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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. naturegirl

    Out of State hunting license question?

    Each state will want their own revenue.
  2. naturegirl

    Never sit on your behind when calling lion!

    Scarey is what I say!
  3. I am proud to be an American! These symbols were chosen by those before us to represent the USA and our pride. Feel free to add your own pics
  4. naturegirl

    4th of July photos - Happy Birthday USA!

    Glad someone posted it the thought crossed my mind. Thanks!
  5. naturegirl

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    I'm so glad I have a tag. They sure are looking good.
  6. naturegirl

    Anyone hunt Illinois?

    It's horrible. Last year I bought my license and tag early. I got there and went to an office and they sold me the additionAL items I needed. Then we get down to Shawnee and need another permit and lost a good part of the day getting the permit. We had no printer to print it. Luckily the lady at DNR office had pity on us and printed our stuff. It's a pain. Where will you be hunting? The apps were due a month ago. I'm just going to an office when I get there and have them sell me everything at once. Easier than how I did it last year.
  7. I'm wondering if they tend to stay in the same areas or not? Might I see him again? I'd at least like a better picture. He was light colored - tan color. My guess is more like 50+ lbs. He seemed as big as my lab who is about 70ish lbs. It's very cool so many other people have seen them. They are very unique
  8. I'm was trying out my spear when I heard rocks falling. I've heard this sound before and typically it's sheep so I'm looking up the cliff and I see nothing. I hear more rocks falling and it's a lot of rocks, not just a rock here or there like is typical with sheep. I'm quickly scanning up, down, right and left when I locate this long tan tail. My heart starts beating faster as I'm saying to myself "It's a mountain lion, it's a mountain lion" all the while grabbing my camera. Then this THING peeks out from behind a bush. I've heard of Coatimundi, but this is the first time I've seen one. Very very cool sight to see and such an odd looking creature.
  9. naturegirl

    Who here likes to catfish??

    I'm very jealous
  10. naturegirl

    Anyone hunt Illinois?

    I went last year and am going again this fall. Not sure what info you are looking for.
  11. naturegirl

    A/C on vacation?

    Absolutely turn it up while you're gone. I like a cool house 76-78 but when I'm gone it's at 83-85. I have animals so turning it off completely isn't an option. If I'm gone all day it goes up to 80.
  12. First thing i did was look up the regs when i got home. Sept 1st.
  13. naturegirl

    Very nice ram!

    It sure would be a great great year if I drew this tag too His right side is broke and he's still a full curl, but take a look at that left! Wow! Wow! Wow! Two good rams standing side by side He has mass!
  14. It was very noisy. Not sure what it was doing. It was very large to my untrained coati eye. The things I see from a kayak are amazing! I'm glad I got pics since i was questioned with "Are you sure it wasn't a ring tail?" I'm like no see its a desert ant eater dog-looking thing
  15. I posted a question awhile back about fine tuning archery-specific muscles & this wasn't mentioned. I'm looking to fine tune archery specific muscles especially the smaller muscles used for archery. Has anyone here used one of these and what do you think? Another thing I really like is I could use it in air conditioning whenever. A total plus.
  16. naturegirl

    Very nice ram!

    Maybe... maybe not...only I know for sure I will say it's the only time I've ever photographed sheep standing on the side of the road. I'm opportunistic. The lady who stopped after me to take pics said she saw them but thought they were "statues" until she saw me. That's funny.
  17. naturegirl

    WTS: Backpacking Gear ***SOLD***

    PM Sent
  18. naturegirl

    spear fishing idea

    Anyone here spear fish with homemade equipment? Im coming up with ideas but cheap, easy to make, and it must work is what I'm looking for. This sounds very fun! Forget a pole. Forget a bow. I want a spear.
  19. naturegirl

    Very nice ram!

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. Sure would be nice though
  20. naturegirl

    spear fishing idea

    My first attempt I hit it but it deflected. Need a stronger arrow. I was kinda surprised I hit one. Also got to see a Coati Mundi for the first time crazy looking creatures who look like they belong in Australia.
  21. You are the second person Ive heard do that. It's a good idea.
  22. naturegirl

    Late season camping

    I used to have a heater that could be left on all night. It was meant for tents and ran off small propane bottles. It was under $20 at the time.
  23. naturegirl

    Late season camping

    You can heat water to wash with or even find a place close by (ie campground ) with a shower. You may need to pay a fee but it's cheaper than buying a trailer. I can clean up with a half gallon of water when hunting and I have a head full of hair. I use scent free wipes on in between days. Its all about the wind to hide your scent.
  24. naturegirl

    spear fishing idea

    but have you ever tried it? I have to try it first before it becomes animal food. I know everyone says it's yucky, but have they actually tried it? Javi are supposed to taste gross, but don't.. Some people don't like duck, but I do. Frogs, turtles, elk, deer, snake = yummy. I'll try carp too at least once. I don't have smoker but I know someone who does. My cousin in Illinois sent me a picture of a spear he made and has been successful with. He uses the carp for dog food...lol. Maybe he doesn't have a smoker. Now to make my spear...lmao. I will be sure to attempt this endeavor when I have the water to myself.
  25. naturegirl

    no need for sheep

    and I thought you were talking about these...lol