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Everything posted by SWDesertRat

  1. SWDesertRat

    Just in time for Christmas...NIB Vortex 15x56 Kaibabs

    Chef...thanks for catching that and adding it in. I forgot the subtitles don't show up on iPhone or Droid browsers. I've updated the orginal post accordingly..including location, North Phoenix, Anthem. Thanks for looking...
  2. Perfect for a stocking stuffer or get ready for archery pig or late archery deer. I purchased this from 3Rivers Archery this past summer as I was anxiously waiting for my ordered bow to arrive. I hadn't drawn a 70lb bow in years and I wanted to be ready for my bow and elk season. Anyways, you can also use it to strengthen your draw so you can hold your bow at full draw for a few minutes. At max adjustment it allows you to draw and hold at 80lbs. It is designed for 50-80, but it will even adjust so one can pull less than 50 lbs. I don't need it anymore. It's still nearly new, the band is in excellent shape, no drying or fatigue cracks. Thanks
  3. SWDesertRat

    36B clean up

    For a few years running Az Game and Fish as well as Pima County, as well as being 'sponsored' by Tucson Safari Club Int. organized cleanups down there. They usually happened around October/November. The spots were identified by ranchers and WM's. They usually hit the worst areas for trash and had several commercial trash bins filled by the end of the weekend. Not sure what happened to the clean ups as I haven't heard about them in awhile, it was a rewarding effort. The pics below show some of what we did. The ugly bags are 5 feet tall and about 4 in diameter. Found out they were too heavy to pick up if we filled them up. I think it would be worthwhile to get this going again if it hasn't been done or to get the word out again if it is being done. PM me for the contact info of the guys from Game and Fish if you are interested in contacting them to see if this is still going on. -C
  4. SWDesertRat

    WTB Swaro 15s

    It really does boil down to personal taste, although the Vortex warranty is amazing. I have either the Swaro's or the Vortex if you are interested. Swaro's are used but like-new, Vortex are brand new. What's your budget?