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About hntnIwlgo

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday September 15

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    Sam who is my one and only, The thrill of the hunt! Hunting-both small & large game, Wildlife viewing, and the great outdoors!

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  1. I agree with the original poster of this topic. In unit 8 there is "a huge decline in squirrel numbers" compared to a few years back. We covered a lot of ground from opening morning to Sunday evening. We only saw 6 squirrels the whole weekend. We got 4 of those six. One of the other two squirrels was literally in someone's camp and the other one crossed the road in front of us at another camp. Among our camp was a lot of wondering from our hunting group on what has happened to the squirrels. Finding actural squirrel sign was like no where. We didn't find any squirrel nests. No signs of where they have been eating. Places which have had plenty of squirrels in the past years appeared absent of squirrels. This year squirrel numbers were an improvement from last year. Last year we only saw 2 squirrels the whole weekend. One was a roadkill. The other was on posted private property. I am interested in what has caused the obvious decline in squirrels.
  2. hntnIwlgo

    Game Cart Recommendations

    Well, I hate to admit this but my husband and I are maturing. We are looking to purchase a game cart to carry out deer. We mainly hunt in desert areas around Tucson. Does anyone have any recommendations of a game cart they have used in somewhat rough areas?
  3. hntnIwlgo

    new draw format sucks

    Thank you. I am using my laptop. I finally figured it out. It never dawned on me to keep hitting the back arrow on the calendar until it gets to the correct year. It took a long while to get to my year.
  4. hntnIwlgo

    new draw format sucks

    Please help. I trying to apply for Spring Hunts online. When I select my birthday is automatically puts the year for 2018. Then it wont allow me to go any further because I have to be at least 10 years old to apply for a hunt. I must be doing something wrong if you all got past the birthday part. What am I not doing correctly? I have applied online numerous times in the past and have never had such problems. I have to agree. "New draw format sucks."
  5. hntnIwlgo


    Last reminder- time to RSVP. Great opportunity for our youth to do some shooting, learn, have fun and meet new friends. Last day to RSVP is tomorrow, Sunday the 10th
  6. hntnIwlgo


    Just wanted to remind those who are interested in this that it's time to RSVP. Sunday, the 10th, is the last day to do so.
  7. I'm so thankful for the wonderful weather we have in Arizona. Please continue prayers for those effected by Hurricane Harvey. A part of our wonderful country is in need. Let's help with this need. I just made a donation to the American Red Cross and would like to challenge others to make a donation to the American Red Cross requesting the donation go to Hurricane Harvey or to the Americacares Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Fund. This is a way we can "all" help the victims of this horrific hurricane. I tried to add the links to this post but was not successful in doing so. I am confidant you can find where to donate online. For those who accept this challenge and make a donation I thank you in advance.
  8. hntnIwlgo


    SOUTHERN ARIZONA WILDLIFE CALLERS YOUTH SHOOT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2017 FOR YOUTHS 9 TO 17 AT THREE POINTS SHOOTING RANGE 9AM TO 1PM RIM FIRE ONLY! Bring eye and hearing protection if you have it. Club will provide .22 long rifle ammo, lunch and water! Participants must have a parent with them. This shoot will include gun safety, gun cleaning, predator calling and target shooting Must RSVP by September 10th by calling Moe at 520-306-0321 or email chickenmoe@yahoo.com For questions regarding this youth shoot please call Andy at 520-307-8843
  9. hntnIwlgo

    Finally tagged out

    Congrats to both of you! I just got back from my turkey hunt and had the same experience with turkeys responding to our morning calls but going the opposite direction from our calling. We were not successful in downing a turkey but we still had a fine hunt in that we saw and heard turkeys four of our five days of hunting. The one time a turkey was actually coming into our calling two deer came nosily in, stopped, kept looking back and forth to our calling and the turkey. The tom decided to go elsewhere. Darn deer.
  10. hntnIwlgo

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    It is my opinion that using swear words devalues one's post and more important this site. I recommend this site to many people and "families" for info on hunting and want this to remain a site they can go to without having to be concerned about swear words.
  11. How about one for Tucson?
  12. hntnIwlgo

    Found Old Plane Crash

    Thanks for starting this subject. I have never came across such a thing in my outings but I still find this subject interesting.
  13. hntnIwlgo

    Girl Power- Javelina Style

  14. hntnIwlgo


    One time while camping, my father in law, who's wheelchair bound, found a chainsaw in the middle of the dirt road we were camped on. I don't know how he was able to get it in his truck but he managed to He brought it to camp and told all of us that if someone came by asking for it, it would be in his truck. Not long after someone came by asking if we had seen one. It was a happy ending for all involved. Hoping you'll have a happy ending in finding your father's rifle.
  15. hntnIwlgo

    Tortilla Pigs

    Once again congrats to you and Peg. Great story even if I did hear it first hand. Love the title!!! I am pleased the tortillas brought you good luck. Maybe I should take some of those "lucky" fresh tortillas to the next Women's Hunt. Did you ever find out who the people were that were camped by us? It looked like they had a serious jeep problem when we pulled out Sunday morning. Say hi to Peg for me.