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Coues Kid

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Everything posted by Coues Kid

  1. Coues Kid

    Little Sisters Buck

    Awesome buck congrats.
  2. Coues Kid

    The gift buck

    Congrats on a great buck.
  3. Coues Kid

    Amazing bull a 10 year old may never top!!

    Awesome story congrats on a beautiful bull he will have memories forever.
  4. Coues Kid

    11 year old scores an awesome buck!! Pic heavy...

    Wow what a trophy congrats to both of you. All that hard work and freezing you butts off definitely paid off.
  5. I would just hang it up on the wall like that.
  6. Coues Kid

    First Timer

    Let me have the video camera ready so when that buck smells you I can get it on tape haha.
  7. Coues Kid

    Caseys 30" Muley, 1st deer!

    Wow what an awesome buck congrats can't beat hunting 1 day and shooting a buck like that.
  8. Coues Kid

    Sons first Javelina

    At least you got a pig that weather was pretty rough that's for sure.
  9. Coues Kid

    Colleen and Erika's Coues Bucks

    Those are both great looking bucks congrats.
  10. Coues Kid

    Late Rifle Bull Elk

    Congrats on a great looking bull. Welcome to the site
  11. Coues Kid

    Bucks & Birds = A Good Day

    Can't beat glassing deer and shooting a limit of dove all in the same day. Good luck on your archery hunt.
  12. Coues Kid

    Late rifle bull

    Good looking bull heck of a shot.
  13. Coues Kid

    My son shot a big bear

    Nice bear thats a pretty big skull.
  14. Coues Kid

    Garrett's bull

    Great looking bull congrats.
  15. Coues Kid

    Opening Morning Bull

    Congrats on your first bull and good shooting
  16. Coues Kid

    22N Late Archery Success AAR

    Good job congrats.
  17. Coues Kid

    Opening day ram!

    Nice congrats.
  18. Coues Kid

    And...so it begins...

    dang that was quick wonder what killed it probably had a heart attack running from a lion lol
  19. Coues Kid

    772lbs black bear

    Holy Moly yogi needed to go on a diet heck of a bear there.
  20. Coues Kid

    my 23 late rifle bull hunt.

    Congrats hard work and time pays off.
  21. Coues Kid

    35B help please Black Friday...

    Flux canyon and soldier basin is another good area just gotta glass and glass till you find deer they are in there.
  22. I was up there Nov 8 for 3 days I have Verizon and I could not get service at all my buddy did pick up tell cell must have been from mexico.
  23. Coues Kid


    Good luck this weekend should be good weather let us know how you guys do.
  24. Coues Kid

    First coues and awsum shot

    Awesome buck and awesome shot congrats on a nice first buck.
  25. Coues Kid

    Wife's Mulie

    Congrats on a good buck.