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Everything posted by lefty

  1. lefty

    Unit 10 Cow Elk Help

    my buddy had the tag and never saw an elk, g&f have ruined that unit, its all about the $$$
  2. lefty

    Are the bulls still vocal !

    still bugling some in 5bn
  3. try looking around cordes junction area or dugas road, should find some
  4. lefty

    Unit 9

    nice buck, my buddy just got back from the same hunt, he said the same thing that it was tough. he spoke with the game warden and he told my buddy that he honestly didn't know if there was a record book buck in the whole unit this year
  5. lefty

    Deer Tags

    why did they start making them so big?you have to cut some of it off to get it to fit in your wallet
  6. lefty

    Leftover tag posted to my portal

    35b here, never stepped foot in the unit but going deer hunting first time since 2010
  7. lefty

    Which Tires?

    nitto terra grapplers very good tires
  8. lefty

    Last Grizzly in AZ

    i remember a sign on the mt wilson trailhead by sedona saying that back in 1885 mr. wilson was attacked and killed by a grizzly bear, i know that this doesn't pertain to the last grizzly but kinda cool to know there used to be grizzlys by sedona
  9. lefty


    i love it when delw gets fired up ha ha, ol rim job or whatever his name is went barking up the wrong tree
  10. lefty

    Any boat guys want to give advice?

    there's a fish & ski stratos in the for sale section on here, might be what you're looking for
  11. lefty

    Daughters first kill

    My daughter killed her first animal this morning and I am one proud dad! She made a great 50 yard shot as it was walking, great job Tourie!
  12. lefty

    Unit 9

    i know 4 people with that same tag, should be a fun hunt
  13. lefty

    Where Am I?

    looks like the bloody basin rd looking east across the verde towards the matazals
  14. lefty

    sxs windshield recommendations

    i have a flip up windshield on mine, the bottom half is always on and i take the top part off in the summer and then have the full in the winter i think it;s made by kolpin
  15. lefty

    Daughters first kill

    night and day from last year to this year, last year i went 4 different weekends and saw 0 pigs, this year i went 4 different weekends and saw pigs every time, i guess thats hunting
  16. i was just going to put my son in and i see what you're saying, the system must be screwed up this morning
  17. lefty

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    i remember back in the 90's there was a picture in the newspaper of a small bull around picacho peak down toward tucson
  18. i accidentally double clicked the pay button and it did it to me yesterday
  19. lefty

    20 points

    ha ha sorry it was late at night after i'd had a few to drink and i thought i was in the sheep section
  20. he said 2 nice buicks, did he steal 2 cars maybe?
  21. lefty

    20 points

    i'm at 28 still trying to get my rocky tag, i probably have another 10 years to go ha ha
  22. lefty

    New Service Fee

    glad i got my lifetime license 25 years ago don't have to deal with any of this bs
  23. lefty

    Just here waiting.........

    i saw a picture of a real nice ram that looked kinda like that curly ram but i'll let those guys post the picks if they choose to
  24. lefty

    Spring Tags

    nothing here either, thinking on monday or tuesday
  25. lefty

    Obscure Places With Great Taxidermy in AZ

    there's a gas station south of 1-40 on the west exit at ashfork that has a few cool mounts and some old pictures of deer from a big buck contest up there and also the bbq place called lulu belle's has a few mounts, that might be the place the other guy was thinking of