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Everything posted by lefty

  1. lefty

    mechanic in peoria?

    anyone know of a reputable mechanic in the west valley, i have an a/c issue, cold air only comes out of the passenger side vents and not the drivers side? and i think i have an exhaust leak at the manifold. i know some places can be shady and i don't want to get bent over so let me know if you have a place that won't screw me over....thanks
  2. lefty

    mechanic in peoria?

    well I ended up using dave @az auto tech and couldn't be happier. dave kept me updated on everything, was a fair price, got it done fast and didn't try to tell me half of my truck needed fixed. thanks for the input guys
  3. lefty

    mechanic in peoria?

    thanks for the info guys, i'm going to make some phone calls
  4. lefty

    Small Mouth Fishing on the Black River

    I fished the pump station last summer it sucked for smallmouth, caught maybe 8 or 10 small ones, we actually caught more trout than smallmouth
  5. lefty

    Hunting Dilemma

    pic your poison, a black bear hunt you'll be sweating your butt of getting eating up by knats in august or a mountain lion hunt you'll be freezing your butt off riding on the back of a mule all day.....both are great adventures
  6. lefty

    First time bear hunter

    matazal's, sierra anches, starting in late july look for ridges that have a lot of prickly pear, if they have the fruit on them the bears will be there once they turn red, the fruit doesn't grow on them every year, it's hit or miss, if there's no fruit then they'll be eating acorns or manzanita berries and most likely you won't be able to glass them up so you might want to try varmit calling
  7. lefty

    San Carlos Reservation Fishing Tanks

    I believe most of the tanks around point of pines lake have fish in them, not sure if they still stock them, I can't remember the names of the tanks but I've caught smallmouth, largemouth and trout in them, point of pines can be good for trout too
  8. lefty

    Antelope? Pronghorn?

  9. lefty

    Bluegill or Crappie near Williams?

    for the last time.....try sante fe lake lol never been there
  10. lefty

    Fishing Pole/Reel for kids

    +1 on the zebco 33, i still use one when i go to the black river
  11. lefty

    Need a A/C guy

    i'll tell you who not to call.......goettl a/c those cheating s.o.b.'s. they royale tried to screw me last summer the guy tried to sell me a new unit for $10,450, cool touch came up with $6,700 for the same exact thing!!!!!
  12. lefty

    lake picachos, mexico

    last week me my son and my dad spent 3 days bass fishing on lake picachos in mexico with ron speed adventures, in the three days we caught 642 bass and that's not counting the one's that came off on the way to the boat. the big fish of the trip was 7 lbs along with a 6, several 5's a bunch of 4's most fish were between 2-3 lbs with an occasional dink. the rooms were decent with a/c in the bedrooms and hot water in the shower. the food and service was excellent too. I told my son on the way home that we'll have to sell the boat now because we're just waisting our time fishing in az. ha ha j/k
  13. lefty

    lake picachos, mexico

    they have rooms right at the lake, we stayed there for 3 nights and the 4th night we stayed in mazatlan
  14. lefty

    lake picachos, mexico

    look up ron speed adventures, it'll tell you all about it and have the prices and everything to expect
  15. lefty

    4a antelope tag

    my buddy drew 4a for antelope, i hear it's a good unit with the potential for big bucks. has anyone on here had this tag the last couple of years and how was it. feel free to show some pics thanks
  16. lefty

    lake picachos, mexico

    it was, by far the best fishing I've ever experienced and to be with my son and dad topped it off.
  17. lefty

    4a antelope tag

    those are some great bucks, just curious what they scored ?
  18. lefty


    I happen to really like eric church,he's definitely in a different class of music kinda country-rock type stuff but not boyband at all. some of his songs have some really deep lyrics with strong meaning to them
  19. lefty

    4a antelope tag

    nice buck woody, looks like some good mass. my buddy has played the waiting game I think he had 24 bonus points, 4a was his 2nd choice
  20. lefty

    Found Old Plane Crash

    i'm sure several people have seen the old plane remains on the west side of the galuiros up copper creek
  21. lefty

    What does G&F do for a month?

    I would imagine it takes a while to sort through and input the hundreds of thousands of applicants into the system
  22. lefty

    Late hunt in San Carlos unit D

    d east or west if you don't mind me asking
  23. my dad has this in his ranger and it is awesome, makes late season hunting so much nicer, someone needs to buy this
  24. lefty

    San Carlos Rez Bucks 118/121

    i'm dying to hunt there again, just can't bring myself to fork out that $$
  25. lefty


    I too am right handed but shoot a rifle and pistol left, I am left eye dominant but I shoot my bow right. I have always shot right handed rifles and if I ever tried a left handed one I don't think I would like it