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Everything posted by couesdeerhntr

  1. couesdeerhntr

    A coues with my kid, and a puppy

    Congrats kev way to get it done!
  2. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Shot this guy on opening morning. Spent a few days scouting before my hunt to find some elk to get into and i found a few. Spent most my time scout for wifes 3a3c tag. Opening mor ing I Come up a small hill to look in a meadow and across it i see this guy chasing a cow all over. One cow call and the cow heard it and came running and the bull was right behind. They came into 20 yards searching and after a few seconds of not seeing anything turned to walk away and I stopped him at 40 yards and shot him. He ran 50 yards and died. Shot him with a rage. I know people give that broadhead a bad review but they have never let me down and always leave huge holes.. been up in 3a3c with the wife ever sense trying to fill her tag. Seen plenty of bulls and have had a opportunity everyday and passed on a ton of bulls. Last night she missed. this morning put an arrow over the back of one. Hope it pans out she is getting discouraged. sorry for the sideways pics from on the phone in the woods. I am happy i could send it.
  3. couesdeerhntr

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    Dang kev if it wasn’t for you i am pretty sure i would not have my bison. Thank you again sir. It was bad when i was up there but i cant imagine now. But same stuff was going down before there was 3 guide services up there. Def a bad look for mossback. But that whole shoot show with the co op thing with guided hunters and diy guys is a joke.they can spin it all they want but i can see it always being like this. Hope it gets fixed.
  4. couesdeerhntr

    Was this the buffalo incident everone was talking about

    Hate to be the spreader but once its on youtube i figure everyone will see eventually.
  5. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Man first time i have logged in sense really posting this.Sorry for late response. The wife was unsuccessful. After a few misses and a long hunt we threw in the towel. Maybe next time
  6. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Thanks guys!
  7. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Thank you kevin!
  8. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Also never shoot a bull solo not fun. Makes everything harder.
  9. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Thank you!
  10. couesdeerhntr

    2021 4b az archery elk

    Thank you sir!
  11. Mark Miller(Marks Southwestern taxidermy) did my bison mount and i could not be happier!
  12. couesdeerhntr

    2019 fall cow bison shoulder mount done!

    Fall 2019 i forget the dates
  13. couesdeerhntr

    2019 fall cow bison shoulder mount done!

  14. couesdeerhntr

    2019 fall cow bison shoulder mount done!

    the mount is amazing. Dont get to see to many bison mounts but this one is top notch in my opinion.
  15. couesdeerhntr

    2019 fall cow bison shoulder mount done!

    Meat was amazing. Thought it was all gone and i just found some mixed in with some Kansas whitetail from my buddy. Thinking about some tacos!
  16. couesdeerhntr

    Where my fellow Doge coin billionaires at?

    Well sense you are talking about crypto and something other than the dollar.what do you guys think about this current inflation?We seem to be producing more debt then goods and nobody is working and now states are pulling federal unemployment to get people back to work. What happens when this all runs out? Am I reading to much? Do I need to take my head out of my phone? Or prepare? Thoughts? The little history I know tells me to maybe prepare like I feel others are doing with this crypto craze
  17. couesdeerhntr

    spring turkey 2021 status?

    Was in 3a3c Friday checking out new areas and threw out some hen calls and no gobble but got a hen to respond and she brought in the whole flock with three toms. I would take that as they are just getting ready to break away and start seeing some solo birds.
  18. The wife and I got some good tags in two units and some cameras to hang and wanted to make sure I drew the tags at the right time so I can be scouting two different units and using the help of some cameras to find some nice bulls. No money for guides so the cameras will help for sure if I still have some time before it goes into effect?
  19. couesdeerhntr

    So when does this trail cam ban go into effect?

    thank you!
  20. couesdeerhntr

    So when does this trail cam ban go into effect?

    Didn’t they vote on it the 19?
  21. couesdeerhntr

    So when does this trail cam ban go into effect?

    If I am reading correct not tell 2022? Might be wrong?
  22. couesdeerhntr

    G&F actions today "disenfranchised" many

    Ya this was a very weird draw. been checking everyday for a charge and Thursday I got a hit for 4b and nothing for wife on Thursday or Friday. Only one credit card hit Thursday. Nothing yesterday and this morning I check my account and there is another hit for my wife and now we have two tags. 4b early archery and 3a3c early archery bull. There is still hope fellas and I have no idea how that happened and usually anything that is charged to my card posts immediately on my account. So I am pretty sure they charged me this morning. Super pumped and man do I got a good problem to deal with . Two early archery tags. Good thing the units are right next to each other. But seemed wierd that my wife got a tag for a premium hunt on a Saturday.
  23. couesdeerhntr

    Results are up

    Ok fellas been checking everyday for a charge and Thursday I got a hit for 4b and nothing for wife on Thursday or Friday. Only one credit card hit Thursday. Nothing yesterday and this morning I check my account and there is another hit for my wife and now we have two tags. 4b early archery and 3a3c early archery bull. There is still hope fellas and I have no idea how that happened and usually anything that is charged to my card posts immediately on my account. So I am pretty sure they charged me this morning. Super pumped and man do I got a good problem to deal with . Two early archery tags. Good thing the units are right next to each other
  24. couesdeerhntr

    Results are up

    I drew a 4b early archery bull heck ya! Wife didn’t draw again with I think 12 points early archery 3a3c.