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Everything posted by duxngeez

  1. Way to go! Thanks for sharing. That is the best story and pics I have seen for a long time.
  2. duxngeez

    Swarovski AV 4-12x50 Scope

    That is a great deal. My buddy has this exact scope. It is very clear glass. Good luck with the sale, should go quick.
  3. duxngeez

    My sons first buck unit 23

    Way to get them both out hunting. Very cool buck and a hunt he will never forget. Congrats!
  4. duxngeez

    A Few More Youth Bucks

    Great bucks, great job!
  5. duxngeez

    amazing fall

    Congrats to all of you. Very very cool!
  6. duxngeez

    Another Awesome Hunt With The Boys

    Very cool! Happy times spent together. That is what it is all about!! Big congrats to all!
  7. Great pics, great hunt! Thanks for sharing!
  8. duxngeez

    Not a monster,but my first....

    Nice bull, way to get it done by yourself. Great job!!!
  9. duxngeez

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    Great bull!! Very big congrats!
  10. duxngeez

    Seeking Youth Shotgun Advice

    The Weatherby SA-08 20 gauge youth-model is a great gun. It is lightweight and the semi-auto action absorbs a bunch of the recoil. It will shoot 2 3/4 or 3" shells and has interchangeable chokes. The black synthetic stock is kid friendly and they are reasonably priced. Might be a good option for you for the next year or two. You can find used ones, and you can always sell it when he is ready for a 12 if you want. Just my .02. I know someone who has one for sale. Let me know if you want his number.
  11. duxngeez

    16 Foot Commercial Whitewater Raft

    Price reduction, $400.00 Still open to trades.
  12. I am selling a large USED commercial Hypalon raft. I bought it a while ago, and have never used it. I have stored it in air-conditioned storage since I got it, and have filled it up with air a few times to make sure it is doesn't leak. I had big plans of taking the family rafting with it, but it has still never happened. I don't know a lot about this thing, but the person I bought it from said it was from a commercial rafting company that went out of business, and they sold their rafts off. It has definitely been used a bunch, and it is an older raft. It has cracking along a lot of the rubber places, and some of the D-ring mounts should be replaced. The rubber around some of the D-rings is cracked and from what I was told, can be removed and replaced. Some of the seams are lifting, but it doesn't affect it air holding ability. The 4 main chambers all seem to hold air very well, and two of the three center thwarts seem to also. One of the center thwarts was not completely hard like the rest of the boat this morning, since filling it yesterday afternoon. It may have been just because the valve was not completely shut, because when I checked the valve this morning, it was not shut tight. Either way, it holds air very well, and it should serve someone well for several years. My plan was to use it occasionally with my family, but we haven't used it yet, and I don't want to store it anymore. It is full of air right now for whoever wants to take a look at it. Comes with an electric pump, that fills the raft in about 10 minutes. New these rafts cost around $4000.00. I am hoping to get my money out of it, or trade it for something else we may use. Hopefully somebody out there can get some use out of this. Located in NW Peoria/Sun CIty. Would like to get $600 or trade for guns 22-250 .223 .243 O/U 12 Gauge 1911 .40 ? NO junk! Would be willing to add cash to the right deal. Thanks
  13. duxngeez

    Free Sheds, trail cam lock box

    Pm sent
  14. duxngeez

    WTB swarovski 10x42 slc's

    Are you interested in 10x50 SLC's? Have a set to sell. If you are interested let me know. Thanks 602-799-7545
  15. duxngeez

    Hoyt Ultramag Compound Bow

    Man, that is a sweet bow! I used to have that same one, wish I had never sold it. Good luck with the sale.
  16. duxngeez


    PM sent
  17. duxngeez

    Rainy weather pigs --Success!

    Wow, what a nice compliment. Thanks for the kind words.
  18. duxngeez

    Rainy weather pigs --Success!

    Two ten year-olds and an 11 year-old got it done on the rainy opener of the Jr Hunt. The kids all braved the lousy weather and made great shots to fill their tags. The dad's are very proud and the kids had lots of fun. We think they are hooked! The kids hiked without complaining and even helped in glassing up the pigs. Luck was on our side, even though the weather wasn't. My daughter shot her pig with a .218 Bee that my grandfather gave me when I was 9 years old. The kids all made excellent one shot kills, and we (the adults) are so grateful to have been able to experience the hunt with them.
  19. duxngeez

    Camo, brass, gun case, and seal skinz

    Camo arrived yesterday. Thanks Goatsie for another smooth transaction with a CW member!! Everything was just as described. Take care.
  20. duxngeez

    Camo, brass, gun case, and seal skinz

    I will take the camo, PM sent.
  21. duxngeez

    Tessa's first javelina

    Way to go! Congrats to you both.
  22. duxngeez

    Benny's Coues hunt video!!

    Very cool. Way to go!!
  23. duxngeez

    Short But Sweet!! **Updated With Part 2**

    Nice!!!! Congrats to both of you. Way to get it done together.