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Everything posted by grizzly

  1. grizzly

    what will he score?

    Hey treestandman, how is the rehab coming? sounds like you are back in action. I think we have a mutual friend named chris the quarterback. hope you are doing well, nice buck by the way.
  2. grizzly

    Any luck in unit 21??

    not sure exactly where, he only told me "up near the lake" but he was with my other brother (about 28) so maybe.
  3. grizzly

    Any luck in unit 21??

    Hey TLH I did get to see the rack today. not big but very pretty, 3x3 with eyeguards, very symmetrical and good wrap around on the main beams. He is very proud of it.
  4. grizzly

    37B piggies or archery deer?

    I have the same tag, I would be willing to hook something up with you. I was planning on going down there over the weekend but I have been home sick as a dog.
  5. grizzly

    Any luck in unit 21??

    My 18 yr old brother called me on Saturday from 21, he was just finishing loading up his first deer in the truck.
  6. grizzly

    Need a little Help.

    We had this discussion several months ago, try looking in the archives under "carrying a handgun while archery hunting." Lot of good points and arguments on both sides. What they all came down to in the end was: take your own chances with the illegals or with the game ranger.
  7. grizzly

    Mace's Buck

    Looks like mama got humped by a muley! Even the ears on that guy are huge. Maybe that is one of the deer living out by the Palo Verde plant, drinking out of the magic river.
  8. grizzly

    Good Article

    Cool article, I dont know how anxious I would be to stand armed guard over a group of illegals though.
  9. grizzly


    are you saying the kid shot the animal twice in the chest with a 300 mag and the buck lived to be seen again? maybe I misread but that seems incredible.
  10. grizzly

    Lion in Queen Creek

    Those emus run in the thousands of dollars each! I hope he had insurance or that could wipe out a regular joe. The bird ranch down by Tucson is the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Farm just off the I-10.
  11. grizzly

    Don't write bad checks...

    Wow, a felony? if thats the case I should have gotten the chair by now!
  12. grizzly

    big two point

    a two point that measures 105!?! I have to see those pics, figure out your camera, man!!
  13. grizzly


    Those are huge for blacktail. I love that droptine on the last deer.
  14. grizzly

    Spring Draw Available

    I got my 37B archery pig tag! something to look forward to.
  15. grizzly

    How far off of the road?

    If we were meant to hike, God would not have invented quads !!!
  16. grizzly

    New Member

    ahhh, fresh meat!
  17. Hunting on Saturday in 30A, I was glassing with a tripod, sitting on the ground. I felt something running on my calf inside my pants, thought it was a lizard and shook my leg, BAM! I lifted my pants and found a stinger in my calf. I assumed a bee since the stinger was still there. Never got the raised welt like a bee, now my calf is purple and swollen and hurts to walk. I never saw the critter but Im assuming it was a scorpion. Ever happen to anyone else?
  18. grizzly


    seen one a few weeks ago while quad riding, my kids got a kick out of it , being the first theyve seen ever.
  19. grizzly


    I knew he loved us! Welcome back man, have a cold one on me.
  20. grizzly

    Deer Bating?

    It is illegal (salt) to bait deer (salt) in Arizona (salt). So know the laws and obey the laws, but there are some grey areas (salt) in the laws.
  21. grizzly

    Illegals on your Hunt!!

    Hey rigutierrez, you say that the police are there to protect us, sadly that is not the case. There was a case several years ago where a man sued the police for failing to respond in a timely manner to his call for help. It was ruled in a court of law that the police do not have a responsibility to protect you as an individual. Therefore your own personal safety is up to you. And while we are all throwing around blame for the problem at DC and the Border Patrol lets not leave out the ACLU which makes it their pet project to run to the aid of every illegal who is looked at cross-eyed.
  22. grizzly

    Illegals on your Hunt!!

    There is really no excuse for Mexico to be in the shape it is. They have all of the natural resources necessary to be a super-power. The corruption in the government is inexcusable. I heard a talk-show host last week say that if the US werent artificially propping up their economy there would have been a revolution to overthrow the government within the last 20 years. Something to think about, if that is the case we are not only hurting ourselves by allowing them to be here we are hurting them.
  23. grizzly

    CouesWhitetail.com Stickers!

    I just ordered mine! Amanda I think you just found the perfect way to get all of us tightwads to open the purse strings for a donation. Maybe you could do like PBS and for $100 you get a tote bag
  24. grizzly

    wifes gonna kill me

    Just happened to a good friend of mine, he bought a Harley, wife said "Then I want bQQbs" How do you lose in that situation?