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Everything posted by grizzly

  1. Love to see Saturday shoots, I will definitely try to make it. Is there a regular range or course there or is this a special setup?
  2. grizzly

    Sportsman's warehouse

    I was down at the Greenfield store yesterday and thats what I was told. Chapter 11 is good news though because it means they will stay open. As for Bass Pro and Cabelas, who cares? They can both go away. I never spend money at either place because its so hard to get help from anyone who knows whats going on.
  3. grizzly

    3 quads for sale.

    You said possible trade for firearms, I have a Weatherby 30.06 with a stainless barrel and synthetic stock, Nikon Monarch 3-9 variable scope. Email if interested, grizzlyplumbing@yahoo.com.
  4. grizzly

    3 quads for sale.

    Is the Suzukin a 4wd or 2wd?
  5. grizzly

    60mph Barn Owl

    Those barn owls are protected species, Im afraid you will need to come with us.
  6. grizzly

    White Dodge single cab 1500

    Cool, that was the truck, I will have to say hi next time Im in there, I usually park in the back cause its closer to the archery but my brother bought a 3D deer target and I drove him to the front to drop it off.
  7. Sticker was on the tailgate, I hung around for awhile to see if you would come out and chat. Expose yourself JimBob! (Fletch)
  8. grizzly


    February of 02 I seen a couple bucks in there, out of season of course, south side of Dynamite road. One was a really wide forky. I been back during season several times since and havent seen anything. I have ridden my mtn bike up there a few times also and only saw deer the one time.
  9. grizzly

    Valley bow shop?

    If you are gonna be down in the valley anyway I would try Bear Mountain and Archery Headquarter, both Mathews dealers and both good proshops.
  10. grizzly


    there are three levels of operator and you only need to know morse code for the highest level.
  11. grizzly


    Ive seen the pics on here just a few weeks after a group effort cleanup it looked like nobody had done a thing. I have also seen firsthand while hunting down there. I remember seeing panties hanging in bushes all over the place and wondering about it, was told by BP guard that is how coyotes mark their territory, they rape their women clients and then hang the panties up there. Something the media wont tell you about the illegals but I think everyone should know what kind of people are doing this.
  12. grizzly


    Or you can pm grizzly and pick up one of his for cheap.
  13. grizzly

    Anyone shoot a Mathews S2?

    I havent shot the S2 but I have owned 8 different Mathews models including the Dren LD I shoot now, and all have been top notch bows. I have heard the S2 is similar to the Switchback XT from a few years ago, which may have been my favorite Mathews of all of them, just wish it would come in a 31" draw.
  14. grizzly


    Do you participate on any of the daily nets? There used to be one I would get on every morning between 7-8 that would ask different trivia facts and everyone would put in a guess to see who was closest. I guess the repeater got damaged in a storm and I never found it again after that.
  15. grizzly


    I am KE7IMZ but I am currently unable to use my equipment due to a pacemaker I had installed, the signal would interfere with my function. I have a truck mount and hand mount I may have to sell soon.
  16. I posted this in the Miscellaneous section, those who have the Outdoor Channel can watch Fred Eichler on a coues hunt this week. Set your dvr now.
  17. I just saw the preview from last weeks dvr recording and it said Fred Eichler would be hunting coues deer this week, for those of you that have the Outdoor Channel here is a heads up.
  18. grizzly

    What do i get her

    I bought my wife the Martin Leopard for Christmas a year ago. Midnight blue, cause she didnt want camo. The bow comes with a 15 lb draw weight adjustment, all of the modules for different draw lengths, its a single cam so it draws smoothly and like all Martins it was very affordable. Good luck.
  19. grizzly

    Our archery success... (pic heavy)

    well just clean off the whole mountain why dont ya. Didnt bother leaving any for the rest of us huh?
  20. grizzly

    What type of drop away rest!

    I have put the Ripcord on my last 4 bows and convinced my hunting buddies to install at least 3. Its a great rest, easy to install and time and it will hold your arrow at the ready before you draw.
  21. grizzly

    My Lion Story

    maybe think about switching broadheads? You shoot expandables now?Either way, cool story.
  22. grizzly

    Whats better!

    My brother tried to shoot fobs out of my Q2XL, the spacer showed they would clear but the very first shot cut through the brand new winners choice cable I had put on just a month earlier.
  23. grizzly

    Think Arizona is crowded?

    I used to live there, never hunted there though. Doesnt matter how many deer they kill it will never be enough. I think the Pa deer are like lab rats, they reproduce 5 times a year.
  24. grizzly


    We will know for sure on Monday. I just bought the Dren LD last year and dont think I will be in the market for a new one... unless its really cool.
  25. grizzly

    Badlands 2800???

    Sorry, my 40" waist and I have no sympathy for you.