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Coues Kid

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Everything posted by Coues Kid

  1. Coues Kid

    Bull Basin Archery

  2. Coues Kid

    unit one info

    was up there since friday on friday morning heared a couple gobblers nothing came in yesterday morning didnt here one gobble this morning heard 2 gobblers but they were with hens and not coming in really hard hunt fishing is great at big lake right now.
  3. Coues Kid

    Lions, Snakes, Illegals, Oh My!

    great story and pics.
  4. Coues Kid

    Hows the fishing

    good to hear about big lake heading up on Thursday should be alot of fun
  5. Coues Kid

    Easter in the Valley of Fire

    nice pics.
  6. Coues Kid

    A couple of nice bass and a Gila Monster

    nice fish i have never came across a Gila monster other than behind glass cool pics.
  7. Coues Kid

    My First Archery Turkey!!

    nice turkey good job congrats.
  8. Coues Kid


    i hit the salt end that friday at 1:00 pm just caught 6 or 7 for the 2 hours i was in that area but lost like 10 plus fish they would get of right at the boat great time though.
  9. Coues Kid

    Making the Best of a Rainy Day

    im hungry
  10. Coues Kid


    launched at school house everyday fish the salt and end and across from the ramp on the other side boated about 15 and lost a crap load right at the boat on spinner baits and buzz baits.
  11. Coues Kid


    heading up in the morning should be a fun weekend.
  12. Coues Kid

    Roosevelt is hoppin

    cant wait will be there next friday.
  13. Coues Kid

    Roosevelt is hoppin

    cant wait headed up there in 2 weeks.
  14. Coues Kid

    My First Lion

    good job congrats.
  15. Coues Kid

    Catching bass at Roosevelt!

    right on.
  16. Coues Kid


    bass thats all i fish for lol.
  17. Coues Kid


    heading down to patty on Sunday gonna go see how fishing is will report when i get back.
  18. Coues Kid


    lake is super clear temp was 51 and 52 caught 2 fish great day on the water.
  19. Coues Kid


    good looking boat good luck on the sale.
  20. Coues Kid

    anyone been to san carlos?

    have a friend going up on friday i will try to get a report when he comes back.
  21. Coues Kid

    snow in the Silverbells

    nice pics.
  22. Coues Kid

    Got my Golden Gambel back

    that looks cool.
  23. Coues Kid

    3 for 3 thanks to CWT

    congrats guys.
  24. Coues Kid

    Another Unit 27 Javelina
