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About HOSS....

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/01/1980

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  • Interests
    God, Family, Hunting, Guiding, Fighting Fire

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  1. Blake Sartini III was the blessed hunter to obtain the 2020 San Carlos Desert Sheep tag. This ram I named “4 Low” showed up in a huntable area. Seen him only couple times years before and Blake made the trip when I immediately called him with excitement. We got within 700 yards and this ram decided to leave the herd. No reason just irritated I’m assuming from young rams picking on him. Rut was on and he ended up very high on the mtn to where we couldn’t access. Next day made plans to go where we bedded him and split up my partner with him looking at the herd from day before assuming he’ll come back. With luck would have it at 730am he came off the steep cliffs and tied back in with the herd. He ended up bedding and we wasted no time closing the distance. We did a 2 hour stalk playing the wind and got with 525 yards. Blake waited for him to stand and his 7SAUM made its mark and ram piled up. He roughly scores 187 6/8. He’ll definetly be hard to beat this year and couldn’t believe the mass on the sheep.
  2. HOSS....

    January Malay Elk Rifle Hunt Advice

    2 words.... MESSAGE ME
  3. HOSS....

    San Carlos buck

    He’s gonna wait till drying period for official but he’s roughly 138-139. Metal tape usually lower than actual cable they use for official. I’m hoping he breaks 140. Either way.... it’s an amazing coues and my hunter and I feel blessed for finally finding him and harvesting. Took us along time to collect ourselves and get off the mtn.
  4. HOSS....

    San Carlos buck

    Thanks Coach. I appreciate the kind words. Been keeping track of this buck for couple years. He finally made a mistake and my hunter and I are blessed to even harvest this great coues. No official score yet but I do know he’s 124-125 without extras. So I’ll tease a lil and let u guys guess. I’ll check in again with another hint as the responses pour in. That’s the beauty of it. Gotta respect Gods creation when it comes to Coues horns. Always unique and tricky to measure. Oh yeah. Thanks guys.
  5. HOSS....

    San Carlos buck

  6. PM me. Got some good areas to start.
  7. HOSS....

    27 South 28 North Rocky Tag

    I’ve seen some good rams glassing from the Rez looking for sheep on our side of course but do the occasional look see. Seen couple 170s that should push the number last year. I got some info at least where to look. Plus a buddy of mine who is the master of 28.
  8. HOSS....

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn Bighorn 2017

    Here some before photos... while scouting. Was an adventure keeping tabs on this guy.
  9. Gary from Wyoming took this nice ram on Sunday December 3rd 2017 at 417pm. His patience paid off for he waited 8 hours for the ram to make the mistake and complete a shot at 282 yards with his 300 weatherby. Good mass and ram was definetly a fighter with broomed up horns and busted mouth. Congrats to Gary for completing his slam... bless all you hunters upcoming 2018 and stay safe.
  10. HOSS....

    Misc antlers coues/Muley's/elk

    Not sure if im OCD... but I decided to only keep the biggest animals ive harvested... 400, 200, 120, and 82 is what im keeping lol... all ped mounted.... just no room to keep all.... my trophies but some others treasure...lol
  11. HOSS....

    Misc antlers coues/Muley's/elk

    My box has got space now for PMs
  12. HOSS....

    Misc antlers coues/Muley's/elk

    Hmmm... wonder how its full... let me try to get it working
  13. HOSS....

    Misc antlers coues/Muley's/elk

    Cant sell 200in muley lol
  14. I'm selling 4 mule deer racks scoring between 155-175. Then I have 1 mule deer 4x4 at 182. 2 coues about 100in a piece. Then one full skull bull elk scoring 383. These were all taken in most of my years hunting and tag is still attached. I also have misc sheds. 109 set of coues and set of heavy 160 Muley sheds Asking price for all. $900. Pm me if any questions.
  15. HOSS....

    What Church do you attend?

    The beautiful mountains here on the San Carlos Rez is church to me..... Theres a saying... don't let the sun beat you...meaning get up and pray before the sun rises and thank God for the day.