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Everything posted by lefty

  1. lefty


    skunked again!! but am going to montana, and coues on san carlos
  2. lefty

    2006 yamaha rhino 660 4x4

    yes it's still for sale.call my dad at that # it's either at his work in central phoenix or at his house in peoria.
  3. this is my dad's rhino he's selling. it is in excellent condition and a smokin deal.most of the time he putts around up at his cabin on it.he's selling it to fund another project. 550 miles oversized Bighorn tires front rack,rear side rails,doors cdi box,k&n filters center console,floor plates,fender well metal guards roof,windshield, and gun scappord $7500 firm 602-380-2509 ask for Randy
  4. lefty

    2006 yamaha rhino 660 4x4

    i figured it would be gone by now,it's still for sale as far as i know nobody's looked at it????
  5. lefty

    Power of positive thought,

    positive thinking didn't do it for me,may i suggest prayer.good luck!!!!
  6. lefty

    2006 yamaha rhino 660 4x4

    ya give him a call and set something up with him to look at it. it's a very nice machine.
  7. lefty

    2006 yamaha rhino 660 4x4

    those pics are from my dad's work in central phoenix, is that what you mean?
  8. does anyone have any experience with the Howa brand of rifles? i won one at the elk banquent and was wondering if it's any good, i heard that Howa makes the actions for weatherby so i think it might be good but just curious if anyone knows, thanks.
  9. lefty

    howa rifle ?

    i like what i'm hearing, i was afraid i was gonna have to sell it, but i think i'll go ahead and keep it. it's a 243, stainless with the syn. green stock. the stock feels kinda rubbery is that how yours is too?
  10. lefty

    ruger 22-250

    rifle sold!!!!!!!!
  11. lefty

    ruger 22-250

    i'm selling my ruger m77 22-250 with a blued bull barrel it has a weaver 3x9 scope on it, the gun is in excellent condition, i just don't hardly shoot it, and need some money. $450 obo, thanks
  12. lefty

    ruger 22-250

    will take $350 for gun, any takers?
  13. lefty


    ya, i wasn't thinking right i should've said my elite eleven, ha, ha! i was very lucky as a kid, i could've had my big 10 when i was 14 if i just could've got a lion, i finally got him when i was 22.
  14. lefty

    ruger 22-250

    the scope model is the weaver, v9-II, and i believe it is 40 mm. and yes a 24" barrel, thanks
  15. lefty

    ruger 22-250

    i got the gun from my dad several years ago and to tell you the truth i haven't shot it enough or tinkered with it enough to tell you what it can do. i've shot a couple of rabbits with it though
  16. lefty


    got my desert sheep when i was 14, been trying 18 yrs now for my rocky to finish off my big 10
  17. lefty

    remington 700 sps 300 win mag

    rifle sold! thanks
  18. i'm listing this for my friend, it's a remington 700 sps in the 300 win mag,it has a muzzle brake,timney trigger, and has been accurized. this gun is in excellent condition,he's asking $500 obo. pm me if interested and i'll give you his phone #
  19. my friend was looking at buying a huskemaw scope that's made by the best of the west tv show, has anyone ever used one of these with the turrets, he didn't know if he should try this or just go with either the swarovski with the turrets or the tds. any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  20. lefty

    Long range rifles?

    i have a remington 700 in th 300 rum, and love it, the only thing i've done to it is a trigger job, and a muzzle break, i got lucky, it shoots factory ammo, half inch @ 100 yds. i topped it with a 6-24 swarovski with the tds. best scope made in my opinion. i took it out, hit 2 inches low @ 785 yards using my bottom crosshair. it's all about the scope, don't get me wrong, you have to have a gun that shoots pretty good, but your scope is what makes those far shots possible.
  21. lefty

    Leica LRF 1200 Scan Demos for $349.99

    i'm in the market for the crf 1200's how much do you guys sell'em for?
  22. lefty

    reservation tags

    i got the last jan. tag in unit A, my cousin got it for me, so i didn't talk to the indians, but i would imagine there are plenty of nov. tags left. my cousin got up there at 5 a.m. and didn't get his tag until noon.
  23. has anyone heard when the tags are going on sale? it's funny you call there , talk to two different people and get two different answers,they're really unorganized there aren't they?
  24. lefty

    Unique looking buck

    hey nitroaz, i saw a buck last weekend that looked a lot like that one,did you happen to kill him on the north east side of china peak? you can just answer yes or no,i'm not trying to find out your spot, i just want to know if that buck i saw is dead, thanks.
  25. lefty


    nice bear, in 01 i killed a sow in unit 31 , they aged her at 21 years,wonder how many bears she was responsible for? plunket does good work, but is it just me or has he turned into a real fruit?