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Everything posted by Blade53

  1. Blade53

    Question for all 257 WBY MAG.

    Shot placement is the key......hit a deer with a .30 cal on the belly/stomach and good look finding him. They can cover miles quicker than us. Ernesto C +10..no doubt about it
  2. Blade53


    The caller is a Minaska Big Country. I have two Minaska's and sold my Foxpro... And the reasoning was???? or will we need another thread for that one?
  3. Blade53


    They sure are pretty little animals, way to go!!!!, is that the prairie blaster I see in your photo, and if so you like it? I have the FX 3 but may pick up a new one in the near furure, was lookin at the fury.................Dan
  4. No Ducts, but with construction, always something unexpected, windy today, come up! lets go coyote huntin, see if your 1000$ cowboy hat will blow across the flats.
  5. Blade53

    Courtney's Burro Mountain Muley

    Awesome to see the kids involved, great buck!!!...Congrats
  6. Blade53

    Garmin Rino

    I started out with the rino 120's and have since moved up to the 530's when I first got my 120's I tried to talk to my wife who was on a regular motorola radio and it sounded like another language comming out the other end, after a little reserch I figured out that the scrambler had to be turned off, have talked to others that were not on the rino on many occasions with little or no trouble, i really like the time, poll locations, send locations and a heck of a lot more we don't even use, im sold on em, one can get spoiled...Dan
  7. You guys are makin my head hurt, you build it and i'll start it up.....Dan
  8. Blade53

    Where's everyone going in 2011?

    My son,son in law and I drew the 24A HAM hunt, will be using the ole muzzleloader, New unit for us, we typically hunt U 31/32 or 27, this should be fun...............Dan
  9. Blade53

    180+ Coues Sheds --- You better sit down before you look!

    WOW...would love to just see one like that
  10. Blade53

    Late Season Shed Hunting

    Awesome finds and a great time, can't wait for the new season.............Dan
  11. Blade53

    What a fight it must have been

    Unfortunate for the deer, but WOW what a find!!
  12. Blade53

    track id

    Don't know about you, but I don't think id be messing with a cigarette smokin dog of that size.
  13. Blade53


    Its awesome they named her Lark, I am avid believer those names need to be carried on from generation to generation, you, your daughter and the new one should be proud....Dan
  14. Blade53

    Question for all 257 WBY MAG.

    Great post Bill! Mr Weatherby himself was known to claim the 257 as his favorite caliber, no doubt he had taken many a game animal with the 257 weatherby.
  15. Blade53

    Question for all 257 WBY MAG.

    Would not hesitate to take the shot at a mule deer with my 257 Weatherby Mag , have done it on many an occasion, plenty of gun for that range.....Dan
  16. Blade53

    tipping outfitters

    Having guided, I never expected a tip, so when I got one it was a very plesant surpriseand a true bonus, I also enjoyd getting the toys as long as they were better than what I already had...Dan
  17. Blade53

    May you still be around to hunt at 86 yrs old.

    My Dad live to a good old age and always believed in hard work and had a great love for fishin, huntin and the good ole out doors, he kilt many a fine animal in his days. Last year He drew a Unit 3A-3C deer tag, and a U1 Turkey tag. Unfortuanatly he did'nt get the chance to hunt either hunt, he fell out of a boat while fishing a lake in the white mountains and had a heart attack, 1 week before the turkey hunt, today would have been his birthday, he would have been 99