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About maydayretrievers

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  • Birthday 11/13/1965

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    Tonto Basin,AZ

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  1. maydayretrievers

    anyone know family Lawyer

    Thank you it just crazy how peoples greed take over Family my grandpa would role over in his grave if he knew how this all was turning out
  2. maydayretrievers

    anyone know family Lawyer

    Amanda tried send you pm did not go thru I would like both 6a and your dads opinions My brother and I are at end of our ropes
  3. maydayretrievers

    anyone know family Lawyer

    I am in need of finding Lawyer that handles Family matters. Basically My dad passed away with no will and it just a mess and need some advice over the property. As his estranged wife is battling my brother and I and I am at end of my Ropes
  4. maydayretrievers

    Amazing Dogs - Eider Retrieving

    this is amazing but what you don't see is a dog getting smashed an a dog owner standing their going good dog if that dog gets hurt is he prepared to go in get him NO the hunter the owner is responsible for that dog. I would not send dog into that un less I myself was willing to go in their pull that dog out. so think about that you got a son or daughter at home wife I have run hounds pointers retrievers and yes I have a lap dog a pug name Harley. But lets be real if you not willing to go in their why would you risk your dog. you go home explain that to your kids when you don't bring the family pet home
  5. maydayretrievers

    unit hunt maps

    thanks for info I will check out flatline to
  6. maydayretrievers

    unit hunt maps

    any one ever got any of these unit maps from www.huntmap.com or know of another company thanks
  7. maydayretrievers

    ISO yellow lab puppy (or breeder info)

    Pm sent do either of you guys have your dogs tested for EIC and hips eyes I have few people looking for well breed labs with akc papers
  8. maydayretrievers

    Idiots are still out (huge fire)

    those are controlled burns according to the payson round up newspaper totaling 2000 acres
  9. maydayretrievers


    I have worked with many and you are in for up hill battle finding a breeder who actually hunts them and finding one that is gonna meet your needs is the hardest part. I know they are used in versatile dog I have trained many and have found that they can be trained it just takes longer and a lot more patients. I just have found them not to have as much natural ability. So you just gotta ask yourself is it worth the cost as most breeders of pudelpointers are 1500 to 2000 and usually have restrictions. on their pups. And are you gonna be the lucky one who gets a good pup. And what are you really gonna hunt with the dog just upland or you gonna do both everything dove quail waterfowl out of the roughly 15 I have seen an trained with want to say I would keep 5 and those 5 would put up against any dog but the other 10 would hunt but was not like it was natural to them. if all that made since hope helped you out or give me call answear any questions you may have They can be very nice hunting dogs but they come at a very high price for a pup and training
  10. maydayretrievers

    carpenters and framing sub's in payson

    sent you pm with number
  11. maydayretrievers

    Golden retriever Puppy

    We have one male pup . Both his parents are hard core hunting dogs. Mom was 2008 Az upland bird dog champion and a Master Hunting retriever in Nahra . The dad is master Hunting retriever in AKc An Nahra he was also the number 11 top Golden in the country in 2011 on the derby circuit. Pups has dew claws removed first shots akc paperwork and health guarantee pup ready to go home fathers day weekend. This is dark red golden just like parents An are on site to see .contact 928 243 2890 $1000
  12. maydayretrievers

    when it rains it pours

    you can buy elk tag over the counter for western Oregon eastern is a draw lived in Oregon for 10 years its a whole lot different game were did u get an elk tag for
  13. maydayretrievers

    Question for the Cope lovers

    I been chewing on off for 34 years first time I quit was for about a year if your gonna quit then it all in your head you either want to or you don,t . 1 Obama that what made my brother quit cold turkey his health insurance was gonna cost him more cause he chewed/or smoked 2 move to Hawaii cope is $10 a can I know I quit for 10 days while in Kona last year 3 this works great everyday you don't chew put $5 bucks in the cookie jar my wife loves this one I put money in and I don,t here no grief when I buy something with chew money Remember if you get thru first 7 days u got it made after that it all in your head nicotine only in your system 7 days from your last chew according to my doctor good luck
  14. maydayretrievers

    blind by road in 23

    don,t know if it same one put their also was one on the water hole during the poker run last weekend I don,t think guy had much luck
  15. maydayretrievers

    Need Female Lab for Breeding

    yeah he needs a yellow or black female with yellow gene lineage