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About archeryaz

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  • Birthday 03/10/1978

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  • Location
    Kingman Arizona
  • Interests
    Spending time outdoors with my family.

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  1. archeryaz

    Son's first archery pig

    Way to keep at it! Great job!!!
  2. archeryaz

    Another one with the guys!

    Had a great weekend pig hunt, with my sons and close friends. While I was deer hunting, I was able to locate several beards of Javelina. Opening day was a little slow due to the wind and drop in temperature. My youngest son Gavin got one shot, but was just a little to low. Gavin had never taken an animal with his bow, and was a little bummed about the miss. Day two was much better weather, and we were able to glass up a heard. We were able to sneak in and Gavin shot low at 30 yards. I let out some loud calls on the coyote call, and he made a great follow up shot at 40 sealing the deal on his first archery animal. we made it back to the truck and moved to another area. Due to the weather warming up, we skinned Gavin’s pig to get him cooled down and on ice. As we were doing so, Gavin looked up and said “Dad pigs!”I looked over my shoulder and saw two. I ran back to the truck and woke up my other son Gage. Gage was able to grab his bow and after a short stalk, made a great 20 yard shot! I was able to grab my bow, and started after the second pig. About a quarter of a mile later I lost him. As I turned to head back to the boys, I saw another heard. 35 yards and my arrow found it’s mark! I couldn’t believe our luck! We headed back to meet up with our friends who were hunting a different canyon about three miles away, where we had seen another heard while deer hunting. We met up with Randy and Christian. We glassed for a little while, and turned up the heard. Randy and Christian were able to get to the pigs, and Randy made an awesome 42 yard shot. We went 4 out of 5, not a bad day!
  3. archeryaz

    Time well spent

    So my oldest son wanted to go deer hunting with me today. It has taken a little getting used to with him being his own person, school, work, and doing his own thing. So when he asked to go, I made sure it was gonna happen. well deer hunting was a little slow, so we made it home around 2:00 pm. Gage then told me he wanted to go somewhere we could do some calling and glass for deer. We loaded the truck again, and off for the last part of our day. We made it to an area we hadn’t looked at for deer yet. made our first stand and blanked. Stand number 2, and at about the 12 minute mark, the 12 gauge barked. I looked to my left to see the dust clear and coyote number one was on the ground. stand number 3, at about the 12 second mark, and again the scatter gun made its point! Dog number 2 was in the bag! Great time with a great young man! Thanks buddy! Oh and this was Gages first two coyotes with the shotgun!
  4. archeryaz

    ISO Mathews Bow

    Sent you a private message.
  5. archeryaz

    2020 youth hunt

    It was a tough year for sure. We have seen several deer in the area we hunted in years past. A lot less deer for sure.
  6. archeryaz

    2020 youth hunt

    Well the youngest drew another youth tag this year. I was able to go out the day before the hunt and check the areas from last year, with no deer being found. 5 miles of boot leather and 120 mile on the tire tread, and I could not find a single deer. Our close family friend Luke was able to go out with us on opening day. We were able to find three does first thing in the morning, and not another deer was seen until 5:30 that afternoon. Luke came through once again, when he was able to glass a single deer. We were able to confirm not only was it a buck, but he was definitely a shooter. We were able to hike into the area, and get Gavin set up. Luke ranged the buck, and I dialed the scope. Gavin made a great shot, and his tag was filled. I’m starting to think he has a thing for 3x4’s as this is second one in two years. This is his best buck to date. Great day in the woods, with a great kid and, a great friend!
  7. archeryaz

    Father and Son duo

    Great job guys! Love it!
  8. archeryaz

    Sheep tag in the family

    Incredible ram, very happy for that young lady! Congratulations to all involved!
  9. archeryaz

    Grandsons best buck

    An awesome buck for sure! Congratulations guys, way to get it done!
  10. archeryaz

    Boys got it done!

    Thanks you all for the kind words. I have been very lucky to share this time with my sons, and close friends.
  11. archeryaz

    Boys got it done!

    This was a great and special hunt. My oldest (Gage) had been looking forward to this hunt since he found out he, and his brother had been drawn. My youngest son (Gavin) was looking forward to the opportunity to try and take his first big game animal. Day one started with 16 deer, as luck would have it there was a two point with the group. Gavin was up to bat, after getting Gavin set up, the deer ranged, and the rifle dialed, Gavin let loose. Swing and a miss! I later checked the rifle and found that the turret on the rifle was off a complete revolution. Dads fault. Little did we know it was the best thing that could of happened. Gavin was clearly upset, but Gage told him we would find a better buck, and it was only the first hour of opening day. The following day, our close friend Luke was able to come and help with glassing duty. After finding some deer, with only one small buck, Luke announced he had three bucks. The bucks were feeding and appeared to be heading to bed down. We were able to watch the bucks bed down, and make note of where they were. As we were making plans to get closer, two trucks drove past our glassing spot, waved and continued towards the bedded bucks. I was nervous, but Luke assured me they had not seen the deer. We watched as the group of seven people walked out towards where the bucks had gone into some thick stuff. Luke decided to walk out to a point, and side hill around to where we had last seen the deer. We made it to a vantage point and began to glass. A short time later one of the three bucks was seen, now on his feet watching the other group of hunters. After about 20 minutes the buck Bedded back down. Luke found a better vantage point where we figured the boys may be able to get a shot. As we moved into position, we found the other group of hunters were leaving. I was able to get the boys set up for a shot. Luke was able to locate two of the three bucks. Gavin was able to find the deer in the scope. Luke and I prepared Gage, and the plan was made to let Gavin shoot the buck he was on as soon as it stood up. We knew the better of the two other bucks had to be close, even though we could not see him. I told Gage to be ready, as we were sure the the buck would stand and show himself as soon as Gavin fired. Then the wait started. The boys stayed on their rifles for well over an hour, as Gavin’s buck stayed bedded right out in the open and the sun. We were sure the buck would stand anytime to move out of the sun. During our wait, Gavin was able to dry fire on the buck, and prepare himself for the shot. At about an hour and a half, Gavin’s buck finally stood up. Luke continued to watch as I was between the boys. I told Gavin, to breath and press the trigger. As the shot broke, Luke called HIT! At the shot, the third buck stood and showed his hiding spot. As the buck stood, Gage shot. The shot was right over the bucks back. Gage kept his composure, worked the bolt and made an awesome follow up shot! We packed up our things and started towards where the deer had last been seen running into some scrub oak. When we got to the area, Luke was able to find Gavin’s deer was down. As Gavin was headed towards his buck, he found Gages buck which was also down! After some hugs and pictures, Luke made his way back to the truck, while Gavin, Gage, and I started the field dressing and packing. Luke was going to drive around an pick us up. As we were picking out, I was able to share a story with the boys of an elk hunt I had with my dad when I was about 15, that required a pack out very similar to the one we were on. I shared with them how difficult it was, and how I would never forget it. Both boys told me they wouldn’t forget this one, nor would I. We got back to the truck around 8:30 pm. Tired cold and hungry! We wouldn’t have changed anything! The boys were thrilled with their bucks. Gavin’s buck was a great 3x4! Gages buck was his best yet. A 4x5 with eye guards. A special thanks to Luke, we couldn’t have done it without you!
  12. archeryaz

    Another first for my son!

    So when it came time to put in, my oldest son told me he wanted to put in for archery bull this year. I was not surprised after being successful during his archery antelope hunt last year. Results came out and sure enough his luck continued with his first ever archery bull tag! And to top it off he was issued the last tag in the unit. After a few scouting trips, plans were made. My cousin was able to provide me with sightings of some elk, as well as some sightings by a couple friends. Things started off very slow with no rut activity being seen. As the hunt went on, we had a close call with a great bull, but it just did not seem to be in the cards that day. As the hunt went on I was truly inspired by his dedication and never quit attitude. With every missed opportunity, he just seemed to be that much more driven to get it done. We went several days with not so much as a sighting of an elk. After his last weekend, his mom and I agreed to let him miss two days of school, so he could finish off his hunt, with the understanding that he would make arrangements to get his assignments he would miss ahead of time. His reply, “done”. We headed out for the last two days. The morning of day one, 10 minutes into glassing a bull was spotted with a single cow. We made the move. Swing and a miss! Back to glassing. Found another bull with two cows, off we went! With a little help from the wind, we were able to get to within 62 yards of the bull as he was bedded down with his cows. Then the waiting game. We could not go any further due to the position of the cows. After about 45 minutes, we were busted by one of the cows. The bull stood up, and he let the arrow fly, as the arrow impacted, elk exploded in every direction! The two cows we originally saw turned into twenty in an instant. Gage told me he thought he had shot over the bull. I was able to get a quick look through my 10’s as the bull was leaving. I could make out blood coming from his mouth. I reassured him it was a hit, and what I believed to be a good one. We walked back to where we had dropped our packs, a quick scan showed the bull was down in a flat. After some phone calls to some very close friends for help, we took some quick pictures. We started on field dressing and breaking the bull down to get him out of the sun as fast as we could. Great ending to an even greater hunt!
  13. archeryaz

    My boy's Muzzle loader Antelope

    Congrats to the both of you! Nothing like spending time with your kids hunting!
  14. archeryaz

    .243 Coues load

    My go to load for this kind of hunting is a 95 grain Berger VLD, with H-4350. Shoots great, and is very deadly! Best of luck!
  15. archeryaz

    First antelope on opening day

    Great buck! Congratulations!