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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. naturegirl

    New to hunting coues...

    hello amd welcome! if you search this site for your topics, there is a wealth of information here
  2. naturegirl

    Thoughts on Baiting

    this subject feels a little like politics. my PERSONAL opinion is that I don't think "baiting" is necessary. I get plenty of good pics and i dont use any kind of attractant (tried salt once didn't end up caring for it even though a spike bull literally slept on it). my cameras are doing their job getting intel for me but when my hunts come I will be spot and stalk. Yes I feel baiting increases your odds and yes more game will be taken as a result. I'd rather have the option to hunt every year without bait than go to a draw system with bait. again just my 2 cents.
  3. naturegirl

    Tripod Adaptor for Swaro EL?

    outdoorsman. very helpful
  4. naturegirl

    good quality light weight rain gear

    so I bought Kuiu lightweight rain gear and so far I'm extremely impressed. I used it a couple times last week and will use it again this week if mother nature okays it. the quality of the workmanship is very very good. kept me cool when sweating and kept me warm when weather turned a bit chilly. I didn't use it yet in a downpour but it was sprinkling pretty good. the only downfall so far is the length of the medium pants (too long for 5'4" and the material isn't as quiet as my other suede rain suit. I got it on clearance and saved $75 each piece but it was not returnable. I took a chance and so far I'm glad I did. I got mediums both pieces with enough room to layer under it.
  5. naturegirl


    I was once told by a G&F officer that in his unit if they are empty and are G&F tanks to let him know and he can arrange to have it filled. not sure if all units work that way too. could call and ask about that particular tank
  6. naturegirl

    So the FS is expecting us to be psychics...

    That's EXACTLY what I was saying months ago. Some of the areas they closed are very close to the size of the "wilderness areas" in many units. We hike A LOT too (we are not road hunters in any sense of the word), but come on 4 miles is pushing it a little (as a crow flies). And I love the rock idea...hehe. Guess I'm much too nice of a person to have thought of that one Fill out the change forms. I'm going to attach a link here in a new post. If you don't fill one out than, you can't say much more because if we are discussing it here that means we know about it. I'm not on G&Fs e-mail so I did not know about it until right before it was going into effect so I didn't say anything before but I am now.
  7. naturegirl

    So the FS is expecting us to be psychics...

    this whole thing angers me. I think FS needs a lawsuit to challenge this. I 100% agree with some restrictions but the majority of us stay on trails anyhow. the people that don't aren't going to no matter what the rules are. and I'm angered that roads I've used for 10 years now are closed. now some of these roads yes I agree with. they go nowhere or there are other roads that get u to the same spot. BUT some of the closed roads are the only way to get from point a to point b, but I'm gonna take this up with them by filling out the proposed change form. don't even get me started with camping 10 yards off a road. half my family has asthma and can't sit in the dust from the roads. we have a 5th wheel so its not like we go far anyways but i don't like camping 30 or even 300 feet from certain well traveled roads because of the dust.
  8. naturegirl

    YOU TELL ME!!!

    i dont know your area but u can always crop the picture if theres any worry that someone may know the area. it's what I do.
  9. naturegirl

    Pictures of a few bulls and Wallow burn

    it looks like their antlers are darker than what I'm seeing in other units. is it because of the different nutrients, soot, etc, in the soil from the fire?
  10. naturegirl

    How long to leave trail cam?

    we had a strap cut on one of them last week. the camera was misplaced but either it was some sort of "warning" or the lock and chain kept them from stealing it. if it was a warning, we'll be sure and hunt all around that water hole in a couple weeks and i sure hope I don't happen to mess up anyones hunt who may be sitting a tree stand on said water hole ;0)
  11. naturegirl

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    walking too fast. drives me crazy when we bump animals. I want to see them before they see me!
  12. naturegirl

    Prayers for my son please

    I don't often ask for prayers but I took my 19 year old son to a specialiat today to have a lump in his neck evaluated. they ended up doing an in office biopsy, ordering a CT, and may need to remove it for a better biopsy). I'm praying it's something benign but a couple of the doctor's (who is considered by some to be one of the top cancer ENT docs in AZ) comments have me concerned. As a parent, I have tons of thoughts running through my head but I'm trying to think positive until we get definitive results. My boy hunts too and is very active. I believe in the power of prayer. If you can say a small prayer for him, I would much appreciate it . Thanks so much.
  13. naturegirl

    Pistol grip

    outdoorsman with panning. it is wonderful!
  14. naturegirl

    albino mule deer

    very very cool!
  15. naturegirl

    Leaving a Bull overnight

    this is a tough topic because there is an unlimited amount of scenerios that could present. I have done good I. my first 4 years of hunting to only take shots I'm 100% comfortable with. does this mean I've had many missed opportunities because I wasn't confident in the shot...yes. but 3 of 3 animals that I have shot I've recovered within 10 feet of where I shot it. I like close shots with a bow and only distances I've practiced with a rifle. I know eventually something will go wrong but I want to keep the odds in my favor thru practice and good shots. it takes restraint to pass up shots
  16. naturegirl

    binocular question

    I had the monarchs for years. absolutely loved them. last year i decided to make my first big hunting purchase and i looked at higher end binos. I went with swaro10x52 EL. I carry them in my bino strap with a cover. for other long distance situations they work beautifully on a tripod. I carry that on my pack too sometimes. couple weekends ago I used the monarchs and i couldn't believe how many animals I've probably missed over the years by not being able to see them. it really is a huge difference on how small of a detail you can pick out with good glass.
  17. naturegirl

    carrying your bow on your atv

    I put it in my case and use cargo netting. nothing fancy but works for me. I also started putting something soft under my sight so there's no pressure on it (had 1 break before). I have an old fleece scarf I use.
  18. naturegirl

    Single best tip for fall turkey hunting??

    scout and find roosting trees. if no opportunities in the morning, walk around slowly and they may be close. this is how I got mine. we missed the fly down but I was able to get in front of them on the ground.
  19. naturegirl

    7 WEST BULL PHOTOS updated monthly

    Absolutely beautiful pics! my tag would look just as beautiful on any one of them
  20. naturegirl

    good quality light weight rain gear

    I'm going with Kuiu. I have tried the more affordable gear and its not what I want. I've used my rain gear many times every year up north and down south. last Jan I chased deer for days down south in the rain. I'm ready to stay dry!
  21. naturegirl

    good quality light weight rain gear

    I was too late but very cool site!
  22. naturegirl

    Best tripod

    outdoorsman. I love mine. pricey but I looked at it that its a one time purchase.
  23. naturegirl

    Women's hand gun for protection

    +1. You must be able to use it to protect yourself period. does little good otherwise. come to think about it, I like the revolver idea for someone who doesn't shoot a lot. the only downfall for me is reloading if needed. I like to pop a slide out and pop one in. a revolver takes ME forever. +1 laser