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Everything posted by deserttacoma84

  1. deserttacoma84

    photo radar alert northbound i-17

    Maybe its a highway monitor camera for ADOT?
  2. deserttacoma84

    photo radar alert northbound i-17

    Interesting... I recall there was a law that was passed outlawing speed cameras on highways??
  3. deserttacoma84

    Run in with the G & F in 3b.

    Here we go again..... TROLLS!!!!!!!
  4. deserttacoma84

    WTS Polaris 500 4x4

    Price drop $2500!! Need it gone!
  5. deserttacoma84

    WTS Polaris 500 4x4

    2001 Polaris Sportsman 500 Ducks Unlimited Edition with bags and windshield. Good condition and posting for a friend. Contact him at 602-999-6108 or pm me for details. I believe it has 2300 miles +/- and approx 220 hours. Asking $2750 obo.
  6. deserttacoma84

    Pre-owned Hunting Equipment

    Ebay and Amazon. I like ebay more as many items include free shipping and no taxes!
  7. How is this still going? By definition, this would be a Troll thread
  8. deserttacoma84

    WTS Polaris 500 4x4

  9. You must have a superior spot already picked out. I had this unit for archery bull a few years ago and we hunted many different parts and were in the elk daily...
  10. deserttacoma84

    Wood Fired Pizza Oven

    Jpeg should work. Do you know how big the file size is? Maybe they need to be resized.
  11. deserttacoma84

    Wood Fired Pizza Oven

    What type of file are they?
  12. deserttacoma84

    Wood Fired Pizza Oven

    More pics!!! Lets see these ovens!
  13. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

    If that is your ol lady in your avatar your a VERY LUCKY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless when she turns around2015-04-10-17-08-19-1116531119.jpeg HHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SO DM FUNNY!!!! @5guyshunting should get Platinum status
  14. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Dont hate man. Your the one that started it... i'm just callin it like i see it...
  15. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

    How else are trolls supposed to reach the coveted 1000 post "premier memeber" status? Gotta keep trollin' to get there...
  16. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

    I can provide the definition of douche if you'd like...
  17. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

  18. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

    John? Is that you??? Who let this Troll in?
  19. deserttacoma84

    New site asked me to merge my accounts.

    No problem man!
  20. deserttacoma84

    Question about "Premier Member"

    And the internet trolls are out in force!
  21. deserttacoma84

    Glock 23 for TRADE

    Not as fun. I could keep it and go buy what I want. To me trading is about meeting someone with alike interests and both of us end up with something we want. Sometimes others have some really cool things that they dont use that use that you never would have even thought about. Its like a treasure hunt...
  22. deserttacoma84

    Glock 23 for TRADE

    Looking to trade a Very lightly used Glock 23 Gen 3. Interested in pistols rifles optics or other hunting equipment. Txt or pm if interested. 602-525-1790
  23. deserttacoma84

    Glock 23 for TRADE

    Ok. How about something in snub nose 357 or even full size 357 or 44. Maybe 45 ???
  24. deserttacoma84

    G AND F new webpage

    It seems easier to navigate. I like that its o e cohesive site rather than taking you to another web portal to see license and hunt history. Looks like they are steppin up their game.