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Everything posted by couesdeerhntr

  1. couesdeerhntr

    Antler prices and any buyers?

    Was just giving a price of $12 lb for browns? Seemed very low to me. Anyone know of a buyer between phx and reserve nm? Better prices? Its early but i want to unload a stack i have
  2. couesdeerhntr

    Antler prices and any buyers?

    U want to buy?
  3. couesdeerhntr

    Antler prices and any buyers?

    Plus two 4x4 brown mule deer and a big six brown and another chalk set. No idea weight
  4. couesdeerhntr

    Antler prices and any buyers?

  5. couesdeerhntr

    Antler prices and any buyers?

    So you are saying i should take $12 lb for browns?
  6. couesdeerhntr

    Antler prices and any buyers?

    Ya i got a decent pile and want them sold fast .not work at selling but was thinking $14lb or higher for browns
  7. couesdeerhntr

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    I drew unit 27 early archery bull elk. Did not expect it
  8. couesdeerhntr

    And the Card hits will begin

    I drew unit 27 early archery bull elk. Didnt expect it at all holy cow.
  9. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Daughter finished online and virtual field day. We printed certificates of completion but waiting for hunter ed card and it to show up on portal but nothing. Been almost a month. Anyone have insight on how long or when i should expect to see a card or it in portal account?
  10. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Daughter got card in mail took 4 weeks prob holidays. But i do got another question. We did normal online hunter ed and then did ilearntohunt for virtual field day. Going to start my son now but have two options to use i learntohunt or the hunter ed . Which one should we do for full class? Any opinion from anyone who has done both?
  11. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Daughter got card in mail. Thank you again for offer to help speed things along.
  12. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    I remember running into same thing and couldn’t find field day at first then did new password they gave and it worked. I will look when home for step by step to post
  13. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    You are almost there. Game and fish should’ve sent you email with link and different password to use other then one you set up and it will get you to the virtual day. If you use old password it just sends you to the stuff you have completed already. Once new password is in scroll down and you will see final field day. I am working now and password was sent to daughters e mail i dont have access at this moment but will go thru it again to help out if needed
  14. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Yes. We did the online portion first and had been trying to get a field day done but they always filled up before we could sign up. Then a few months if not less they introduced the ilearntohunt and sent us a link for her to finish out her virtual field day. she was still in window they allowed. Was a hassle trying to get her signed up for field day so it was a blessing they made this virtual field day class. Did not do full class thru ilearntohunt just the filed day portion.
  15. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Yes virtual field day was great. Honestly i feel like i learned and she learned more then when i did the field day at ben avery. Very informative and good videos 
  16. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Yes virtual field day was great. Honestly i feel like i learned and she learned more then when i did the field day at ben avery. Very informative and good videos
  17. couesdeerhntr

    Virtual hunter ed field day question?

    Awesome thank you for offer, and good news about maybe 6weeks. Main thing i wanted was it to be on portal so she can get the hunter ed point.
  18. couesdeerhntr

    Dreaded nonresident burned 11 points

    Congrats on hunt great buck
  19. couesdeerhntr

    Weird observation? Or lucky?

    So i re seed my lawn every year and it usually is covered with dove and collard dove. This year no dove at all? Same for anyone else or am i getting lucky this year? Live in east valley
  20. couesdeerhntr

    Weird observation? Or lucky?

    Yup first time buying this. No birds
  21. couesdeerhntr

    Dreaded nonresident burned 11 points

    heck ya fellas keep these reports coming! Gets me more pumped up. My daughter has the youth hunt for nov 22-28 hunt Any antler deer. Anyone seeing any good mule deer as well? Love the unit! Cant wait to be hunting with her for her first deer tag.
  22. couesdeerhntr

    Mayor of Mesa

    Ya i really only really trust 30% of the population everyone else who knows? World is crazy. And its only getting crazier. Honestly i truly believe that trump will not win. Never i have i ever seen anyone attacked this much from all angles before this hard. Our corrupt government for some reason does not want him to be president and will do anything to prevent it. We have already seen it. Get ready for kamala!
  23. couesdeerhntr

    Mayor of Mesa

  24. couesdeerhntr

    Mayor of Mesa

    Also is hope nobody forgets how we were silenced for having an opinion that was opposite of the leftand we were cancelled or comment deleted due to it hurting feeling or not aligning with the liberal left ideology. It even got to a point that all comments in most media platforms were stopped to push a one sided agenda. Never forget. After seeing all this i still have no idea how anyone can believe anything from the media or democrats. Everything that they went after trump for never held up only noise and attacks that should never have happened even thru our own justice system. Super scary to me and i hope one day everyone will wake up to this. But how it looks is we are only going to get more divided.
  25. couesdeerhntr

    Mayor of Mesa

    Ya covid happened during trump but everything else came under Biden. The media lies and all. come on flatlander open your eyes man. I am sure you got feelings for why you think the way you do but man how can u not see all this bullshit no matter who you are voting for. I lived thru covid and it had a major impact on my life. No trump did not make the mandates or force me to get a vaccine or take jobs away for not being a sheep. That was under Biden. Was told i am part of the problem and i was killing people. At that time i honestly felt that if the government said lock me up most people would’ve been ok to lock me up. All bs.