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About mxslaugh

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  • Birthday 03/10/1974

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    Lakeside, AZ
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  1. mxslaugh

    Found in 27

    If you lost something in 27 on the coues deer hunt and can tell me what it was I can send it to you. Returning the good deed because I had a member return my Swarovski spotting scope to me that I had lost!!!😬
  2. mxslaugh

    Item found in Unit 27

    Good people does not begin to describe BeardownAZ. While scouting Unit 27 with a friend on Saturday I put down my swarovski spotting scope. After glassing around the area with our binos we packed up to leave, and I forgot I had taken the scope off my tripod. It was 8 o'clock that night when I realized what I had done. We went back this morning and of course it was gone, and I was devastated. Thanks for Beardown picking it up and posting on Coues Whitetail. I now get to get the scope back, hunt with my kids, and my wife is not as upset with me!
  3. mxslaugh

    Item found in Unit 27

    Pm sent
  4. mxslaugh

    Item found in Unit 27

    Hi I am the friend that assassin is referring to. I just got back from going back to look for it when he called and told me that someone posted that they had found something in 27, that is when my faith in humanity has been restored. I actually cried!, I don't do that often. My phone number is 928-242-8207. Email is mxslaugh@gmail.com Blue Vista lookout. I have the serial numbers
  5. mxslaugh

    Bobcat caught in the ACT!

    That is one of the coolest action pictures that I have ever seen!
  6. mxslaugh

    Dec Tag Filled

    great buck and great story thanks.
  7. mxslaugh

    Nice Coues buck pics

    wow great buck 110!
  8. mxslaugh

    help me out with score

    345 first bull its a 6x7! with good mass and good thirds, second bull 300.
  9. no shot from them saw them a couple days later and they still hadn't killed
  10. I was really worried that it was not going to get cooled enough that night. When we got to him we skinned him and quartered him up. Luckily the meat was intact and cool. Still cant figure out how my flashlight ended up out of my backpack. I usually carry two. I havent been able to eat any of the steaks yet due to dealing with my dad. We went out for a one day scouting trip for my two nephews late 27 bull hunt. The morning started out great clear skies and about 4 of snow. We had planned on going in on horseback on a trail that we had not been on in a while just to see what the fire had done to the area. We got about one mile in and I decided to get off my horse and glass across a canyon. I had just started glassing when I heard some racket behind me, I looked back just in time to see my dads horse falling over. I watched in terror as my dad landed on a downed log. It broke his femur right in half. I am a EMT and work up at Sunrise Park on ski patrol, so I have had some experiences with this before. If you cut the femoral artery you can bleed out within one hour. My dad had his cell phone on him. I thought that there was no way that I was going to get out on it, but I did. After getting to the write 911 operator(greenlee county), I was able to get a Air Evac on the way with my gps coordinates. Long story short and thanks to a lot of good guys and gales my dad is doing fine at home with a new rod in his leg. PS. Pack a signal mirror!!!!!
  11. Ok it has been awhile since my last good Coues (1994), with that being said I haven’t been this excited for a hunt in a long time. My two good friends’ Charlie and Greg were also lucky enough to get drawn for this hunt. We have been able to kill several bucks over 100 in this unit before so my hopes where high for a good buck. Charlie has been hunting for one buck in particular that we thought would score really well. Unfortunately we have not been able to kill this buck yet. We have trailcam pics of him in 2009 & 2010 also. The hunt started a week before the opening day by me going and setting up camp. The bad part was I only found four does the whole time I was there, not a good start. Opening morning finds us glassing up three hunters on horse back going up the same trail as we where. Second strike for the hunt. When we got to a good vantage point to glass back Charlie glassed up a good black bear but the unit had already closed which hasn’t happened in a long time (too bad because I had a bear tag burning a hole in my wallet). We then proceeded to a tank that we had a camera set up on from the week before. Charlie had lead going to the tank it was 8:20 by now and we just wanted to check the camera. Just before we got there we spotted a deer but we didn’t have the angle to see its head. Charlie went up the hill in the direction that the deer had gone to try to get a good shooting lane. The deer came to a fence which it didn’t even hesitate to jump. The next 3.5 seconds seem to go in slow motion, all that I could see was one nice buck running away from us. Over the next seven hours the only thing to come to the tank was three guys on horseback. This was turning out to be one long day but it wasn’t over just yet. Before we got back to camp we got a text from Greg that he had wrecked Charles four-wheeler when going to get another friend that has the late bull tag for the unit and was going to due some scouting with us while we were hunting. Luckily he was all right. We learned one thing from this don’t camp where you can get service because it was on Facebook before we where able to get home (mad wives). The next day was way more uneventful thank goodness, I think. Day three found us glassing country that we thought was normally consider muley country. Then we found three coues deer this was about 7:30 a.m.. They went over the ridge out of view, thankfully we where able to get around on the road to a different vantage point which took us about one hour to do. We then spent about five hours glassing before we finally found this buck agin. The next two hours were spent deciding if I was going to go after this buck. It came down to if I would shoot this buck on the last day or not. I guess pictures speak louder than words. He may not be the biggest but I was dang happy with him. I finally shot him at about 5:35 p.m.. This whitetail weighs a lot! I ended up leaving him on the mountain due to it getting dark and some how I ended up without a light of any kind, not even my cell phone, unheard of in this day and age. This night was one of the longest nights that I have had in some years. The next morning couldn’t come early enough. If it wasn’t for Charlie I don’t know if I would have found my deer. He was covered up by a cat of some sort, no-good paw prints. But got some good pics.
  12. mxslaugh

    Fantasy Football

    i would like in pm sent
  13. mxslaugh

    27 archery antelope

    I went down on Monday and there were no pears at all but saw one good bruin. I'm heading down tomorrow. Can't wait.
  14. mxslaugh

    27 archery antelope

    Too bad that is not in the designated portion of the unit for the hunt! I would of love to had an excuse to learn that part of the unit.
  15. mxslaugh

    27 archery antelope

    I was also lucky enough to draw that tag this year. I am glad to see that another coueswhitetail member drew one of the other two tags. I will be down on eagle creek a couple of day before the hunt starts to do some more scouting (will be the one in a red dodge mega cab). The Arizona Antelope Foundation is having a work project day at double circle ranch on August 13 if you are interested. Unfortunately I have to work that weekend and will not be able to attend. Here is the link http://www.azantelope.org/Events_Calendar/Double_Circle_Ranch_Project/double_circle_ranch_project.html