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Coues Kid

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Everything posted by Coues Kid

  1. Congrats to everybody. that there is a pig killing fest.
  2. Coues Kid

    another new hunter joins us (part II)

    Way to get it done and help out lance congrats to dan.
  3. Coues Kid

    First Archery Success!

  4. Coues Kid

    Opining day double

    That's awesome congrats.
  5. Coues Kid

    Bailee's first pig!

    Heck of a pig right there congrats.
  6. Coues Kid

    A Big Tom for Sam Rose

    Good lion congrats.
  7. Coues Kid

    Cool lion pic

    Bang!! Awesome pic thanks for sharing.
  8. Coues Kid

    My 6a cow

    Great story nice cow congrats.
  9. Coues Kid

    Big Archery Desert Mule Deer

    Stud of a buck and beautiful mount.
  10. Coues Kid

    Father and Sons...3 Bucks in 2 Days!

    Nice work Dale.
  11. What a trophy congratulations. Great footage and awesome video.
  12. Coues Kid

    New years eve, 2013 buck

    Great trophy congrats.
  13. Coues Kid


    Cool pics.
  14. I'm boiling my deer skull over a fire going on about a hour of boiling how long should I do it for.
  15. Coues Kid

    Found a few coues today

    Great pics thanks for sharing.
  16. Coues Kid

    20B first time pig

    Awesome story, nice pig, and great pics congrats.
  17. Coues Kid

    My Grandfather and his coues

    Nice buck looks like its a big bodied deer.
  18. Coues Kid

    how long do you boil a skull

    Im doing it outback over a fire.
  19. Coues Kid

    how long do you boil a skull

    Its been in the frezzer, boiled it for about an hour or a little longer pulled it out cleaned it off. I was surprised at how much it cleaned off in 1 session I'll do it again in a few days after it dries out.
  20. Coues Kid

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Sorry to hear that hope your uncle gets his money back sad to say but there is more than 1 shady outfitter out there.
  21. Coues Kid

    Big ANTLER I found a couple of years ago

    I want to see that bull with them size antlers.
  22. Coues Kid

    Covert Mp6 Photos: SUCCESS! **more pics added**

    Great pics thanks for posting.
  23. Coues Kid

    #11 and counting ...

    I was talking to my dad yesterday about all this, nobody cared about the lions until they put the sheep in there. since then the cat lovers have made a big deal about killing them but here's the thing everybody is so worried about these sheep. take a minute and think about how many deer we loose from lion attacks or how freaked out deer are up there. Killing 3 lions is not going to make that much of a difference but it will help out the area where the sheep are trying to live.
  24. Coues Kid

    My 2012 and 2013 OTC Archery Bucks

    Great bucks congrats.