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Week'nd WaRRior

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Everything posted by Week'nd WaRRior

  1. Week'nd WaRRior

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    Again more safer than Van Buren on a Tuesday night!
  2. Week'nd WaRRior

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    Never meant to say that they would kill me, It's just the way they have been acting lately doesn't matter what Creed they are. Look, The legalization of Hippie weed in some states and medicinal in others has taken a big hit to the cartels down south. They don't know what to do, And If you don't believe it there is a qouta among all border agencies to produce Busts,,,,Less Weed More Pressure!
  3. Week'nd WaRRior

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    30k in Az, No Az Softie I'm just stating the Facts over the last 6 years all that stuff is from south of our units. Have you been threw a Bp checkpoint lately? The Guys asking questions are Ready to Fire even if you kick a rock getting outta the truck,,,,Just keep yourself in the Valley of the Meth,,,and hunt the Matazals and hope you don't run into a Meth Lab!!!
  4. Week'nd WaRRior

    Would you take your kids to hunt down south?

    Your fine. Hunt Quail and Duck throughout So. Az. with my 12 yr old never an issue during those seasons, From the past 6 years that i've started rifle hunting again, I have seen 0 Illegals, 0 pack mules, but have found evidence of their presence that was years old. I hunt in a supposed corridor area 36c and just shake my head at the way the Bp tear up everything looking for Their enemies. Hauling you now what down the road, Helicopter buzzing at night, Drones quietly overhead. Every single time i stop and ask them what was goin on last night same response, We were chasing but didn't find anyone or anything. I'm still waiting for them to barrel in and start something with our group, We're all American Mexicans with guns/tags, I'm more worried about a rookie Bp with an itchy trigger finger when i'm out there, Just my opinion from an American Mexican Hunter.
  5. Week'nd WaRRior

    Anyone seeing Pre-Rut activity yet?

    Missed on a nice 3x4 that was hanging out with 3 does in 36c. His neck was so swollen he looked like the bucks do in Jan. Instead of breaking away from the girls he butt horned them all the way up and over the canyon i was in. 10 min later he was way out and i could still see him Haulin butt with his girls. Only buck I got a crack at all weekend
  6. Week'nd WaRRior

    36c info

    You drew an Az premium tag (DEC COUES) and your just beginning to do research now, Man some people have all the luck!!!
  7. Week'nd WaRRior


    Beautiful Buck, Congratulations!
  8. Week'nd WaRRior

    2013 Buck

    Very Nice Congrats!
  9. Week'nd WaRRior

    36c illegal activity

    Been going out since Sept, And hitting the Tanks in the flats for Ducks since the opener on the way out. Have not seen one. Figured around the tanks we would, but not even tracks. They hit the other side of the Mountain Range {Res Land) hard this time of year. They don't want run ins with Americans with Guns!!!
  10. Week'nd WaRRior

    my 2013 Southern AZ Borderland coues deer.

    Way to Go, Nice buck!
  11. Week'nd WaRRior

    Newish to hunting, drew 36C

    Like scout m said getting into areas that have no vehicle access is the key to this unit. Our favoriate unit to hunt. Last year we tried a different unit and I kicked myself in the rear every day just knowing I was wasting my time with the Zoo of hunters in that unit. We hunt this unit by parking and getting a minimum of 4 miles from any road and that's when the Glasses get taken out. you must learn to glass, and glass, And when your eyes are burning glass some more. Get that Rifle as soon as possible and start practicing now, Nov will be here sooner than you think. Also, Not all the bucks are up in the mountains. We've seen bruisers down in the flats were you think it's typical muley country. As far as camping we've never had any issues regarding Crossers, But you must always be aware of your surrondings. Coolest thing we did 2 years ago was spotlighting a Drone that hovered us at night for a Half hour. The Bucks are there, Not so many hunters like other units, and If you choose you'll never see another hunter. Last 5 yrs in the unit we've seen a total of 2 other hunters. Get out and scout and stay positive. Staying positive during any deer hunt is the key. Good Luck!
  12. Week'nd WaRRior

    What do do you think.

    Sinaloa whitetail, Cabritos Spanish for small goat. Half the size of a Coues I'm talking tiny. Litlle perfect 3x4 or bigger racks. Seen em in the Pozo Verde mountains in 36c many years ago. Also in 36b at the end of walker canyon. Even got a shot off with my bow on one. Those little guys were always in buckbrush and catclaw. The famous Jack O Conner wrote an article bout em "Dwarf Deer of Sonora" circa 1963. The old watering holes /bars in nogales had beautiful little racks all over their walls. Ow how want one so bad
  13. Week'nd WaRRior

    drew a Dec tag

    36c The most underated Unit in the State. 68 yr old Pops is already planning our scouting sessions starting next week. Turkey sammiches and Coues Huntin with Jefe, Ready,,,Set,,,Go!!!
  14. Week'nd WaRRior

    The results are up!

    36c CouesThanksgiving Hunt. Pops is as stoked as I am!!!
  15. Week'nd WaRRior

    Draw Results are Posted

    Jefe and Me 2nd choice 36c Thanksgiving Coues,,,,Already chomping at the Bit!!!
  16. Week'nd WaRRior

    Shorts on the 3rd Hunt!

    Looks like we'll be wearing shortpants on the 3rd opener. Would'nt have it any other way. I love ARIZONA!!!
  17. Week'nd WaRRior

    Rutting activity already?

    Very Nice Buck you got there young man. Way To Go Congrats!!!
  18. Week'nd WaRRior

    3 for 3: Best Season Yet

    Right on, What a heck of a year. Congats!!!
  19. Week'nd WaRRior

    First Coues Hunt

    Congrats and thanks for sharing. Awesome pics also!
  20. Week'nd WaRRior

    The Red Ryder Buck

    Huge Applause,,,,,,The Story and the BUCK too!!!
  21. Week'nd WaRRior

    Courtney's 2012 coues

    Awesome Congrats. And tell her Girlie Hunters ROCK!!!
  22. Week'nd WaRRior

    3 Down 1 To Go Unit 33

    Awesome and Congrats. Hunting and tagging with Family makes it that much sweeter. Good luck on the GFs tag. Looks like your hunting in an area where most people won't concentrate on Couse too!
  23. Week'nd WaRRior


    Awesomeness, One heck of a first deer. Congrats!!!
  24. Week'nd WaRRior

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    It's all about the hunter not the bullet right? If you have the equipment and confidance in making a shot like that I say go for it. I would never attempt a shot like that, I won't even shoot past 400yds, I don't feel confidant doing so, and when I'm hunting with Stick And String never over 50 yds. Again, It's the Indian not the Rifle!!!
  25. Week'nd WaRRior

    My 1st WT!

    Mighty Fine Eats right there,,,,,Congrats!!!