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Everything posted by naturegirl

  1. I've learned a lot from this. It was good for me to hear other points of view. Thank you and I sincerely mean it. My new plan is to tag out opening morning (location TBD) and be done with it. The other trillion hunters can have the whole darn thing at that point It's a meat hunt for me and I have to remember that even if it's a 2" spike that walks in front of me, but that is also TBD Sometimes I type something and then I go back to delete it. Like someone else said and contrary to popular belief, I know when to STFU and have been doing it throughout the last day because I sewed my mouth shut to not respond to a couple of comments. I know my story and that's about the only person who needs to. The big picture is more clear now. PLAN: Any bull on the ground ASAP opening morning. This is something that has never occurred to me before because I didn't have to fill the freezer and because I love the hunt itself so much. I've been known to let animals walk on the first days of hunts. I'm learning. Edit: I've pondered this and I don't think I have personally ever seen a 2" spike bull, but I bet I will opening morning...lol
  2. Every time I see one of those fly killers I want one!! It sure does look fun. Thx Brian That's an interesting law in general, and I didn't know about it. I've definitely heard some stories of hunters harassing other hunters. To me it's sad there has to even be such a law, but I get it.
  3. It rolled (passenger windshield area). Not very much damage at all though for rolling.
  4. naturegirl

    Pack animals??

    Very nice pictures Eric Sure looks like the goats help save the ol' back
  5. naturegirl

    Happy BirthDay AzLance

    Happy Happy Birthday!
  6. It's amazing to hear men's perspectives. I will NOT ask this thread to be deleted. There is no reason. I have received some very good advice thanks to this thread here and through PMs, which I very much appreciate. I've also read some pretty screwed up responses, but you all help my skin get thicker so I thank you too! To these people, I hope and pray your daughters never have to go through anything like this but if by chance they do, I hope their mamas are there to support them through it.
  7. It's complicated, very very complicated, but that is why we are superior LMAO!
  8. I'll take offense to that one sir. I come from a family with zero men left (all dead or now divorced) and it's nice to hear what's being said from a male perspective. Asking a valid somewhat unique question such as this I don't consider airing dirty laundry. If I gave details, then that would be airing dirty laundry. I'm simply stating a fact of my life. I'm not ashamed of asking for help here. If you don't want to help me, then go on your way please.
  9. I believe this was my original question.... By chance......has anyone else ever encountered anything like this or have words of wisdom? The words "Questions/Thoughts Needed" were also in the original heading I typically like to get other people's opinions and then base my decisions off that additional knowledge along with my own and my attorneys. I like to hear what you all have to say (or I wouldn't ask).
  10. There is no order against me. We do not communicate between us except in writing about our daughter. I totally knew it was a possibility we could end up with the same hunt, but in my statistical mind the odds were very much against it happening. He was due NOT to be drawn...lol I guess this is why it's called a lottery. I feel like I should not be driven out of "my areas" and forced to find new ones. I think that's a total bunch of BS. The list of all the things I've been driven from over the last year is long, but hunting and the outdoors are my outlet, my sanity, and for now it's the area I am comfortable traveling in. Why?? Because I know it like the back of my hand.
  11. I'll definitely talk to my attorney when we speak next, but you guys are real live hunters and just one or two of you may have come across something like this. I read every response and have time to think about it all. I've been thinking of ideas for awhile and my mind only comes up with so many
  12. When you are granted an order of protection, it is for one year. We are not quite halfway into that year. I've done a whole lot of personal growth much of which was allowed to happen because of the order. Not all orders of protection are for physical abuse and that is NOT what mine is for, and I will not get into personal details online. I'm a strong woman and I would have never asked to be protected unless I felt I needed it period. I wish to have room to freely hunt without any issues arising. I like to cover my bases ahead of time instead of just waiting to see if we cross paths. PS - I will not change my hunting style because of anyone. I'll go alone because I can and I will. I may or may not have base camp with someone, but the day is mine alone.
  13. naturegirl

    Turkey Tactics (Glassing)

    I walk in areas where I know turkeys like to be from experience and use my binos to glass out in front of me. I've had very good luck finding turkeys this way. There is no way to get high and glass where I hunt turkeys so I go low (under the trees) and glass.
  14. naturegirl

    found gun

    I've almost lost a gun just once. It has to do with going to the bathroom and being female.
  15. naturegirl

    Will the turkeys still be there?

    They should be there. I've seen a flock of turkeys in the snow (got them on video) during the winter months in northern 6a and went back in May and they were still there
  16. naturegirl

    Who all drew 6a archery bull?

    I'll be out there with you but in the northern part of the unit. I've been on quite a few 6A elk hunts now and yes there are people, but it is a very big unit with a lot of elk. 775 tags x 2-4 people per tag (yep, lol) and I still manage to find lots of places minus humans plus elk. It's a good hunt and you will have opportunities on bulls - it just depends on what you are looking for.
  17. I have to laugh at this one. I've been a member for four years on CWT and I have yet to get this message until yesterday. Guess I've found a subject that interests me a lot because I am no longer allowed to "like" other member's posts without getting the above message. I believe I understand why, but when do I get a new allotment of "positive votes?" My restriction started yesterday and continues today.
  18. naturegirl

    OTC archery hunt?

    I've had the late hunt many times and they have always still been calling (just less than earlier in the hunt). I've noticed turkeys seem to stay in the same general area (this area is pretty large though) so if you've seen them once, it's a good place to start. I really like ridges. Turkeys walk them and then just glide right off them at the first sign of trouble. I also like meadows and it is because you can actually see the birds moving around the meadow. It also seems they regularly come to water. different years I'll go back to the same general areas I've seen turkeys and call before sunup. The majority of the time I'll get a Tom to gobble.
  19. naturegirl

    Results by phone

    6A EARLY Archery Bull - YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I really thought I was getting the cow muzzle loader tag so this was an absolutely GREAT surprise I learned a lot on this same hunt a couple few years ago and I'm ready to tag pretty much anything with antlers this time around I've been given the best gift of the whole year. There isn't much that can top this!!!! PS - I couldn't get the results by computer, but I got right through by phone. and we have 2 threads about the results...haha
  20. naturegirl


    6A EARLY Archery Bull - YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I really thought I was getting the cow muzzle loader tag so this was an absolutely GREAT surprise I learned a lot on this same hunt a couple few years ago and I'm ready to tag pretty much anything with antlers this time around I've been given the best gift of the whole year. There isn't much that can top this!!!! PS - I couldn't get the results by computer, but I got right through by phone.
  21. naturegirl

    Leveling Kits

    As much as I wanted to be higher with bigger tires, when I upgraded I only bought the same size tires that came on the truck but off-road tires). I've noticed no difference in MPG (no leveling kit yet either). Sucks sitting stock though - so that is your alternative. My tires are very functional, but don't look as good as if they were bigger with a leveling kit but I'm still getting around 16-17 mpg in my Dodge (5.7L).
  22. naturegirl

    to a good home only

    naturegirl, wonder if your son can get you again with the pregnant story too?....Just saying... I don't want to talk about that! You must have ESP or you know my son...lol Is it bad that he got me two years in a row? BUT last year he REALLY got me!
  23. naturegirl

    to a good home only

    I'm so gulable. I read this yesterday and was like "What is he thinking?" This was before I realized it was April 1st.
  24. naturegirl

    Best April Fools Day Jokes

    Last year my 21-year-old son called me and told me his girlfriend was pregnant. He was at work when he called me and then he said "Mom I have to go I'll call you back." So I sat there for 10 minutes crying for two reasons... #1 He is not ready to be a father #2 I'm not ready to be a grandma (LOL). I'm so gullable at times. Finally, he called me back and told me "April Fool's Mom!" Ughhh
  25. naturegirl

    My Spring Break

    Great job showing Reyes the way