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About juliuscesar

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  1. juliuscesar

    N E 1 know this guy?

    i bet those people don't know anything about incendiary rounds.
  2. juliuscesar


    Any idea when the regs come out?
  3. juliuscesar

    12.5x50 tract

    he is looking for binos. do you prefer Tract over zeiss? just want to know your opinion, zeiss conquest i'm talking about. thank you for the input.
  4. juliuscesar

    12.5x50 tract

    Does anybody tried or own the tract toric 12.5x50? how they compare to mavens or gpo? this are for a friend and he wants to stay under 1K. thanks.
  5. juliuscesar

    WTS Badlands Ultraday Pack

    Pm sent
  6. juliuscesar

    Binos, GPS, Rangefinder - FOR SALE

    Good for you brotha, but at those prices they got screwed
  7. juliuscesar

    Binos, GPS, Rangefinder - FOR SALE

    Way over price for binos and gps, gps you can find on eBay for $50 or less. That gps was $99.00 brand new 10 years ago if you plan on selling you have to adjust pricing.
  8. juliuscesar

    like new badlands 2200

    pm sent
  9. juliuscesar

    SOLD please delete

    i was looking for something like that for my kid but the kbb max value is 13.900. goodluck with the sale.
  10. juliuscesar

    load help

    i don't have a 7mm mag, is a 7mm mag that you are asking about? but i have the berger manual and this is the data: start load= 62.5/ 2668 ft per second. max load= 69.5/ 2987 ft per second. approx fill ratio 100%. this is for h1000 powder. hope this helps.
  11. juliuscesar

    357 mag for sale

    that is a beauty,do you have it?
  12. It is time we start voting with our wallets. I'm not going to support GE anymore. If we all started watching who we give our money to, it might make a difference on how these companies handle themselves. That goes for Bank of America too. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/25/ge-capital-cuts-off-lending-to-gun-shops/?test=latestnews
  13. juliuscesar

    Hunting Regulations

    does anybody know when the deer regulations come out? Thanks.
  14. juliuscesar

    Swaro's 15x56 for sale

  15. juliuscesar

    Swaro's 15x56 for sale

    I have a pair of swarovskie's for sale, they are 4 years old perfect condition. $ 1525.00