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Everything posted by SWDesertRat

  1. SWDesertRat

    FaceBook "Jail"

    Fair enough, I appreciate your civility in your response.I can delete my post to keep your thread on topic...
  2. SWDesertRat

    FaceBook "Jail"

    Surely there is a Civics teacher on this forum that can explain what our First Amendment actually protects. You signed up for FaceBook, you agreed to their terms and conditions, it's a private entity, they can ban you for whatever reason they choose based on your behavior. Amanda or another administrator could do the same thing here if someone's behavior warranted it. Not saying that your post on FB was right or wrong, and some people (not you) need to relax just a little and not be so wound up, just please understand what our First Amendment rights/protections actually cover. Thanks
  3. SWDesertRat

    Anybody see this?

    I would personally rather see money spent improving the current online draw operating system, including establishing a party application number so people can put in on the same application but pay separately etc rather than some online club or portal that your average hunter wont pay for. Fix what is broken, dont 'solve a problem' by giving us something we havent asked for.
  4. SWDesertRat

    NM vs AZ

    Im a transplant to Arizona after living for 26 years in NM, so I am biased. Even though the state has less public land than Az (Nm=47%, Az=57%), the population if the state is slightly over 2 million, vs 6 million for Az. Albuquerque, once the highest crime rate in the nation per capita, only has ~600k people, and plenty of family friendly and young/old things to do within a short drive in the city. From an outdoors perspective, it has all the critters Az does and then some more (oryx, barbary sheep, eastern wt, ibex) and all on public land. WAY more high country streams for fishing and most of the state sits close to or above 5k feet which also helps their elk population. Personally, I also feel that NM has more historical culture and value placed in agrarian live style and anyone that has been to a pueblo feast day or visited the state fair can attest to that. Generally, people are friendlier, and not so rushed. It is similar to Az in that you can drive for two hours and be in a different type of habitat. I will say though that for as much as people complain about Az's Game Commission they have way less political influence on them than NM game Commission as each member of their commission HAS to come from or represent a special interest group rather than sportsman/women. Like Az the state underfunds public schools and continually ranks lowest (not a reflection of the teachers, just not a state priority). Last but not least, the food is amazing. Oh yah...you also arent forced to spend $700 registering a new vehicle.
  5. SWDesertRat

    A Trick of Fate

    Excellent read Keith! Thanks for sharing your adventure. Curiously wondering what bear cuddling selfie you'll be posting this year..
  6. SWDesertRat

    Buffalo Hunting in Grand Canyon National Park

    With all due respect, I couldn't disagree with you more. Within the last few years that I've been paying attention at least, the Az Chapter of Sierra Club recognizes the importance of managing wildlife under the North American model, and are have been supportive of the Commission and Az Game and Fish and are fairly moderate when it comes to activism. I do agree with you regarding John Muirs original intent of founding the Sierra Club vs where it is now. However, as a sportsman Id rather have the Az chapter of Sierra Club than the California Chapter. I am supportive of finding a way to manage the bison on the park, but McCain did muddy the water by getting involved in something that was already going through the proper process. If the impact analysis stayed at a local level, it may have avoided national attention, perhaps minimizing the negative comments that could flood in from across the country about hunting in national parks, this has happened in other national parks when they are faced with managing a critter they don't want to, and end up having to use more expensive non lethal methods. What happens if his bill doesn't pass but the park service still wants/needs to move the EIS forward but now it stalls due to the recent spotlight and then subsequent negative and political pressure, then there isn't any progress and bison continue to be a problem. The best that could come out the bill is that it will pass and facilitate the process of turning over carcasses to the public, whether it's hunters or folks in need of food.
  7. SWDesertRat

    Unit 3C camping ?

    Apache Sitgreaves National Forest just released a stage 3 closure. It does not extend to Black Canyon Lake, looks like it ends at FR139 and FR141 http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprd3803846.pdf
  8. SWDesertRat

    30x75 swaroski binos

    Helping another member out. See the pics below. GLWS!
  9. SWDesertRat

    Reloading - updated / pics

    Pm sent
  10. SWDesertRat

    trailer repair tucson

    Not sure on when you want to get on the road but CWT member Edge does mobile trailer repair. Give him a shout. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/48032-trailer-service/?fromsearch=1
  11. SWDesertRat

    788 .243 carbine new price at bottom

    I don't know why this rifle isn't selling... Deer draw is coming up, give yourself an inexpensive rifle as a reward.
  12. SWDesertRat


    Buy with confidence, awesome gun and good guy. Wish I had an excuse to buy.
  13. SWDesertRat

    2013 Kaibab Price Drop to $799

    Wow! Great price from a local valley vendor. Even with tax it's a steal.
  14. SWDesertRat

    vortex talon hd 10x42

    A good friend of mine says that the Diamondbacks are the way to go unless you save the extra and buy the Vipers. This review is a little dated, since the bino models (looks) have changed a little since it was written but the guy brings up some valid points. http://www.opticsreviewer.com/talon-hd-vs-viper-hd.html
  15. SWDesertRat

    21 is on fire

    Well I'm guilty for jumping to conclusions about the cause of the fire; that stinks that someone lost their RV. Ideally no more fires start along the 17 and BLM can get it out.
  16. SWDesertRat

    21 is on fire

    That is unfortunate, I drive that portion of interstate quite a bit and it burns every year from some jerk that doesn't want to put their cigarette butt in their ash tray. I wish people weren't so selfish, and dumb, that's already the third fire in the past two weeks along the 17 north of Carefree Hwy.
  17. SWDesertRat

    Chicken Thief Exposed

    Cool series. Thanks for sharing with us.I'm guess the set(s) ended up getting disturbed and weren't successful. The other #3 trap on the left side of pic gets progressively more visible. How do you like that camera?
  18. SWDesertRat

    Viper HD vs Razor HD

    I owned the Vipers HD 10x42 and they worked great for me. I really liked the light gathering and clearness. However, I sold them once I got a pair of 10x42 Razor HD. The Razors are hands down, a better low light with crispness edge to edge bino compared to the Vipers. Will the Vipers suit your needs? Absolutely! Are the Razors worth the extra money? Depends on what you pay and what you're looking for. I say buy the Vipers and use them for a few years, if you decide you want to upgrade then do it, however if you come across a good deal (like twigsnappers 12x50 for $950) then buy them and don't look back. Like any commodity, binos are worth the value we assign to them and are willing to pay. I would also encourage you to buy used since Vortex will repair and clean regardless if you're first or tenth owner. Either purchase will be a good investment in glass.
  19. SWDesertRat

    WTS 4 Bridgestone Dueler H/T's

    Wow! Four tires AND rims for 600? Even if this doesn't include the TMPS that's a dang good deal for a new set of street rubber.
  20. SWDesertRat

    Ruger M77 7mm Mag Package

    Too bad this gun isn't built for south paws. Bump for an elk gun ready for the woods..
  21. SWDesertRat

    Found a few....

    I certainly wasn't questioning your decisions on shoeing your horse or whether a horse should be shoed or not. So my apologies if I came off that way. I was simply curious, thanks for the responses. Looks like I need to get out more and learn a new unit. With the risk of 'new' area being broadcast on a forum, I like the 'where is this?' posts as much as the 'find the deer' ones. So thanks again for sharing.
  22. SWDesertRat

    Found a few....

    Magnificent horse and thanks for sharing your finds with us. Thought I knew the state and am drawing a blank on the unit you were in. Does that horse get shoed more on his hind end due to his socks? Just curious how he does in rocky country with white hooves.
  23. SWDesertRat

    Swarovski 10x42 EL Range

    Honestly, I would look at all the big players before settling on Swaros. This review doesn't include Swaros but it does a pretty good job on all the rest of the options. http://precisionrifleblog.com/2013/11/25/rangefinder-binoculars-reviews-field-tests-ranging-performance-results/ Also, google reviews for Swaro El's and Leica Geovids. Leica's have more options for the number of ballistic memory for different calibers and in the lab it performs faster than the Swaros. Lastly, check out the warranties for all your options. I believe Sawro has a 2 year warranty on the RF component and Leica has a 5 year warranty on the RF. To me, that is lot of dollars to only get a few hunting seasons out of a pair of binos that conveniently have LRF. Good luck and let us know what you decide.
  24. SWDesertRat

    looking for radios/tripod after boulder crushes old ones

    Best wishes dealing with the insurance company. An Off/on site storage claim won't work? I use these from midland, not a bad price for the combo and kit. Midland has other kits without the extras for a little less in price. Has the vibrate feature for call and plenty of channels plus the weather channel which has come in handy more than a few times. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001WMFYH4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1398527325&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40 Range is decent, on high power I can usually get a few miles in the woods. Good luck in your search for new radios.