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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. naturegirl

    need help in 6A with youth hunt

    cow down. they will be packing her out tonight. very cool!
  2. naturegirl

    need help in 6A with youth hunt

    a plan is in place :0) thx so much! can't edit topic headline on phone. thx again.
  3. naturegirl

    my sons 1st buck

    beautiful deer and awesome 1st buck!
  4. naturegirl

    6A- First Snow

    nice. gotta get my FIL's new ranger and plow up to him. we were hoping we had until his deer hunt. hes having to get improvised equipment since the stroke. its just a dusting right? plz let me know thx
  5. naturegirl


  6. naturegirl

    Help and advice

    I'm glad they are not starving anymore. at least they have a chance now. bowhuntaz1 is very right. adopting an animal is the way to go if anyone wants a new animal :0)
  7. naturegirl

    My grandpa

    I'm so sorry. my condolences to you and your family.
  8. naturegirl

    Fly Fishing Silver Creek

    I agree! Trout that fat don't need measured! Looks very fun!
  9. naturegirl

    az prop 120

    I did like to think it went to our.schools primarily. I wonder what the breakdown % is on above? who gets what
  10. naturegirl

    Hypothetical Bear Questions????

    I'd enjoy watching all the excitement but pass on the shot.if I saw the hunter, I'd point which way the dogs went just as a friendly gesture.
  11. naturegirl

    Private Campgrounds

    seriously I was born in Illinois. we went to yogi bear campground when I was a kid. not by chance where you went is it? my dad wanted to open one similar here in az when we moved here 30+ years ago. He totally should've :0)
  12. naturegirl

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    i havent read quite everyone's posts but I was at g&f today. what I'm getting out of it is its more related to the potential to spread disease. what if that is the case? what if eliminating baiting helps decrease the chance or at least prolong that our herds get CWD? I know some people will call BS. someone always does, but if the underlying concern is animal health then yes I support it. it makes sense. I've tried salt before and literally had animals sleeping on it. yes they congregate at licks / feeders differently than they do around a water hole or natural trees/bushes. typically their feet and mouths touch a smaller area on licks/ feeders than if they are grazing for acorns from tree to tree or drinking out of tanks/holes where typically they are in and out. this is just my brain telling me it makes sense that yes licks/ feeders could increase the spread of disease. I'm not sure why licks are being looked at differently except I'm sure its got to do with cattle.
  13. naturegirl

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    I consider myself more of a realist. its just how it all works. I'm not saying I like all of the changes because I don't. I also don't come here to argue /debate like this/ etc. or change anyone's mind. I spoke my thoughts and my opinions. the question was asked and I answered.
  14. naturegirl

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    I'm not completely adamant but I believe that they are making an educated decision. I personally wonder why people are so adamant about keeping baiting. Can't you hunt without it? It would mean your success rate (kills & shots) would go down I'm pretty sure. Are you feeding the animals for their nutritional benefit just curious? I think nature/animals can survive without the benefits from baits etc. I don't believe they can survive without water. I don't believe that one change to the rules will lead to the end of the hunting world as we know it. Maybe the animals will actually do better. just my 2 cents. PS- as times change, rule changes will have to follow.
  15. naturegirl

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    like it or not as technology and hunting ways change over the years, there will be adjustments made to rules or new rules made. there has to be limits somewhere. I personally don't hunt over edibles. I cant sit still long enough. I have hunted water but me personally my personal ethics play on my mind some when I have sat water because to ME i feel like im kinda cheating. no judgement to anyone. to each their own. anyhow, I'm a realist...there will need to be changes made at some point or go to a draw for everything . I personally would not like that since I primarily hunt archery.
  16. naturegirl

    Had to happen sooner or later...

    thats a bummer and it stinks! hope they go to --ll for stealing. we took ours down before opening of archery. just too many people out in the woods for my comfort. nothing worse than your hard earned money in someone else's hands. I'm a believer in what goes around comes around, karma, etc
  17. naturegirl

    European elk mount

    bummer. I wish I had one that was mine on my wall like yours. hopefully you are replacing it with a bigger bull :0)
  18. naturegirl


    sorry they are gone and onto the next little one.
  19. naturegirl


    I'm cleaning out my daughters room. I have about 5 camo t-shirts long & short sleeve and 2 pairs of camo pants. all sizes 2-3T. should fit a 1-3 year old toddler. bought at sportsmans and are well used/faded. I dont see any holes. FREE if you are interested. I would prefer they be worn by a kiddo who is gonna hunt/scout with dad and/or mom :0). its never too early to get them out! im in the south gilbert/QC area.
  20. naturegirl

    Elk Meat Wanted

    I just got our 300+ lbs and I'm thrilled. id share but we had a very long dry spell for elk meat. good idea though. processing is expensive!
  21. naturegirl

    Bobcat by Bow

    I'm impressed. I have yet to even see one in person. great job!
  22. naturegirl

    Suicide Awareness Walk

    you are doing a great thing. I lost my only brother to suicide when he was 18. Definitely a great cause!
  23. I honestly don't care what they do. if their main revenue is from tourism, then that is who they need to cater to. I'm not familiar if it is a great hunting destination or not, but they didn't touch fishing (of course =main source of revenue). As for my hunt story...one example of a "missing bull" story. I will fill out my questionnaire appropriately and I would not have shot another bull. He was mine. I'm sorry if you (or anyone else) don't like to read those types of stories. Some of us struggle with our experiences and it was a little therapeutic for me to write it. I would not post every negative experience online. nope. wouldn't happen. Also, most of the people who do the bad stuff know better than to post about it. One more thing to the people who posted about finding bulls, I appreciate that too and contacted one of them myself. you never know if you can help.