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Everything posted by MULEYHUNTER1981


    Our deer for 2010

    Heres a couple of pics of the deers me and my wife got. I got mine opening morning after all the planets seemed to line up. The wife got hers on the last day because she decided she was to good to kill a spike or two point for her first deer.

    Our deer for 2010

    Thanks Guys... And to think we alost didnt go out the last day because the wife didnt want to get out of bed. She didnt wake up til 7am and wasnt ready to leave the hoouse til after 8am. Women and there make-up...

    In a bit of a pickle

    I recently went on a hunt and realized i wish swarovski had a built in rangefinder. I could see the deer clear as day threw the binos but once i put up Leica rangefinder everything looked totally different and had trouble seeing the deer to range him. So im thinking about selling both to buy the Geovids. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ive looked threw the non HD Geovids and didnt think they were as clear as my swaros. Looking for comments from some of you guys that have looked threw both..

    range finder help

    yes its the new one only have had it like two months still have the box. Not sure on a price yet. I want to look threw the Geovid HD's before i sell my setup.

    range finder help

    I have the Leica 1200 and ranged a deer at 1227 on my hunt two weeks ago. Thinkning about selling it and my Swaros to get the Geovids. Hard to go from 15 power to 7 and try and glass a deer in brush.