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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. Saw you in Kearny! That was quite the carnival in town
  2. naturegirl

    Poppies, poppies and more poppies! Aerial video

    The spring flowers sure do change the way the desert looks and there are poppies EVERYWHERE! BEAUTIFUL!
  3. naturegirl


    You suck...lol
  4. This child did not want to go with me, but it wasn't a choice and you can certainly tell by the look on her face she had an absolutely wonderful time. The lady in yellow is one of the women I mentored at the javi camp. I showed her some of my world and she returned the favor
  5. naturegirl

    In between hunting seasons = photo time

    I'll add this photo. I liked the picture so much I e-mailed it to the mom of the child. Her reply was "So precious. Our future fighters." The boy met his grandpa as he was coming off the field with open arms
  6. naturegirl

    shoulder dislocation

    my recommendation is to strictly follow the doctor's advice with physical therapy, etc., Ask your restrictions and follow them. It is ridiculously hard especially as you start feeling better, but let it heal right. I've seen quite a few people who didn't let dislocations heal correctly and they are very limited, especially with overhead use like throwing. I tore my rotator cuff awhile ago and I healed perfectly, but I also did what the doc told me to do
  7. naturegirl

    In between hunting seasons = photo time

    Definitely an elk. And it looks like those round white pieces around his belly are shed antler slices with some engraving on them. You both got it! Thank you all for the nice feedback Some pictures were taken at the river and some at one of the lakes. I've never photographed snakes before, but I enjoyed it with the long lens..haha. Funny story... I lost my fishing pole off the beach when I was night fishing (big fish stole it), but the best thing is when reeling in another pole in the morning, the pole I lost was somehow hooked on an eyelet and reeled in. The reel needed the sand cleaned out but then I proceeded to reel in the 10+ pound carp that stole my pole It was pretty funny to say the least!
  8. naturegirl

    In between hunting seasons = photo time

    he's really a king playing a knight... LOL! James You are supposed to be looking at the outfit not the weight. That's a GIRL thing to comment on weight...LOL
  9. naturegirl

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    "The penalty for each count of harassing wildlife with an aircraft is up to $100,000 and a year in jail for Smith and King, and up to $200,000 and a year in jail for Atkinson, Poppenberger said. They also could lose hunting and guiding privileges. " This is Smith's second offense and has already had his license taken away previously for using a vehicle during a hunt to stop an animal from crossing over into a neighboring ranch. This guy needs to quit hunting forever. It's definitely people like this who give hunters a bad name.
  10. naturegirl

    AZ outfitter murdered

    So very sad for the children and the families involved.
  11. naturegirl

    Does Working Out Help You Hunt Better?

    From my own personal experience.... when I started hunting 8ish years ago I was OUT OF SHAPE!!!!! I remember trying to keep up and how often I had to stop and rest. Fast forward to now. I'm in the best shape of my life and YES YES YES YES I see a HUGE difference in my hunting ability. I can hike/climb to the top of any mountain and I now have no physical limits. If I see an animal anywhere, I'm going after it. On a recent outing, I honestly for the first time truly realized how much better in shape I am than the far majority of women in my age group...well actually I could go all the way down into the 20s age group and I'm 42. I often look around me at the younger generation and wonder "What are they thinking?" Fast food/processed foods and no exercise = NOT HEALTHY! I personally like being able to do anything I want when I'm in the field. Now that I've experienced what it is like to be healthier, I'm not going back ever. I've made changes and this is now my forever lifestyle.
  12. naturegirl

    Happy Birthday Mrs125coues

    Happy Happy Birthday!
  13. naturegirl

    Happy birthday Patrick Jr

    Happy Birthday
  14. naturegirl


    I've pondered these situations a bit and what I've come up with is this. God created these lands for us and we are the caretakers of this beautiful planet. if we all just walk by trash, then we aren't doing our jobs as caretakers. I've passed up trash on purpose because of the backlash I received here, but I can tell you now that I will not do it again because it didn't feel good to me. If it's trash, then I'll treat it as such. I answer to Him before I answer to fellow hunters.
  15. naturegirl

    ISO swarovski 10x50s

    How much cash?
  16. naturegirl

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp 2015 - An Amazing Experience!

    and there is no mountain lion hunting on the BANWR.
  17. naturegirl

    For my dad

    Time flies. it's been 3 years since my dad passed away. I was recently out in the desert and came across the ovens. I was a young kid the first time I saw them with my dad and I've managed to find my way back to them a few times over the years. It's interesting where the cacti have started growing.
  18. naturegirl

    For my dad

    Last time I was at Martinez Cabin we had to walk to it because it was not accessible after a storm. Yes you are right the house at the ovens looked worse than it did 10 or so years ago when I saw it last, but most houses do when vacant for that long especially out in the middle of the desert. I've definitely seen vandals/idiots do much worse than what I saw at the ovens. If the owner sees it fit to fence it off, then they should but fences don't always keep out the vandals. it's the honest people that will leave it alone anyway the same as we do without a fence.
  19. naturegirl

    For my dad

    I saw no vandalism except inside one had grafitti. They looked as good as every time I've seen them over the last 30+ years. I was impressed actually. I've been told they melted ore inside them and then sent it on down river. they are a cool sight for sure.
  20. naturegirl

    My archery goat finished up!

  21. naturegirl

    Looking for GSP or Vizsla puppy

    he is a GSP. He's 100% a hunting dog through and through. He is not neutered. That's all I know
  22. naturegirl


    ttt - anybody interested in the treestand?
  23. naturegirl


  24. naturegirl

    Favorite Family Memories

    Don't worry too much about their heads bobbing, etc. My daughter has been going with me since she was in utero, then in a pack on my back, etc., There's not many places she hasn't been. Just get kids outside! They don't break and really like getting dirty! I've added pics. I have some funny videos, but I couldn't figure out how to get them on here. This is one of those subjects I could go crazy with I personally liked the scribble that was on the above picture and it really was the quickest fix, but I have corrected my bad etiquette now that I have access to a program that crops . I see a happy toddler carrying a duck around and a messy garage...lol