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Everything posted by Couescrazy33

  1. Couescrazy33

    South of the Line

    Ill be honest... it take some you know what to hunt down there. i have hunted 36b alot. contact bp and ask for there number they give it out. gps and a phone call no problems.... being a cop in phoenix, i always take my handgun and both pairs of handcuffs. and when i see some illegalness going on both me and my dad who is also a cop go to work. Now i dont recommend doing that. lol.. i find it fun. but i do recommend carry a handgun and and some extra mags. and just be prepared. they will most likely leave you alone if you do the same. im just tired of this **** coming into our state.
  2. Couescrazy33

    Rifle Scopes?

    So i bought a Rem .300 wsm today. Was thinking about putting the Leupold vx-3 4.5-14 power scope on it. Does anyone else have any suggestions? looking for something for long range but yet affordable.
  3. Couescrazy33

    31 Late November/Early December

    Def wont be hunting the Gulario Mnts.... thats a different unit... ... now im way lost lol
  4. Couescrazy33

    270 help

    130 grain federal vital shock. have killed 4 deer with that round it works amazing.
  5. Couescrazy33

    Rifle Scopes?

    thanks again for all the help. i have been doing alot of looking around. with the b/c rectical, if i were to sight my rifle in for 200 yards will all the other yardage marks fall into place with out having it custom done? ?
  6. Couescrazy33

    Rifle Scopes?

    ok now here is my question on the turrets cause i have never used them. do turrets come just with a standard drop? or if i sight my rifle in for 200 how do all the other turrets work and is it pretty accurate?
  7. Couescrazy33

    Im Finally Back

    I hear that bout the off days but i got extremly luck and have thurs,friday sat off so its going to work out. but i hear you last year i was not able to go hunting for the first time ever. but thanks and u be safe to.
  8. Couescrazy33

    Im Finally Back

    After over a year of not having time to log in or do any type of hunting i am finally able to do what i love to do. i have just recently became a police officer (after a year of heck) so now that im not in the academy or in training i can go hunting this year which will be nice. i got drawn for a new unit which i have never hunted but now i got plenty of time to scout . I know of a few areas im looking at but if anyone has any pointers for unit 31 im more than greatful for the advice. thx and glad to be back on here.
  9. Couescrazy33

    33 deer

    Does anyone no bout a web site just for unit 33 whitetail.. i heard there was a website that had a bunch of big deer just from this unit on the web somewhere.. anyone no what it is Thanks Adam
  10. Couescrazy33

    Coues DVD

    Anyone know where i can buy a coues hunting dvd...i want to buy one but i dont know where i can pick one up..does sportsmans carry them? i looked there but alot of the dvds were sold out... thanks Adam
  11. I Finally Figures out how to post the pictures of out hunt.. My father and i both got deer as well as my friend cole who got a nice 3x4..Dads was a 2x3 and i shot a spike.. Cole and his dad with coles buck Dad and his buck M and my spike Sorry it has taken so long.. Adam
  12. Couescrazy33

    nikon spotting scope

    Ya i love my leupold...I use a leupold rifle scope and also i have the wind river 10x50 bino's to.. But the spotting scope helped me alot.. I found the spikes on my deer with it at over 800 yards... Adam
  13. Couescrazy33

    nikon spotting scope

    I have a leupld 15x45x60 wind river and ever since i have had that ive been able to find deer so easy. I like it alot and it was only like $300
  14. Couescrazy33

    3 deer from October hunt

    yup it had two eye guards on both sides....The deer his dad shot 2 years ago did to Adam
  15. Couescrazy33

    3 deer from October hunt

    yup it had two eye guards on both sides....The deer his dad shot 2 years ago did to Adam