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Everything posted by Couescrazy33

  1. Couescrazy33

    21 December hunt

    if anyone would like some help or another pair of eyes on their hunt I don't have to much going on on my days off. would be more than willing to help glass. shoot me a pm if interested
  2. jcubed, didn't you guys just kill 4 bulls in one of those units. bet u guys hiked Ur butts away from the road though
  3. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    would also trade for firearms or other outdoor stuff
  4. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    ttt for last round if they don't sell by tomorrow I'll just keep them as back ups for now
  5. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

  6. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    Im with this guy! if I just had cash sitting around I would buy just cuz someone always needs same glass to use. im holding out for 12x50 razors since I have 15's.. good luck and gr8 deal thx mike.
  7. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

  8. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    sorry no trades at this time
  9. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    thx it is a great deal. just want someone else to enjoy them now that I upgraded. but don't want to just give them away either lol
  10. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    I'll make someone a smoking deal. if you buy both I'll drop the package price to 600
  11. Couescrazy33

    binos and spotting scope

    here are a few pics taken with iPhone through spotter to show how clear the spotter really is. zen ray makes a great product. just wanting to buy their more expensive ones.
  12. Couescrazy33


    Was that Cuz you limitted out or they weren't flying limited out
  13. Couescrazy33


    Was done by 620am today
  14. Couescrazy33


    dont worry oneshot i read the post and knew it was a joke. but if it was a real dog that did that stuff it would be priceless
  15. Couescrazy33

    wtb 20ga and garmin rino

    looking for a remington 1100 20ga or 870 express 20ga. also looking for a garmin rino gps.
  16. Couescrazy33

    Smoking deal on Vortex Kaibab 15x56 binos

    Seriously? WTF! I hope I recieve mine soon. Still says backordered. Call Cabelas at 1-800-237-4444 and check on the status, I would be willing to bet they just cancelled your order! Thats what happened to me and they never sent an email saying it was cancelled. Same thing happened to me. Customer service said they cancelled it and have no more nor will they.
  17. Couescrazy33

    Our Bighorn Sheep Slaughter Made Fox News

    bonecollestor777, I would love for you to join me around one of my campfires some night. Just you and me talking about what you feel is all wrong with the azgfd and what I feel is totally opposite I'm sure. Not sure your age since you won't post it on your profile but I'll guess you have a lot of years before you catch up to me. I would be interested in knowing why you are so hateful towards an organization that gives us one of the most generous opportunities to hunt public land. Maybe I can learn something from you and maybe you might learn something from me. If anything else, by the end of the night, we might not agree but we certainly will know why we both feel the way we do. TJ Ànd my camp fire.. Heck I'll supply all the beer to.. And jcubed can come to
  18. Couescrazy33

    Our Bighorn Sheep Slaughter Made Fox News

    Boring... Do we need 50 post of this negative stuff.. This site used to be great and a cheerful place till a few people brought it down.. Go to monster mulies or somewhere else more people on here don't want to hear u bitch than ones that do... Or maybe Amanda can give u ur own section
  19. Couescrazy33

    Our Bighorn Sheep Slaughter Made Fox News

    No body cares... Old news
  20. Here for the last several years I thought the decline of animals was because of the drought and no water.. I guess I'm wrong must be g&f...
  21. You know this fetish is your fault elkster9! the 1 i got from you just works perfect for me and fits my needs i should not have tried to top perfection! Ha u got me started on this fetish. I've bought two o/u from him great guy and good clean guns! I also have this same exact gun. It's amazing quality and can't beat it for the money Now come pick up ur gas tank ;-)
  22. Couescrazy33

    Ruger M77 .223 - Stainless - LOOKING TO TRADE

    Rifle was traded
  23. Couescrazy33


    Thx benvrown but we have had them looked at a few times.. The 243 is less than 100 serial numbers away from pre ww2 per two appraisals one which is in writing.. Both also are in excellent condition.. Two local guns stores both appraised then within 100 dollars of each other
  24. Couescrazy33


    Dad has reduced price to 1200 Obo