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About wklman

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    Advanced Member

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    coues country AZ

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  1. Pm'd you. Interested in the 410 loader.
  2. wklman

    Reloading Equipment

    Is that 777 ffg or fffg?
  3. wklman

    Unit 10 property ( BOTH Sold)

    Any water rights or well problems?
  4. wklman

    WTT for large rifle primers

  5. wklman

    WTT for large rifle primers

    I've got 3 boxes of 1000 cci large rifle primers I'd let go of for a 100 bucks a piece or 500 brick of 22 each. I'm in Vail se of tucson.
  6. wklman

    Ruger MK II Gov Target Stainless

    https://www.gunbroker.com/item/891686140 Keep an eye on this one. It'll get ya close to a value im 11 days.
  7. wklman

    Looking for large 9 1/2 mag primers

    Remington 9 1/2? I've got 500 I'd sell or trade for 9mm or .22. I'm in Vail se of tucson.
  8. wklman

    Ruger MKl, powder, accubonds

    Sent message on 22 if still available.
  9. wklman

    Looking for some .224 55 grain vmax

    Large or small primer?
  10. wklman

    FT: CCI 250 Magnum Large Rifle Primer

    You gotta add shipping and hazmat fees to the powder. That nearly doubles the price 🤷‍♂️
  11. wklman

    257 Robert dies

    I've got some Redding dies i'll sell ya. I'm se of tucson in Vail.
  12. wklman

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    20 bp's for elk. All early trophy bull rifle units. 13 points for antelope. 35a rifle then whatever units have the most tags.
  13. wklman

    Hunting the rez for javelinas?

    Yeah, I realized that after i posted. I did tell him to get a 29 tag and I'd help him out.
  14. wklman

    Hunting the rez for javelinas?

    Anybody ever go bowhunting the san Carlos rez for javelinas? Had any luck or is it worth it? I've got a friend from Minnesota that was thinking about heading there for an over the counter javelina tag and go hunting. Does he need a guide or can he go by himself? Thx for any help.