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Everything posted by Chimichanga

  1. Chimichanga

    WTB savage 300 mag or 7mm

    What were they asking for it?
  2. Chimichanga

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Pm sent to hunt4horns about the saddlebags!
  3. Chimichanga

    tree stands

    Sent you a pm earlier today
  4. Chimichanga

    Berger bullets for hunting

    My wife shot a muley this morning with a 168 grain Berger hunting vld out of my 300 win mag. Dropped in its tracks with one shot @ 400 yards deader than dead. Meat damage wasn't too devastating either.
  5. Chimichanga

    Meat still edible?

    I had the same situation with my bull elk a few years back. We just made sure to stay away from the pus area. The rest of the meat was fine when we ate it
  6. Anyone interested in some brand new Zeiss conquest 15x45 binoculars? Sent my old ones in for repair and Zeiss's Germany repair shop sent me a brand new pair. $1100. http://www.opticsplanet.com/zeiss-conquest-15x45-binoculars.html
  7. Chimichanga

    brand new zeiss conquest 15x45 binos

    Ya its actually the second time I sent binos to them and the second time I recieved a brand new pair. I send the binos to their virginia repair center and then they send them to Germany free of cost. Makes up for their 2-3 month turn around time
  8. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

    Sold on eBay. Please delete
  9. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

    I have a Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50 riflescope that I was planning on sending back for a repair on the front lense. I put a small scratch on it recently. Before I take the time to send it back I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in purchasing it for a discounted price of $500 plus shipping costs. This scope runs $660 new. PM me if interested and I can send pictures. I figure it is a good opportunity to pick up a good scope cheap. Leupold does come with a lifetime warranty so all someone would have to do is send it in to get repaired. Thanks!
  10. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

    Pm what you have
  11. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

    Bump bump bump...............$425 shipped to your door!!
  12. Chimichanga

    WTB Hodgdon 4831sc

    MRL I sent you a message
  13. Chimichanga

    WTB Hodgdon 4831sc

    I know its a long shot but I am wanting to buy some hodgdon 4831 sc. I also have a one pound bottle of hodgdon h1000 if someone is wanting to trade. I'm currently working on recipes for my 300 win mag and need some 4831sc. Thanks Armand Morales
  14. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

  15. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

    Here are some pics. I found it hard to get a picture that shows the scratch. Anyways, the scratch can be repaired and other than that its in good shape. I have the regular adjustment cap and also the cds dial cap for 180 grain Remington core lokt if you would like both.
  16. Chimichanga

    Leupold VX III 4.5-14x50

    I can post some up this afternoon when I get out of work.
  17. Chimichanga

    FS .300 WM Ammo and H4831SC

    Pm sent. Thanks
  18. The buddies Dustin, James, Austin, Scott, and Dusty and I went out opening morning to try and fling some arrows at bears.After seeing 2 bears in the morning with no success we decided to try a different spot in the afternoon. Scott glassed up this sow a few ridges over and the stalk was on! James and myself closed the gap on the sow while Dustin and Scott set up behind the video camera to try and shoot some footage. We manage to get to the juniper tree where we last saw the bear but could not locate her right away. James looks down the hill and catches a glimpse of the top of the bears head. He ranges the bear at 24 yards as I take a step forward and draw my Bear Assualt back. My closest pin is set at 40 yards so I aim a little low on the chest as she is facing me. Upon impact of the Tekan T3 broadhead she drops in her tracks. The broadhead went in the right side of the skull and the tip came through the left side. I was extremely impressed with the Tekan T3 broadhead. Thanks to all my hunting buddies for making this a memorable season already. Hope we can fill a few more of the tags before the unit reaches its sow limit.
  19. Chimichanga

    Unit 27 Archery Bear!

    Everyone but me went back out hunting today,I had to work. Just got a call from the buddies that they arrowed two more this afternoon. I'll let them tell you the story but I have a pic of one of them and its a heck of a boar. Congrats guys.
  20. Chimichanga


    I have a 2009 Honda big red and so does one of my buddies. I have rode rangers rhinos and trexs. The best thing about the big red is that it doesn't have a belt, it has a drive shaft. That alone was reason enough to persuade me. My big red came with aftermarket suspension but my buddies big red rides super smooth with stock. Rhinos and rangers are nice too but I've always had great success with honda! AM
  21. Chimichanga

    Whats your Favorite way to Drive Home

    November 2010 hunt! AM
  22. There is a member on here who sells the range snap. I bought one off of him while I had the pleasure to hunt with him on an archery 27 bull hunt. I have snapped it into my badlands bino case ever since and it seems to work perfect for me. I use it for both archery and rifle hunts without flaw thus far! I highly recommend both accessories!
  23. Chimichanga


    I'll take it for $40
  24. Chimichanga

    Black Nylon Bow Scabbords (2)

    Pm sent
  25. Chimichanga

    NAP Bloodrunner 2 blade

    I'm going with mechanical head this august and was wondering if anyone has shot the NAP bloodrunner 2 blades? If so how did they shoot compared to field tips and how did they shoot out at further yards, say 50,60, and beyond. I like the hybrid fixed/mechanical design behind it but I don't know if that makes it shoot similar to a fixed head. I'm going to get some practice heads and start testing but I wanted to know if you guys have some useful insight. thanks in advance. chimi