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Everything posted by SWDesertRat

  1. SWDesertRat

    What suspension's on yer Tacoma

    I guess ir depends on what you want to do with your Tacoma. On my Tacoma I did custom leaf springs from Alcan and Sway A Ways coilovers up front. Some mentioned Old Man Emus, these are a good better than OEM route if you don't want to customize the amount of weight or lift. I recently purchased ToyTech for my Tundra. I've been happy with them so far, not squishy, rides smooth off and on road and gave me 2.5" in lift. Sky is the limit, your budget and wants will help. I will tell you that once you upgrade your OEM Bilsteins, you'll wish you'd done it sooner. I still run Bilsteins on the rear but heavier duty than the OEM.
  2. SWDesertRat

    01 Polaris Sportsman 400

    Sure wish I had an extra $2k. Bump for a good guy.
  3. SWDesertRat

    Good Guy Buyer List

    BIGBROWNS is good to go. Quick and good communication, plus flexible on meeting times.
  4. SWDesertRat


    Gotcha. nothing like spending $700 to have one pair fit. Very fair price and they look to be in good condition in the pics. Hope you can sell them.
  5. SWDesertRat


    Have you considered adding aftermarket insoles so your foot takes up more room? These are one of the best boots on the market. I'd take these over Kenetreks any day. Plus, they can be resoled and have new uppers put on for a few more dollars. If I didn't have a new pair in the closet waiting for me, I'd be all over these. GLWS
  6. SWDesertRat

    Good Guy Seller List

    He has been around awhile but thought it worth mentioning that goatsie is good to go. Good guy and easy to work with and even told me he would help me out later if I needed it.
  7. SWDesertRat

    AZGFD Ammunition Testing Event Today

    Lance, Thanks for sharing your observations and capturing with pics. I was hoping to be an observer for the event but it didn't work out for my schedule.
  8. SWDesertRat


    There has to be a story there....
  9. SWDesertRat

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Sell with confidence to TwoGuns. Good guy, great communication and easy transaction.
  10. SWDesertRat

    Camp Stove-sold and Extra Large Propane Tanks-sold

    If you didn't want to sell me the stove after reading my PM the least you could've done was respond and let me know. Could not have been more straight forward with you. Good luck with sell....
  11. SWDesertRat

    Good Guy Buyer List

    gregaz is good to go.
  12. SWDesertRat

    Sold.... Thanks

    Chicken Wing - Sold Brand new in box, SLIK Pro 634 carbon fiber tripod.. Sold Thanks
  13. SWDesertRat

    Sold.... Thanks

    Tripod spf..
  14. SWDesertRat

    Sold.... Thanks

    Pm returned
  15. SWDesertRat

    Yellowjacket Creek unit 21

    Tule has been fenced to exclude cattle (mainly burros) for 20 years. It's BLM land, not Game and Fish. Cool spot to visit once you get past China Dam. Any area around pleasant without a fence gets blown out by the burros. You can still get into Tule, has an access gate for you and the critters. Sorry to OP for derail but wanted to state the facts... Facts? No, AZGFD has closed the road and gated it at the homestead and it is locked. In the last 15 years I have never seen it unlocked. Of course it's BLM, duh. The road used to take you past the springs and to the road to Tiptop. There is no 'critter' gate and there's a 4'x6' azgfd sign saying those are designated riparian lands same as the drainage near Yellow Jacket. And no, there are no gates for people or their critters. If there were a critter gate, how is the fence going to keep out burros and cattle? Those are the facts.image025.jpg Sheesh Tim, wasn't trying to start a fight. I guess my memory about the critter gate was confused with another area. Clearly you've spent more time in there and know the facts better than I do. I'll go back to my corner now that I've been properly schooled.
  16. SWDesertRat

    Yellowjacket Creek unit 21

    Tule has been fenced to exclude cattle (mainly burros) for 20 years. It's BLM land, not Game and Fish. Cool spot to visit once you get past China Dam. Any area around pleasant without a fence gets blown out by the burros. You can still get into Tule, has an access gate for you and the critters. Sorry to OP for derail but wanted to state the facts...
  17. SWDesertRat

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Big Browns already has a good reputation here but wanted to also let folks know he is good to go.
  18. SWDesertRat

    WTB. Montana Cow Elk

    I have one you can borrow.
  19. SWDesertRat

    WTB Vortex HS-T or PST 6-24-50 scope

    Tried to send you a PM. It was rejected. We should talk, PM me.
  20. SWDesertRat

    SOLD-----Vortex HS-T 4-16x44 scope for sale

    Had a scope shipped from Safford recently, shipping was less than $8.00. No big deal for me. Free bump for seller..
  21. SWDesertRat

    Good Guy Seller List

    Buy with confidence from Hunter4life09, communication and shipping was fast and item was as stated upon arrival. Very easy to work with, I'd buy from him again.
  22. SWDesertRat

    Poachers fined big $$$

    I was wondering the same thing. Don't they usually suspend hunting rights for 5 years?Pretty sure that during the commission meeting last month they permanently revoked hunting and fishing licenses for these guys. so why make then take the class? Or was the class revoked too? heck I don't know, you bring up a good point and questions though. The chumps could choose not to take the class since they'll never be able to hunt or fish in Az or any states that are in the compact.
  23. SWDesertRat

    Poachers fined big $$$

    I was wondering the same thing. Don't they usually suspend hunting rights for 5 years? Pretty sure that during the commission meeting last month they permanently revoked hunting and fishing licenses for these guys.
  24. SWDesertRat

    Lamp shades

    After all these years Lark has come out of the closet and accepted his fixation with what he thinks is the superior caliber. Knew it would only be a matter of time.