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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. naturegirl

    Aug. Archery

    I'm not there yet. I have doctor permission but must lower my poundage way down and he said to listen to my shoulder. It plain stinks actually because I hardly feel like there is anything wrong so I'm having a hard time lowering my poundage. I thought maybe I'd take it to get a new string first (every 2 years), but I don't know what's worse a new string, lower poundage (not planning on moving sight), or both. I really don't like changing stuff on my bow. I've got work ahead of me since I have plans for August archery season and an archery Illinois whitetail hunt with my cousin that is in the works. I haven't used cameras for awhile now, but have a couple out already. I honestly can't wait to see if a couple bucks made it through last year.
  2. naturegirl

    My Mother's Day

    The plans were made months ago for us to go turkey hunting this past weekend. We didn't realize until just a week or so before that it was Mother's Day weekend, which totally worked for me since the plans included taking my mom and youngest daughter with us. The plan was a family camping-hunting trip. We got to the woods around noon on Friday, set up camp, and hung out with the family for the afternoon. Our hunting buddy had arrived a couple days before us and it turns out this man is a major bear magnet! He ended up seeing four different bears in just 2 days right in the area we would be hunting turkeys. One day he was sitting a water hole and had this black bear come running up over the burm and jump right into the tank. The bear then proceeded to take a lengthy 10-minute swim, shake off, and leave. Our buddy always carries his bear mace with him since he has been chased by an angry mama bear during a past spring turkey hunt, but luckily all of his encounters this trip were safe ones including one with a beautiful cinnamon bear who was quite curious about him. Saturday morning we got up early and got to our spot. It was a little before 5 am and the sun was already starting to peak out. We were later than we would've liked, which always seems to happen on the first day of a hunt. We dropped our buddy off at his tank and my husband and I headed on up the road. We parked and just as I was getting my pack out the gobbles started. I had gobblers sounding off in all directions. How exciting! We had lucked out and picked a good spot! My husband headed out one way and me another. I hunkered down until there was more light. Just as I was getting up to start moving, I see movement down below me. It took me a second to ID it, but it was the antelope buck we had seen the day before. I watched this buck stop dead in its track when a truck approached. The truck parked, the buck held it's ground. When the truck backed up and left, only then did the buck move and cross the road. By about 5:30 am the gobbling had stopped. It turns out the birds headed in the direction of my husband and some other hunters. It also turns out that antelope buck was quite "friendly" with my husband. They were within 20-30 yards of each other on more than one occasion and the buck didn't seem too concerned. We ended up questioning his health (the buck...not my husband). Mother's Day morning had arrived. My original plan was to sleep in and make breakfast for my mom, but with all that gobbling the day before I just had to get back out there. We head to the same area as the day before and the wind was a whirling. My husband had a plan to head to a spot he had found the day before along with our hunting buddy. I had zero plans of my own so I head out with them. As we started making our way up, I changed my mind and said "Bye guys. I'm heading down the valley." My new plan was to walk slowly between two tanks and see what happens, but first I needed light to let my eyes do their job so I take a seat under an oak tree and wait. So far there has been no gobbling to hear of so when the light allows I start making my way slowly forward. I come across an old closed two track between the two tanks and walk this slowly. I see the sun making it's way through the trees and the sun glistening off the meadow at the end of the road. I say to myself "Now this is a beautiful morning." No sooner had I gotten the thought out and I see something big and dark brown right at the edge of that meadow. It's not moving so I'm thinking it's a tree stump or maybe a bear so I pull my binos up to see. Well, surprise to me because it was a Tom who was strutting his stuff and then I think I see another Tom, but now I definitely see a bunch of other turkeys feeding at the edge of the meadow. I'm about 200 yards at this point so I find the closest tree to hide behind and make a plan. As I'm trying to come up with a plan, the lead hen starts feeding right down the two track toward me. I'm sitting here thinking to myself "I can't believe this....they are coming right to me. How much better can this get?" Everything that is now happening is a first for me. I've seen turkeys many times over the years, but typically they see me and I'm chasing rear or they are on a mission somewhere and I'm making a plan. This time is different. They are so relaxed, haven't a clue I'm there, and they are close! Within a short time I realize they just feed here, feed there, feed wherever their heart desires. I start making my stalk and I know very well how phenomenal their vision is as they've taught me this again and again. I positioned myself the best I could behind as many trees as I could to cover the 10 sets of eyes that are at the edge of the meadow looking for danger. I inch and inch and inch forward. I'm about 70 yards at this point. I only see one Tom now and he's big, but he seriously never stopped strutting (a jake decoy sure would've been nice). Next thing I know the flock decides to feed up and away from the meadow. Now I'm kicking myself in the butt for at least not trying to call. I do have my slate call and have had limited conversations with gobblers in the past, but I was afraid I would scare them away. Now they have disappeared into the woods and I'm asking myself "Where'd they go?" I head up the hill. Flanking wide always seems to work well for me with turkeys so now I head across the hill parallel to the meadow. I'm glassing out in front and yippee - there they are! That Tom is in full strut right in front of this hen and he wouldn't let her budge. I stalk again and this time I end up getting stuck out in the open as a hen comes within 30 yards of me and she is feeding right toward me. Again, I didn't move one muscle (besides my heart pounding that is). I stood still as a tree. Here she comes along with a couple other hens right behind her. She then turns and heads up the hill. I'm still trying to get closer to the Tom who is still being a road block for this one particular hen. I position a big tree between us and move forward. This goes on until finally the rest of the turkeys start feeding up toward the other turkeys, which brings them in line with me and within shooting range. I sit and wait still as a tree again and out in the open again. Here's a line of turkeys meandering right toward me. I can literally see their feathers ruffling from the wind as they head uphill. I'm guessing they are about 30-40 yards and closing. My gun is out in front of me. All I need to do is shoulder it when that Tom walks in front of me and he does, but the flock was so close together I felt I couldn't take the shot without risking hitting a hen so I did not get a shot. They went up the hill and so did I. I caught a glimpse of them as they crested the top and yet again after I hit the top, but then lost them. I passed and I'm okay with it because I know I wouldn't be okay with taking two birds. Although I must say I'm still patting myself on the back for stalking within 70 yards of 10 turkeys not once, but twice and oh yeah I was the only of our group of hunters to find turkeys every day (hehe). I'm improving for sure. I could've used a portable decoy and can improve on calling. I also could've hunted with someone else and had them guide me in, but nah that's okay too. I liked it just the way it was. Late that afternoon we took my mom and daughter out for a ride. In just a couple hours my little one counted 61 animals and only 10 were birds (not turkey). The rest were deer and elk. My daughter was thrilled to see so many animals and my mom couldn't stop talking about how much she enjoyed herself. It was a very good Mother's Day!
  3. naturegirl


    Absolutely amazing seeing all the antlers! It was nice meeting Amanda and Antlerdog (and his wife) too!
  4. naturegirl

    4a 4b

    I was in a totally different unit last weekend (6a). The one day the wind wasn't blowing they were very vocal, but only for the first half hour. The other 2 days we never heard a single bird, but I saw birds those days.
  5. naturegirl

    Chicken Thief Exposed

    Dang. where do you live? I'm in Queen Creek. My neighbor trapped a young bob cat who had demolished most of her chickens a few months or so ago. Curious if this is a bad year for the cats (I wouldn't really think so with the potential bob cat prey I see when I'm out and about) or is this pretty standard and they are they just going for easy pickings? I also had a coyote in the pen with my horse this year, which surprised me. Has the cat met his maker yet?
  6. Illinois Nonresident 5-day hunting $37 nonresident archery deer antlerless (spike 3" or less or does) $25.50 If I decide to break the bank, I can get the nonresident either sex and antlerless archery tag for $410. Nonresident fishing 10-day $20 Turkey tag $75.50 Trout stamp $6.50
  7. naturegirl

    My Mother's Day

    That's funny He needs no help though. The man is an animal magnet most times and if he isn't and we are hunting together, I'll blow a stalk and send them his way...lol
  8. naturegirl

    Jaycie's First Turkey!

    Way to go girl! Lots and lots of birds! What a fun trip!
  9. naturegirl


  10. naturegirl

    ATTENTION Parents in Gilbert!!!

    Gilbert, gilbert, gilbert.....Glad I'm just over the border now in Queen Creek.
  11. naturegirl

    Never underestimate a house cat

    Amazing cat for sure and very lucky child!
  12. naturegirl

    Mearns Quail

    Definitely a unique looking bird. Good pics!
  13. naturegirl

    Good News!!!

    Good to hear there are lambs! Would've been nice if the lion population had been thinned out a little before the release.
  14. naturegirl

    shed with the family

    Start em early! It's a great way to spend time with the family
  15. naturegirl

    14 lb largemouth at Canyon

    Great story and great fish! I love that you released it. I mounted my 10.5 lb bass (courtesy of Saguaro) and it's hanging on my wall, but I've always said if I catch another one, it will go back.
  16. naturegirl

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    I hesitate myself because it makes me nervous mostly because I hunt alone, but if it's something I wanted to do I wouldn't let illegals stop me from doing it. I would for surely treat the experience no differently than I do already as far as what I carry with me to protect myself.
  17. naturegirl

    Rex Hubbard

    I'm very sorry. Very beautiful poem and very honoring of your father.
  18. naturegirl

    Hunting's Next Perversion

    I started to write a couple times here and dang this thread got heavy. Very interesting. Certainly a lot of pent up feelings here. I'm on no side except the animals. Sometimes this can mean G&F has me in their pocket because I feel I do what is right by the animals. Using a drone to hunt isn't right for me and certainly isn't right for the animals, but as I've learned in person and been told on this site there are hunters who will do ANYTHING for a kill because they want 100% success. I disagree with technology or quads or any of that crap being THE problem with hunting. It's the actual humans who are the problem. Without them, none of this is an issue. Lark - Welcome back.
  19. naturegirl

    Newest CouesWhitetail.com Member

    She is beautiful Congratulations to you and your wife!
  20. naturegirl

    Called in a goulds yesterday!

    I absolutely LOVE that sound. I hope I get to hear a few gobbles myself when I'm out this weekend.
  21. naturegirl

    Are there any huge bull elk out there?

    I'd be more than happy to share, but I really stink at shed hunting. I don't think my one shed find of the year meets the criteria of a monster bull, but it sure was fun regardless. EDIT to add my shed picture. Looks bigger by the planter...lol..
  22. naturegirl

    New addition

    Congrats! Now the fun begins
  23. What? Really? I swear what this child comes up with never ceases to amaze me, but what amazes me more is that in kindergarten this comes up because her classmate is a vegetarian. Don't get me started on how many females have spoken negatively to her about hunting already. My answer to my girl is you will not be a vegetarian until you are 18 period. She is strong willed so she kept bringing it up and my answer did not change. This morning I make eggs and bacon. She had already eaten, but I asked her if she wanted bacon. She said no. About 10 seconds later she comes in, grabs a strip of bacon, and says "I'll wait til later to become a vegetarian." I am constantly amazed at how different things are in kindergarten between this one and when my next oldest was in kindergarten 13 years ago. A few things I like so much better now like father involvement (what a change in 13 years - way to go dads!), but many other things I'm not thrilled with. I could start ranting, but I'll just deal with my daughter wanting to be a vegetarian and an anti-hunter for now.
  24. naturegirl

    My 5 year old is thinking about being a vegitarian

    I told my older daughter who is almost 19 about this and she said she wanted to do the same thing too, but at about age 12. That fits right in with what someone else said above about when their children started making choices for themselves. My little one is 5 and at this point she won't decide for herself. I would not force her to eat meat, but it will be put on her plate each and every time I make dinner. In my house there is only one dinner made. I myself was just about a member of PETA and was almost a vegetarian - so I seriously do understand both sides of the fence. I do buy some store bought meat, but most is what we kill ourselves or what is raised by people we know. This is how I have found my balance. Oh yeah - by the way she had career day at school a couple weeks ago and she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She is so my daughter! Funny how that happens.