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Everything posted by wklman

  1. wklman

    The early hunt in the 35's

    any pictures of it? no, I don't have any pics of it yet but I did get to finally put my hands on it today and rough scored it right around 99" gross and 97 net. its bigger then i thought it would be from what my brother told me
  2. wklman

    The early hunt in the 35's

    my 10 year old nephew shot a 90" class 3x3 buck opening morning with my brother in 35a. I was in a different unit hunting and the grass is way high down in them southern units along with lots of water in the canyon bottoms. with all the water around it looks like the deer have dispersed more as well. wade
  3. u hunt in MN... where there are zero predators quite the opposite 300. there's a big pack of wolves that hangs out in the swamp behind the property i hunt and they're much more of a predator then any mountain lion. last year one cut loose with a howl less then 100 yards from my stand.there is also bobcats, coyotes,fishers,red fox,poachers, and lynx so i'd say theres a few predators around. My argument against baiting is more for deer herd health then anything. when you bait deer you congregate them in one place and this promotes the spread of deseases and parasites more easily from one animal to the next.not just deer to deer but from deer to deer to elk and whatever else that comes in contact with it. look at Michigan, they had baiting for years but now with the outbreaks of CWD and bovine TB they have banned it because they know it is a contributor to the spread of communicable desease. In Minnesota baiting has been illegal since 1991. they had to cull 2600 deer in nw mn because they got bovine TB from eating feed from a cattle yard and then spread it through the herd. Wade
  4. baits for fish,not deer. just thought i'd stir the embers a little bit.
  5. Congrats Brent!! thats sweet you were able to connect on a nice one in such a short time. Wade
  6. Thanks guys, I've been out deer hunting all week and spent my birthday glassing the final day of my hunt. I found a small 2 ptr,a spike and a bunch of does but decided to let the little guys grow up a few more years. I took tuesday off to help a friend get a nice 80" buck in a different unit then mine. It was wicked hot out there but I was finding deer. I never could find hide nor hair of the big buck i missed last year but I've got a couple of friends that have the nov and dec hunts in there so hopefully one of them gets him. Wade
  7. wklman

    Changing from DHL to Fed Ex

    I'm sorry to hear that Doug. I know your speaking the truth because thats our number 1 beef as drivers. the company begs us to find new customers while out on route and when we bring them in they drag their feet in contacting the customer and lose an opportunity to gain new business. I wish there was a way to get your trust again and get your business back but i understand that once people have a bad experince they don't wanna repeat past failures. Wade
  8. wklman

    Changing from DHL to Fed Ex

    What about UPS?
  9. wklman

    Rifle scope

    When I'm feeling like getting close I just pick up my bow. Hunting with a rifle isnt' about getting close. so what is hunting with a rifle about? seeing how far away you can get before you make a reckless or wounding shot?
  10. wklman

    Rifle scope

    I prefer to actually hunt an animal and get up close enough where i don't have to worry about adjusting anything on my scope.
  11. You should go and look at obamas voting record while he was in the illinois senate for 8 years. its as partisan and liberal as it gets my friend. He talks a big game but if you look into his past record he's as much a devidor as anyone. Wade
  12. wklman

    gettin' birdy

    I will be up north of the Grand Canyon scouting for my antelope hunt next week but I will definatly have the shotgun along in case i run into a pond dove are coming into.
  13. wklman

    Lifes Secrets

    "stay single and your pockets will jingle"
  14. wklman

    What's Your Projectile Launcher?

    its gonna be my ol' faithful winchester pre-64 model 70 in Larks favorite caliber of .270. it was made way back in 1937 and will out shoot any gun i've ever owned i'm gonna warm her up on my antelope hunt first in 2 weeks and then cut her loose in october on my whitetail hunt.
  15. wklman

    Field judging methods

    I always try to remember the deer I've already taken and scored and judge the deer i find by what i know what a certain deer scores. say i find a buck that has a rack thats just inside his ears and not very tall. i will go back and say ok he looks like the deer i shot back in 95' and that one scored about 80" so I'd judge him to be close to the same. its a lot of guess work but if i jump a deer and I am in a pressure situation to get a shot off i look for 2 things. width and more importantly height. usually your best scoring bucks carry tall 2nd and 3rd points.
  16. wklman


    this reminds me of a time when i was deer hunting down south here. I had just walked into a new area i've never hunted before when i spotted a couple of other hunters on the other side of the cut i was in. I decided to be a nice guy a walked over there to talk to 1of them. after the usual plesantries and stories i asked him if he'd been hunting in here for very long and he replied that they had hunted there for the last 3 days without seeing a buck.well i started asking which canyons they had already been in so i wouldn't be hunting where they've already been.once i narrowed it down to the one spot where they hadn't been i made a beeline to that cut and promptly jumped 3 deer on the first hillside i came to with the biggest one being a nice 3 pointer. i sat down got a rest and let the air out of him at 350 yards.sometimes other hunters can be your biggest assett
  17. wklman

    Guess How many posts in July

    4115 for me
  18. i'd say he'd be around 100-105 pretty easy if his front tines grow like they did last year.
  19. wklman

    I'm out

    Yes, lets not talk about anything contraversial. that way we'll all just keep on being warm and fuzzy all the time and the anti's will think we're all perfect little hunters.
  20. i'd say bout 95" maybe. he's wide and still in velvet. they look alot bigger with all that fuzz on em'. it all depends on how tall he gets.
  21. wklman


    yup, got it
  22. wklman

    .270 brass

    hey everybody I am needing to get some more .270 brass since most of mine has pretty much been shot out. if any of you guys or gals that don't reload have any once fired brass around i'd be willing to buy it off you at a reasonable price. Thanks Wade
  23. wklman

    2007 ducks

    sweet!! looks like you got a nice bunch of ducks there. I usually get out a bunch during the later part of the season here in southern AZ.