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About bowdocter

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  1. The first day of my daugter deer hunt was very exciting. We had 4 girls hunting together from ages 9-14. My daughter Raelyn went to a tank the first morning. This tank was the same tank she got her first couse deer last year. We got there befor the sun was up and we sat there all day. We saw 11 couse deer does and fawns. At 3:03 pm the first buck we had seen showed up it was walking across the hill when we spoted it. She dicited it was a shooter buck so she got ready and took the shot. She shot the deer at 122 yards with her Browning A-Bolt chambered in 280 Remington. She smacked him right in the shoulder. It was such a great day! Cant think of a better way to spend the weekened!