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Everything posted by Tines

  1. Let's try it this way.......... Just copy and paste these, TJ
  2. I understand. Not that factoring in HOAL taken animals matter (because the #'s are so low), but essentially, another tag is alotted that wasn't accounted for. That's where I was going. I love this (the HOAL) program!
  3. Nevermind I figured it out. If you fill your archery tag PRIOR to drawing a rifle permit, then it's void. So, essentially you shouldn't have a rifle tag to donate ANYWAY if you played by the rules. Make sense????
  4. So then it is acceptable to donate your tag after you've filled your archery permit? Nobody elaborated the last time we talked about it.
  5. Incredible!!! Thanks for sharing...... This is as close to that as I've seen. If he didn't flare up, he'd look even closer to yours, COOSEFAN. This was shot by a guy I know, last year. It's hard to tell how big the buck actually is but if I remember correctly, he went 108". Man, I can't get enough of these deer!!!
  6. Tines

    HOLY MASS!!!

    He scores..... alot! I just feel bad for the poor guy's hide!
  7. I agree with it all and a spotter is a must in these distances, like 300UM stated. Usually in a situation where you're dialing in turrets and everything else to get ready for the shot, the animal is unaware of your presence. My suggestion is to TAKE YOUR TIME, he's not going anywhere. I use my bipod whenever it's convenient. I prefer to lay prone, rather than sit, throw out the bipod legs in their shortest position, and fill in the rest (i.e. stock, armpit and forearm) with pack, jacket or anything else to make it as solid as possible.
  8. Tines

    Carp in camp

    Very cool! See, even that buck knew that alcohol is bad!
  9. The department has never listened to McGehee when he's proposed good things for the unit, I can't see the catalinas plum with sheep all over the place in the near future. Sorry if I sound negative but when a WM asks for a decrease in tags because numbers are low and the department turns around and only increases them, that's a problem. With that being said, I'd LOVE to see sheep back in the Catalinas!
  10. Hey turbo, relax and keep it simple. We're all in the same book; doesn't mean we have to be on the same page.
  11. 200 tags in unit 1, 500 tags in unit 7 and 2000+ tags up north? HA! That'll be interesting.
  12. Tines

    First Bow Kill for the Dentman

    I'd be right there with you.......along with quite a few others
  13. He jumped forward with the first hit and he put a second arrow in him and he fell over in the water. That is where he draged him out. I wish I could be so lucky. c&s.....hope your scouting is going good for ya. My wife has grounded me as well. I have to go back to work tomorrow after 5 months. I'll be back Thursday night for some more scouting. Haven't told her that yet. Nice! TJ, sent you a PM
  14. Tines

    Connected on first archery coues

    Very cool! Congratulations!!
  15. Meaning you can't have an archery tag AND a rifle tag? It's only one or the other? Or is some of their reasoning to stop those from actually filling both tags?
  16. Tines

    First Bow Kill for the Dentman

    I didn't think you could donate your "other" tag because you filled "this" one.
  17. Not enough out of my bow!!
  18. Tines

    First Bow Kill for the Dentman

    Congratulations on a fine animal. Not too many hunters would pass up a buck like that for a WT tag they could draw every year. I was watching a hunting show the other day. Something like O'neill Outdoors. Anyway, he'd call that a hybrid! ummmmmm.................???????????
  19. Tines

    Couple of questions

    Wow, cool picture. Bucks run together for the most part during the early season. They won't break up until Dec/January. WT does aren't that much bigger than a greyhound. That fawn probably is hers.
  20. Tines

    OK, our archery Antelope hunt!

    C'mon, have Carrie type for you!
  21. Tines

    Wyoming Bighorn success

    holy fat ram!!!
  22. Tines

    Lance is comin' home!!!

    Well, I'll let him tell you the story but the big guy's headed home with an AZ goat! Way to go, Lance!!!!!! Took you long enough ; )
  23. Tines

    G&F owes us brodheads!

    Lance is still giving the antelope heck. I talked with his wife tonight and she said his buddy, who drew the tag as well and has been hunting with him, shot a buck yesterday morning. He'll be back tomorrow night. Hopefully he'll have some stories by then!!!!
  24. Tines

    Docter 15x Bino Mount

    Thanks Jim. Although I posted "Leica's" (oooops), they're actually Zeiss'. I have everything I need for my SLC's. Thanks again
  25. I would gladly pay 4 bucks for a head of lettuce if they could get them all out of our state. Right now we pay more like 6 to 8 bucks a head. It isn't the price on the lettuce that you pay it is all of the other things we have to pay because of them. Insurance, Doctor's bills, crime rates and what we pay by taxes to keep them in the pen--the list goes on and on--do you think the BP is free?? Not a chance!! Do you think we can ship them back across the border for free? Not a chance!! Now, tell me, where do you think the money comes from that pays for all of that?? 4 bucks for a head of lettuce--heck yea, I'll pay it!! By the way, when i was growing up i worked for my grandma cleaning homes--we did the work back then and i bet the folks here would do it again. The reason there is no one working in any of those fields now is because the illegals have under bid them--heck, they can do that when they pay no taxes, pay no insurance, live 50 in a house and the list goes on and on. My dad was a carpenter and when he worked for companies there were a few out there that worked for the same wage--now, the contractors hire them by the dozen and pay them half of what my Dad was getting paid--i ask you this, have you seen the house prices dropping over the years?? Doubt it-know why?? Because the businesses that use these people are making the money. I'm sorry if i sound like i am fed up but i am!! I will be 50 in a year and a half--i have lived in this state my whole life and have seen what has happened here and it is mostly due to greedy people and illegals. I'm done! I completely agree with you, that was my point. Most of us WOULD pay that much for lettuce, etc..... And as far as what they cost us in crime, medical and taking one more emergency room bed from someone here legally, I see it more than you can imagine!!