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About c3polson

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  • Birthday August 2

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  1. c3polson

    Giant 410+ Velvet Bull killed!

    The reason that this millionare got this old boy killed is because he is also a very great hunter and knows how to hunt better then 90 percent of the guys out there. Alan is not an SOB and if you knew him and what he has done for the AZ you would realize you are the only SOB. Unbelievable that someone would run there mouth about mossback or alan. Enjoy the bull and pictures if you dont like it go to a different post.Thanks Amanda for posting them up. Congrats to alan and mossback. am i crazy for saying id rather hunt bulls for 12mos.. then sheep for 30 days.. congrats If he's such a great hunter why does he need a posse to help him find and keep track of that one special animal? I appreciate anything he has done for wildlife,but you are not a hunter if you have guides! Sure, I would pay for the 12 mo. hunt, but I would want everyone to know I killed that bull because of my skill as a hunter. He had paid people to do all the work for him and was the one to pull the trigger because he wrote the check! That is not "hunting" , that is just lazy killing! Same thing with Mr. Spider bull man. No record should be given to anyone who doesn't do their own dirty work.
  2. c3polson

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7/21/2011 10:55 am