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Everything posted by lefty

  1. lefty

    Results are Up!!!

    my wife drew 13b rifle
  2. lefty

    Bighorn sheep tag

    my friend had a tag in one of these units last year and took a 170 + ram. he went guided. from what I have heard this is no cakewalk.
  3. lefty

    Draw results

    if you post pics you might sell the results faster
  4. lefty

    Card hit!

    either me or my wife drew rifle strip, my son drew youth 21 and 20b
  5. so I have 24 bonus points and am wondering how many more years it will take to draw a rocky tag. there are something like 400 and something people with more points than me but I am assuming most of those people are putting in for desert. is there any way to get an estimate on how many of those point holders are putting in for rocky and how long it might take me to draw?
  6. like ronin said, buy a small game permit or recreation pemit, whatever. look for slopes with a lot of prickly pear cactus. they need to have fruit on them. if they don't have fruit then look up higher in the acorns and see if the acorns made this year. right now the fruit will be green but will be turning red/purple in a month or so. the fruit is like candy to them, they love it
  7. thanks for the good info guys. I've waited this long,whats another 10-15 years ha ha
  8. lefty

    zeiss 15x60 binoculars

    someone just stole those! holy cow
  9. lefty

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    I just got an email from these clowns saying they just got 2 more sheep tags but have to use them by april 5th and are wanting $39,000 for each tag and expect to kill a 140-160 class ram. how are these guys still around ?
  10. my advice would be to avoid both d units. there are some good bucks in there but for the most part those 2 units are tougher than a,b, or c. my favorite is a, good luck!
  11. lefty

    It's Official!!!

    your name will be next to mine in the books I also have one that scores 113 5/8 ha ha
  12. are those 150 or 180 grain scirocco's or both if they are 150 I am interested if gun buyer doesn't buy them
  13. lefty

    San Carlos

    heard a rumor there isn't going to be a draw this year
  14. lefty

    No Burn Days

    burn baby burn!
  15. lefty

    1965 400+ bull Elk

    it's funny people can say that about pictures ''that's not a 400 inch bull, that's not a 100 inch buck, that's not a 10lb. bass'' give me a break that thing is huge! if measured in 1965 wouldn't it have been the world record?
  16. lefty

    My Dad's Sheep

    184 that's a toad! what unit ?
  17. awesome buck,nice job!
  18. lefty


    great job,nice buck!
  19. lefty

    my son's first antelope

    hey c'n's we shot this one north and west of where we saw you guys probably a mile or 2, thanks everyone for the kind reply's!
  20. my son shot his first antelope about 9:30 on opening morning. i get more excited watching him hunt than i do if it's me doing the shooting, it's awesome! we saw a few other bucks and each one i would let him look at through the spotter and let him decide if he wanted to go after it or not.he couldn't take it anymore and said "i want that one" so i said let's go. after sneaking through some cedars we got within 250 yards and got the bipod set up. i told him to take his time and squeeze, boom! i saw a puff of hair fly in the air,heard the whack! and down he went! it was an awesome experience,antelope has to be one of the funnest animals to hunt!
  21. lefty

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    me and my son were across from a big opening from you guys opening morning. i was in a white shirt i saw you guys over there with your dog. that is a nice goat your wife got,congrats! my son shot a mid 70's buck a couple hours after seeing you guys
  22. so is it unit a,b,c or the secret unit ha ha just messin with you if you don't want to say.
  23. lefty

    youth hunt in baghdad

    hey don i got your flyer in the mail and although we won't be needing a guide, you really have this hunt at a good price for the juniors and it sounds like you guys really know 18b !
  24. lefty

    Rifle bipods

    i have a harris, mine is tall enough that you can use it sitting down,works great