportsmen, wildlife conservation organizations throughout the state and the public at large on important issues related to wildlife and wildlife habitat and to provide, via grants or other sources, funding to conserve Arizona's wildlife populations through habitat enhancement initiatives. The AZSFWC is responsible for managing the conservation license plate program (Wildlife Conservation Habitat Fund). The fund is derived from the sale of wildlife conservation license plates and member organizations as well as non-member organizations are eligible to apply for those funds.
  18. huntjunkie

    Mexican Wolf Public Hearings

    ThomC, your missing the point here. Read past the logo dude. This is about a public meeting about wolf populations not about AZSFWC. Flatlander is correct! "Sportsmen need to stick together on this one."
  19. huntjunkie

    Unique Coues!!!

    Dang! That's cool!
  20. huntjunkie

    my elktober bull

    That's a great bull!! Congrats
  21. huntjunkie

    Did anyone kill the white Elk in unit 27 ?

    We have video of her 3 yrs ago. It's amazing she survived this long. Congrats to the lucky hunter!
  22. huntjunkie

    Javelina Hunting "Arizona Style"

    Nice!! Great article. Can't wait to pig hunt now! Congrats on the publication! That's exciting