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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. naturegirl

    Bear defense

    I have a dilemma. I carry a Ruger LCP .380 (w/laser) with me when I’m hunting. I like it because of its size and ease to carry. Well, 2 weekends ago my husband and our hunting buddy were chased by a mama bear with a cub. My husband was carrying a 40 caliber and his shot gun for turkey. The bear chased/charged them multiple times and they had to shoot their shot gun in front of her 3 times and finally she backed off enough to let them get out of the area. My husband spoke to a friend who was carrying a 40 and was attacked by a bear in Colorado. It took 6 shots to take the bear down. I want to upgrade to a bigger caliber sidearm, but am unsure if I should go with a smaller caliber that holds more rounds or a larger caliber that holds 2 less rounds. I also prefer something small enough to carry inside my waistband. I know it’s not likely that I will ever be attacked by a bear, but I want to be prepared if I am…LOL. Just curious of others thoughts/opinions on this.
  2. naturegirl

    Women's hand gun for protection

    I take back my recommendation. my MIL had an LCP. but had a hard time with the slide (she was not strong enough ). guess it depends on the woman's strength.
  3. naturegirl

    Ranger, Prowler or Rhino For UTV's

    we have a close to stock rhino and love it. my sister had a ranger and i felt it was too big, stiff ride, and uncomfortable seats.
  4. naturegirl

    Women's hand gun for protection

    I have a ruger lcp w/ laser. fits me fine. small and easy to conceal. easy on kick
  5. this is from one of my 1st posts here. I've come quite a ways since then but look at my pics of the deer G&F said was a hybrid. I've never seen pics of him taken so if someone has them, plz post http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22799&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  6. naturegirl

    Gov. tag

    hope we get to see some pics soon!
  7. naturegirl

    Would you...

    I've used my husbands 15s and I have the 10x50EL. I love my 10x50. I can hand hold them when out & about or put them on tripod for greater distances. they are my every day binos. the clarity is unbelievable.
  8. I've seen a hybrid down south (G&F confirmed via pics) go with the tail as ID.
  9. naturegirl

    Just can't be...

    ill bet Amanda knows if this is a fact. a couple years ago i really tried on a 100+ coues but after watching him for months on camera he was a no show come hunting time.
  10. naturegirl

    How close would you let it get?

    that was awesome! totally natural & all you had to say was "hey big boy" to get it to leave. I really want to see one but I definitely don't want to be threatened by one. I carry my bear mace and a sidearm just in case though.
  11. naturegirl

    good quality light weight rain gear

    So how do I talk my husband into spending $500 on Kuiu? should be a one time purchase that would help me be prepared and comfortable while out and about outdoors. Hmmmmm.
  12. naturegirl

    My Sons 2011 junior hunt mount

    that's a great deer for a junior! I'd be very happy with that buck! great job!
  13. naturegirl

    good quality light weight rain gear

    what exists over $150?
  14. naturegirl

    Trail camera thiefs

    u gotta remember not all LEO or GW take your cameras and the one who was on the other thread regarding the aid of vehicles is definitely NOT one of them. now if u bolt directly into a tree that's a different story. that is clearly not supposed to be done. has anyone here ever had one taken by F'S, LEO, or GW? Ive seen a pic of one of them peeing (maybe on a salt block) . I think the majority of the THIEVES are either fellow hunters , campers, or tree huggers. just my 2 cents.
  15. naturegirl


    wow! I'm quickly realizing there are way more bears. out there than I had previously thought. great pics!
  16. naturegirl

    Robin Hood!

    +1 I've done it only once myself at 30 yrds so when my groups are tight I move to different spot.
  17. naturegirl

    bow draw question

    +1 you lost A LOT of weight. A huge Congrats! I'm sure your new body impacts your form.
  18. naturegirl

    46B tag #1

    how exciting! Congrats!
  19. naturegirl

    Results Are Out!

    nice they are out and I still didn't get drawn but that's okay. I've got the elk hunt!
  20. naturegirl

    elk calling

    this is my first rut hunt (actually 1st time even hopefully being a part of the rut). never even been in the forest during the rut. schools usually back in and DH is usually up helping people get bulls. we have1 person who really knows how to call. we will be there for 2 weeks and he can only do 1week. there are 3 in our hunting party who have tags and caller doesn't have a tag. I've never even tried calling except for the hoochie mama. u all may don't think it works (seems to be the consensus in the hunting world anyhow) but I've called in cows to within 10 yards not during the rut. where do I start? I'd like to partner with the caller but I'm giving DH the caller. its been over 10 years since he's had a rut hunt himself. that will leave me and captain who both don't know how to call. DH bought me and him a large bugle but I haven't tried it yet. seems kinda inconvenient to carry with a bow too.
  21. naturegirl

    camo rhino plastics

    thank u. hope to talk to you again soon
  22. naturegirl


    my husband has his own room too but yours is super organized! you have a nice setup!
  23. naturegirl

    BIG 7X8 BULL!!!

    I sure wouldn't mind putting my tag on him
  24. naturegirl

    Some advice

    I'm in the same boat with my FIL who had a stroke one month ago with left sided paralysis. he got drawn for deer too. its a tag he's tried for for a long time. we can pray he'll get arm use back by then.