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Everything posted by grizzly

  1. so its Bush's fault that Lark looks like a monkey?
  2. grizzly


    My brother hit one with his truck in Queen Creek about a year ago, he took the pelt to a taxidermy, dont know if he ever got it back.
  3. grizzly

    7e elk hunt

    So smokin those leaves will take care of diahrea, hemroids, and get me high? Dude I cant wait to go huntin!
  4. Is that in the Grapevine area? I have seen a few pics and one mount of elk come out of there like that. Some kind of weird genetic trait in that area.
  5. grizzly

    You ultra mag shooters

    I havae the Nikon Monarch 5.5-16 on my 300mag, not an ultra mag but I think it would do the job well.
  6. grizzly

    Vogue vs peta

    Well I do have some German in my heritage so maybe I have found my lifes calling!
  7. grizzly

    Vogue vs peta

    "Wintour is fur-bearing animals worst enemy" These people have obviously never been to this sight! This is why I carry concealed, I would consider a cream pie to be deadly force and would respond in kind
  8. grizzly

    more tapia news

    The woman just wants to see her son, and if she has to go to the pokie to see him she will do it.
  9. Just wonderin who has put in for Javys already and what the most popular areas are. I personally like 37b, Ive seen them in there alot but have yet to shoot one.
  10. grizzly

    Unit 21 Question.

    I spent two days archery in 21, a little north of Sunset point rest area, black and bare and not a deer nor a poop to be found. Very frustrating, since I had scouted and found a toad up there last year. Also alot of the roads that I took my truck on last year were no longer accessible because they had put up large mounds of dirt for erosion control. Hope you have better luck.
  11. grizzly

    Unit 32

    I think the charging thing is a good idea, they are obviously not going to retire on $20 a person, and people respect things more when they pay for them. Plus its a good way to keep track of who goes in and out. I dont know what past instances have inspired this but on the surface it looks better than the old bat that locked up her road that everyone keeps complaining about.
  12. Hey guys how can you expect gnoto's uncle to remember what area the mountain ranges are in? Read closer, he "hunted" there in the 60's, so maybe those hunting trips really were trips!
  13. grizzly

    .17 HMR VS. 22MAG

    DesertBull brought up the barrell switching gun, I have a Rossi that switches from .22 to 20 guage, (for my kids). Very inexpensive, reasonably accurate and only takes about 30 seconds to switch barrells. I bought it at one of those gun shops in AJ out on Apache Trail. I would think if you are undecided between two calibers that may be the way to go.
  14. HOLY SCHNIKEES!!!! He definitely has better dance moves, but he is just so fat.
  15. Heads up! Just caught this on my TIVO, looks like it will run again Fri night at 7pm. on Outdoor Channel.
  16. grizzly


    Dang that would suck to get suspended right in the middle of hunting season! I dont know what I would have done having all sorts of excused absences and free time in September. Maybe you could work on some hurricane relief baskets to pass the time, or something should come to mind. Either way Im sure you will learn your lesson from this "If this is torture, chain me to the wall!"
  17. grizzly

    36b 12/16 - 12/31 hunt

    BRAVO!! BRAVO!! Well done AjoHunter! Mother Gue never raised such a fool child!
  18. I just went back and printed out the story as reprinted here on this sight about the archery hunter who was murdered. As one who hunts alone from time to time I will put this in my pack with my tags and licence. Should the need arise I will show it to the warden as evidence that I not only am packing knowingly but willfully. Should he then decide to ticket me I will fight it with the judge. That would suck to have your hunting privileges taken away. It would suck even more to have your living privileges taken away. I REFUSE TO BECOME A VICTIM !! Especially to people who have no right to be here in my country! To each his own, but choose wisely.
  19. grizzly

    Who Shot At ME????

    The real important issue that I think is being lost in all of the emotion is: When did they actually make those decals? I saw the post of people talking about what a great idea it was but I thought it had died on the vine. I want one too! And by the by grayghos why dont you go ahead and turn me in too because you will NEVER find me hunting in a southern unit without my Smith and Wesson. Laws are for those who respect laws, and as soon as my government does what I pay it to do I will leave my sidearm at home! Happy and safe hunting Partner!
  20. grizzly

    Weird website

    Whoever invented this sight was way too smart for his own good. He apparently didnt picture a bunch of good ol boys sittin around trying to analyze the humor/sattire/parody/morals that these "animals" are displaying. Still dont think its an anti sight, just a very confusing attempt at reverse-psychology.
  21. grizzly

    Weird website

    Not an anti-hunting sight, just a parody. I watched some of the videos. I think the idea is that Primos calls are so effective that the animals are banding together to get rid of them. Very creative but a little confusing.
  22. I was 14 when I got my first bow and practiced with that old Martin alot. I talked my uncle into taking me hunting with him in January, we went behind Butcher Jones Beach, he had a javalina and deer tag, I only had money for a javalina tag( over the counter back then, bought it at Yellow Front) My uncles deer tag was for any deer, we were sitting down eating lunch when a large doe walked right behind us about 20 yards away, fairly steep uphill. My uncle quickly grabbed his bow and took aim, I whispered that since it was uphill he needed to aim high, his first shot went right over the does back. The startled deer didnt move but looked at us, his next shot went even higher, hitting off of the rock face behind the deer with a loud smack. The deer then began to trot away as my uncle chased after, trying to knock an arrow on the run and yelling at the deer to come back.
  23. grizzly


    As a contractor I cant help how much I drive, often with a trailer and/or heavy equipment, I spend about $800 a month just on gas. I can only imagine what kind of hunting equipment that would buy me.